On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 at 12:36, Jerry Chen wrote:
For better or for worse, I have created a patch against the py3k trunk which introduces a binary operator '@' as an alternative syntax for the new string formatting system introduced by PEP 3101 ("Advanced String Formatting"). [1]
It seems to me that this topic is more appropriate for python-ideas. That said, I'm -1 on it. The 'keywords as last item of tuple' reeks of code-smell to my nose, and I don't think you've addressed all of the reasons for why a method was chosen over an operator. Python has a tradition of having "one obvious way" to do something, so introducing an "alternative" syntax that you admit is sub-optimal does not seem to me to have enough benefit to justify breaking that design guideline. Congratulations on your first foray into the core, though :) --David