ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2022-04-08 - 2022-04-15) Python tracker at https://bugs.python.org/ To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue. Do NOT respond to this message. Issues counts and deltas: open 7146 ( +0) closed 51841 ( +0) total 58987 ( +0) Open issues with patches: 2890 Most recent 15 issues with no replies (15) ========================================== #47258: Python 3.10 hang at exit in drop_gil() (due to resource warnin https://bugs.python.org/issue47258 #47256: re: limit the maximum capturing group to 1,073,741,823, reduce https://bugs.python.org/issue47256 #47253: LOAD_GLOBAL instruction with wrong source position https://bugs.python.org/issue47253 #47252: socket.makefile documentation is missing data regarding the 'b https://bugs.python.org/issue47252 #47251: Merge BINARY_SUBSCR_LIST_INT with BINARY_SUBSCR_LIST_TUPLE https://bugs.python.org/issue47251 #47244: email.utils.formataddr does not respect double spaces https://bugs.python.org/issue47244 #47242: Annoying white bar in IDLE (line 457 in sidebar.py) https://bugs.python.org/issue47242 #47241: [C API] Move the PyCodeObject structure to the internal C API https://bugs.python.org/issue47241 #47238: Python threading.Event().wait() depends on the system time https://bugs.python.org/issue47238 #47236: Document types.CodeType.replace() changes about co_exceptionta https://bugs.python.org/issue47236 #47228: Document that naïve datetime objects represent local time https://bugs.python.org/issue47228 #47222: subprocess.Popen() should allow capturing output and sending i https://bugs.python.org/issue47222 #47219: asyncio with two interpreter instances https://bugs.python.org/issue47219 #47218: adding name to lzmafile https://bugs.python.org/issue47218 #47217: adding name to BZ2File https://bugs.python.org/issue47217 Most recent 15 issues waiting for review (15) ============================================= #47256: re: limit the maximum capturing group to 1,073,741,823, reduce https://bugs.python.org/issue47256 #47255: Many broken :meth: roles in the docs https://bugs.python.org/issue47255 #47254: enhanced dir? https://bugs.python.org/issue47254 #47251: Merge BINARY_SUBSCR_LIST_INT with BINARY_SUBSCR_LIST_TUPLE https://bugs.python.org/issue47251 #47243: Duplicate entry in 'Objects/unicodetype_db.h' https://bugs.python.org/issue47243 #47233: show_caches option affects code positions reported by dis.get_ https://bugs.python.org/issue47233 #47222: subprocess.Popen() should allow capturing output and sending i https://bugs.python.org/issue47222 #47218: adding name to lzmafile https://bugs.python.org/issue47218 #47217: adding name to BZ2File https://bugs.python.org/issue47217 #47216: adding mtime option to gzip open() https://bugs.python.org/issue47216 #47215: Add "unstable" frame stack api https://bugs.python.org/issue47215 #47208: Support libffi implementations that cannot support invocations https://bugs.python.org/issue47208 #47205: posix.sched_{get|set}affinity(-1) no longer returns ProcessLoo https://bugs.python.org/issue47205 #47200: Add ZipInfo.mode property https://bugs.python.org/issue47200 #47199: multiprocessing: micro-optimize Connection.send_bytes() method https://bugs.python.org/issue47199