On 28 May 2015 at 20:47, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
I think it's to have a single tool to do it for any platform, not to have the technical nuts and bolts be the same necessarily. I think it's also to figure out if there is anything the interpreter and/or stdlib can do to facilitate this.
Precisely. At the moment, the story seems to be "if you're on Windows, use py2exe, if you're on OSX use py2app, or on Unix, ..., or..." What would be a compelling story is "to build your app into a single file executable, do "python -m build <myapp>". The machinery behind the build can be as different as necessary - but being able to use the same command on every platform is the goal. zipapp is a start down that direction, but there's a *lot* more to be done before we have a story good enough to address the growing trend towards wanting a strong single-file deployment solution. Paul