On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Gregor Lingl <gregor.lingl@aon.at> wrote:
Brett Cannon schrieb:
The current plan is to introduce a tk package and turtle was to become tk.turtle. xturtle, if picked up, can just take the place of the current turtle at that location.
Hi Brett,
as you probably can imagine, I'd like to try out xturtle.py with Python 2.6 Alas, I didn't succeed installing Python 2.6 correctly on my Windows machine using the Windows msi installer.
Whereas I could start the python interpreter successfully it was impossible to use it to execute either idle.py nor turtle.py
In the first case I got an import error:
import _socket Import Error: DLL load failed
in the second one likewise
import _tkinter Import Error: DLL load failed
A look on sys.path showed the DLLs directory to be present there. Do you have an explanation for this behaviour? What can I do to avoid it? Do I have to take some special action when installing the alpha release (I did it "for this user only")?
I don't use Windows so I can't help with that. But you might want to try a checkout and build from source. You can find instructions in the PCbuild directory. -Brett