From: "Barry A. Warsaw" <barry@zope.com>
CC> I don't think it is too late. 90% ++ of the python code base CC> out there doesn't use iterators yet... people are still CC> wrapping their minds around it to see how they can use it in CC> their applications. If it was publicly stated that this could CC> be "fixed" in the next version I don't think that it would CC> hurt. These things happen, and sometimes its best to "roll CC> back". Programmers understand this.
And besides (to continue Clark's devils advocacy), how much of the code out there that /does/ use iterators, calls .next() explicitly?
Hmm, I'm getting excited! We rarely get an opportunity to fix mistakes in language design. Probably someone will bring me back to reality shortly, though ;-) Maybe I'll do it: the problem is really the iterators people have written. However, you could implicitly generate __next__() which calls next() when the result of __iter__() lacks a __next__() function... with a warning, of course. -Dave