Nov. 7, 2002
3:35 p.m.
Hi Michael!
In a related question, does python have tar support (I haven't had a chance to investigate thoroughly)? I got the impression it didn't, which is kinda weird since zip is a supporting archive, and gz and bz2 will be, but there's no unix-y tar. But I'm sure someone will correct me and say I'm wrong :)
Not yet. But there's a module, named tarfile, being actively developed by Lars Gustäbel. It already includes most of the important GNU extensions for the tar format. I hope to include in the standard library eventually. More information at http://www.gustaebel.de/lars/tarfile/. -- Gustavo Niemeyer [ 2AAC 7928 0FBF 0299 5EB5 60E2 2253 B29A 6664 3A0C ]