Tres Seaver wrote:
Steve Holden wrote:
Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others? Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation of the build a part of the release process?
Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
Maybe the PSF should make it a priority by funding acquisition of the appropriate proprietary hardware (Mac / Windows) for the release manager. Otherwise the avaialbility of binaries is going to lag source releases forever.
Thanks for your note. One of the reasons I took the trouble to comment on the issue was to determine whether resources are needed. Generally I regard it as the PSF's job to respond to requests for resources from the dev team, not to tell them how to do the work they already excel at. We did, a while ago, accept a hardware donation from Apple. If we need more Mac hardware I will be happy to ask the Infrastructure Committee to look into it, but I'd suggest we need guidance from someone actually involved in the build work to ensure we get maximum utility out of any investment. I do think it makes us look bad to have one supported platform lag the others, but it wasn't obvious to me whether hardware alone was the reason. If it is, the fix should be relatively simple. regards Steve -- Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119 See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010 http://pycon.blip.tv/ Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/ UPCOMING EVENTS: http://holdenweb.eventbrite.com/