ay, November 01, 2002 5:15 PM [Martin v. Loewis]
If you can, you should also include Windows build instructions (what to download and how to unpack) - perhaps even with a MSVC project file.
[Gustavo Niemeyer]
Unfortunately I can't provide that part. :-(
Actually, you just did <wink>. The link you provided *is* the place with Windows build instructions and an MSVC project file.
I'm away from the Windows world for many years now, and have no access to a machine were I could create those files. I'll promptly help anyone to solve any issues in that area though.
In the URL below one may find information about bzip2, including binaries for many platforms:
Semi-unfortunately, the author of that has no idea if it actually works on 95/98/ME/NT/XP and in the docs for "3.8 Making a Windows DLL" I haven't tried any of this stuff myself, but it all looks plausible. That means it will require some real work to build and test this stuff on 6 flavors of Windows. Not a showstopper, but does raise the bar for getting into the PLabs Windows distro. The good news is that it's BSD-licensed, so we don't have to haggle about license issues.