it takes a whopping four lines of code, if you're a pragmatic programmer:
Indeed. Using a tuple directly was a nice idea! I was thinking about a priority parameter (maybe I'm not that pragmatic? ;-), which is not hard as well, but one will have to overload the put method to pass the priority parameter. import Queue, bisect class PriorityQueue(Queue.Queue): def __init__(self, maxsize=0, defaultpriority=0): self.defaultpriority = defaultpriority Queue.Queue.__init__(self, maxsize) def put(self, item, block=1, **kw): if block: self.fsema.acquire() elif not self.fsema.acquire(0): raise Full self.mutex.acquire() was_empty = self._empty() # <- Priority could be handled here as well. self._put(item, **kw) if was_empty: self.esema.release() if not self._full(): self.fsema.release() self.mutex.release() def _put(self, item, **kw): # <- But here seems better priority = kw.get("priority", self.defaultpriority) bisect.insort(self.queue, (priority, item)) def _get(self): return self.queue.pop(0)[1] -- Gustavo Niemeyer [ 2AAC 7928 0FBF 0299 5EB5 60E2 2253 B29A 6664 3A0C ]