Hi Victor,

I wonder if there's a role for HPy in this context? What if instead of evolving the stable ABI and the limited API, instead we were to focus on first-class support for HPy? Surely 5 release cycles would be enough to completely remove the stable ABI and perhaps even the limited API in favor of HPy? Or am I misunderstanding the place of HPy in the ecosystem?


PS. Eric wrote an analyzer for C code and checked it in under Tools/c-analyzer. This currently focuses on finding globals, but perhaps it forms a good starting point for a linter for C extensions?

On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 3:53 PM Victor Stinner <vstinner@python.org> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 3:43 PM Petr Viktorin <encukou@gmail.com> wrote:
> If we would deprecate using Py_REFCNT as l-value in the docs, but wait
> with the conversion until it was *actually* needed, we would not lose
> anything:
> (...)
> ## CPython nogil fork
> In CPython, we cannot change structs that are part of the stable ABI --
> such as PyObject.ob_refcnt. IMO, getting rid of the macros that access
> ob_refcnt is a relatively small part of this issue.

The question is if the nogil optimization is relevant for CPython?
It's a trade-off between backward compatibility and performance. It
seems like some core devs are enthusiast by the idea of getting this
work into CPython: count it in ;-) Getting rid of the GIL is an old
dream which became reality: the abiltiy of using all CPU cores at the
same time!

But not all technical issues have to be solved at once. First, the
*API* can be made compatible with nogil: the Python 3.10 Py_RECNT()
change made this function compatible with nogil. Later, the question
of the stable *ABI* can be studied.

> ## GraalVM Python
> This PEP is not enough to get rid of wrappers in GraalVM, yet it forces
> users of CPython to adapt.

Currently, it's considered as second class citizen because of the C
API issues. The idea is to put GraalVM Python at the same level as

I would like to put all Python implementation in a fair competition.
The competition is great for innovating and should benefit to

The PEP 674 is part of this goal. You're right that this PEP alone is
not enough to remove all wrappers: it doesn't solve all problems.

On the other side, a large PEP like PEP 620 cannot be accepted...
because it requires too many changes at once, it's not technically
possible to implement all changes in a single Python. It must be done
incrementally over multiple Python versions. That's why I'm trying to
split the PEP 620 into smaller PEPs (now: PEP 670, PEP 674), write a
better rationale for each incremental change, and better study the
backward compatibility issues of each incompatible change.

> Until disallowing macros as l-values allows concrete improvements in
> CPython, it should be the job of linters.

Do you know existing linters for C extensions? I don't know any :-(

> FWIW, I do encourage alternative implementations to just not support
> l-value macros. There are only few projects doing this, and the fix is
> often (but not always!) easy. This should be a very small part of
> porting something to a different Python implementation (but I could
> definitely be wrong here, please correct me).

First, PyPy tried to only implement a subset of the C API and promote
cffi for incompatible C extensions. This approach failed.

So PyPy decided to be as compatible as possible with CPython for the C
API. Now PyPy basically supports the whole C API and doesn't want to
drop support for the C extensions "abusing" the C API, like using
macros as l-value.

The problem is that supporting all C API "abuses" requires to
basically copy everything from CPython and it's inefficient. I didn't
mention PyPy in the PEP 674 since this PEP alone doesn't help PyPy to
avoid converting efficient PyPy objects to inefficient CPython objects
when they are accessed by the C API (PyPy cpyext module).

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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