Martin v. Loewis wrote:
If I were maintaining the Windows port (which I'm not), I would dislike the solution because it would mean I have to learn scons...
It is only an alternative to learning a new tool for converting VC project files to nmake specific makefile.
I cannot make modifications to the projects in the IDE, because I would have to make the modifications in the scons files, not in the VC projects.
That's true. You have to make the modifications in the scons file, but that modifications (usually adding or removing some c module, or I'm missing something?) can be used by VC/cygwin/mgwin/*nix user... potentially.
Such a free solution is already available, through cygwin/mingw.
But that leave you with the original problem... makefiles for the free microsoft compiler...
However, this is free software, so if you are interested, feel free to contribute. If you want your contribution be accepted, be prepared to answer "yes" to the question "Are you going to maintain the build process for the next three years"?
If somebody volunteers to maintain such a build process, I would not object to having this process in parallel to the VC build process (to which I'm willing to contribute, for the next three years).
I'm not actually in the position to reply "yes" to that question, I have too few spare time... but you are tempting me... :-) It was just an alternative suggestion that come in my mind after having read previous threads. I've done some month ago a scratch scons script for VC6 and VC7 compilation of the core python dll, pythonw.exe and python.exe... I must take a look to my messy sandbox at works! --- Paolo Invernizzi