Jan. 1, 2001
12:13 a.m.
[Barry A. Warsaw]
There's a stupid, stupid bug in Mailman 2.0, which I've just fixed and (hopefully) unjammed things on the Mailman end[1]. We're still probably subject to the Postfix delays unfortunately; I think those are DNS related, and I've gotten a few other reports of DNS oddities, which I've forwarded off to the DC sysadmins. I don't think that particular problem will be fixed until after the New Year.
relax-and-enjoy-the-quiet-ly y'rs,
I would have, except you appear to have ruined it: hundreds of msgs disgorged overnight and into the afternoon. And echoes of email to c.l.py now routinely come back in minutes instead of days. Overall, ya, I liked it better when it was broken -- jerk <wink>. typical-user-ly y'rs - tim