On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
On 25 July 2015 at 20:28, Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net> wrote:
Those charts doesn't show patches in 'commit-review' - http://bugs.python.org/issue?%40columns=title&%40columns=id&stage=5&%40columns=activity&%40sort=activity&status=1&%40columns=status&%40pagesize=50&%40startwith=0&%40sortdir=on&%40action=search
There are only 45 of those patches.
AIUI - and I'm very new to core here - anyone in triagers can get patches up to commit-review status.
I think we should set a goal to keep inventory low here - e.g. review and either bounce back to patch review, or commit, in less than a month. Now - a month isn't super low, but we have lots of stuff greater than a month.
I'm not actually clear what "Commit Review" status means. I did do a quick check of the dev guide, and couldn't come up with anything,