From: "Guido van Rossum" <guido@python.org>
If we don't have the separate interface concept, the language just isn't as expressive. We would have to establish a convention to sacrifice one of -- a) being able to inherit from a class just for implementation purposes or b) being able to reason about interfaces using isinstance(). a) is error prone, because the language wouldn't prevent anyone from making the mistake. b) is unfortunate, because we'd have interfaces but no formal way to reason about them.
So the point is that it's possible to have a class D that picks up interface I somewhere in its inheritance chain, by inheriting from a class C that implements I, where D doesn't actually satisfy the invariants of I (or of C, probably).
def foo(a: classA, b: classB): ...body...
It would be convenient if this could be *defined* as
assert isinstance(a, classA) and isinstance(b, classB)
so that programs that have a simple class hierarchy can use their classes directly as argument types, without having to go through the trouble of declaring a parallel set of interfaces.
I also think that it should be possible to come up with a set of standard "abstract" classes representing concepts like number, sequence, etc., in which the standard built-in types are nicely embedded.
Ah, but not all numbers are created equal! Can I write: x << 1 ? Not if x is a float. Somebody will eventually want to categorize numeric types more-finely, e.g. Monoid, Euclidean Ring, ... It sounds to my C++ ear like you're trying to make this analogous to runtime polymorphism in C++. I think Python's polymorphism is a lot closer to what we do at compile-time in C++, and it should stay that way: no inheritance relationship needed... at least, not on the surface. Here's why: people inevitably discover new type categories in the objects and types they're already using. In C++ this happened when Stepanov et al discovered that built-in pointers matched his mental model of random-access iterators. A similar thing will happen in Python when you make all numbers inherit from Number but someone wants to impose the real mathematical categories (or heck: Integer vs. Fractional) on them. What Stepanov's crew did did was to invent iterator traits, which decouple the type's category from the type itself. Each category is represented by a class, and those classes do have an inherticance relationship (i.e. every random_access_iterator IS-A bidirectional_iterator). Actually, I have no problem with collecting type category info from an object's MRO: as Guido implies, that will often be the simplest way to do it. However, I think there ought to be a parallel mechanism which allows additional categorization non-intrusively, and it was my understanding that the PEP Alex has been promoting does that. -Dave ----------------------------------------------------------- David Abrahams * Boost Consulting dave@boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com