I am presenting the talk "Python 3.3: Trust Me, It's Better Than 2.7" as PyCon Argentina and Brasil (and US if they accept the talk). As part of that talk I need to be able to benchmark Python 3.3 against 2.7 (both from tip) using the unladen benchmarks (which now include benchmarks from PyPy that can be relatively easily ported to Python 3). To make sure the unladen benchmarks run fine against Python 3.3, I did a fast run of the benchmarks. I figured people might be interested in the quick-and-dirty results on my 2 GHz Intel Core i7 MacBook Pro w/ 8 GB RAM and no attempt to control for performance beyond not actively browsing the web. As I said, quick-and-dirty and not authoritative; all done just to make sure all the benchmarks could run to completion (including the django, html5lib, and genshi benchmarks which are only on my laptop ATM until those projects cut a release with official Python 3 support). One thing to keep in mind is that many benchmarks use a raw str for things, so the benchmarks often compare Python 2.7 str vs. Python 3.3 str (i.e. str vs. unicode). While this might seem unfair, this is what real-world comparisons in performance will be from users so it's an (somewhat unfair) comparison that we just have to live with. I might take the time to try to make some tests run under both raw strings and unicode so both comparisons are available. If you care about helping out with the benchmarks (e.g. helping spot where the iteration counts should be higher, etc.) then head over to the speed@mailing list.
python3 perf.py -T --basedir ../benchmarks -f -b py3k ../cpython/builds/2.7-wide/bin/python ../cpython/builds/3.3/bin/python3.3
... output about the command line for the benchmarks ... ### 2to3 ### 0.785234 -> 0.722169: 1.09x faster ### call_method ### Min: 0.491433 -> 0.414841: 1.18x faster Avg: 0.493640 -> 0.416564: 1.19x faster Significant (t=127.21) Stddev: 0.00170 -> 0.00162: 1.0513x smaller ### call_method_slots ### Min: 0.492749 -> 0.416280: 1.18x faster Avg: 0.497888 -> 0.419275: 1.19x faster Significant (t=61.72) Stddev: 0.00433 -> 0.00237: 1.8304x smaller ### call_method_unknown ### Min: 0.575536 -> 0.427234: 1.35x faster Avg: 0.577286 -> 0.433428: 1.33x faster Significant (t=66.09) Stddev: 0.00117 -> 0.00835: 7.1621x larger ### call_simple ### Min: 0.413011 -> 0.338923: 1.22x faster Avg: 0.415862 -> 0.340699: 1.22x faster Significant (t=111.94) Stddev: 0.00223 -> 0.00134: 1.6616x smaller ### chaos ### Min: 0.375286 -> 0.435456: 1.16x slower Avg: 0.382798 -> 0.459515: 1.20x slower Significant (t=-5.01) Stddev: 0.01116 -> 0.03234: 2.8980x larger ### fastpickle ### Min: 0.853560 -> 0.770580: 1.11x faster Avg: 0.879498 -> 0.776249: 1.13x faster Significant (t=8.24) Stddev: 0.02771 -> 0.00407: 6.7995x smaller ### float ### Min: 0.476596 -> 0.391101: 1.22x faster Avg: 0.486164 -> 0.411553: 1.18x faster Significant (t=9.07) Stddev: 0.01049 -> 0.01511: 1.4411x larger ### formatted_logging ### Min: 0.346703 -> 0.451643: 1.30x slower Avg: 0.351218 -> 0.454626: 1.29x slower Significant (t=-51.50) Stddev: 0.00376 -> 0.00246: 1.5265x smaller ### genshi ### Min: 0.275107 -> 0.294309: 1.07x slower Avg: 0.287433 -> 0.299026: 1.04x slower Significant (t=-3.82) Stddev: 0.01077 -> 0.00467: 2.3044x smaller ### go ### Min: 0.719160 -> 0.781042: 1.09x slower Avg: 0.729322 -> 0.798135: 1.09x slower Significant (t=-8.54) Stddev: 0.01300 -> 0.01248: 1.0415x smaller ### hexiom2 ### 203.842661 -> 187.107363: 1.09x faster ### iterative_count ### Min: 0.145088 -> 0.153285: 1.06x slower Avg: 0.146369 -> 0.154425: 1.06x slower Significant (t=-9.21) Stddev: 0.00134 -> 0.00142: 1.0569x larger ### json_dump_v2 ### Min: 3.512367 -> 4.040813: 1.15x slower Avg: 3.521879 -> 4.057966: 1.15x slower Significant (t=-64.29) Stddev: 0.01071 -> 0.01526: 1.4247x larger ### json_load ### Min: 1.024560 -> 0.642353: 1.60x faster Avg: 1.025255 -> 0.644000: 1.59x faster Significant (t=426.59) Stddev: 0.00049 -> 0.00194: 3.9240x larger ### mako_v2 ### Min: 0.137584 -> 0.287701: 2.09x slower Avg: 0.140620 -> 0.293204: 2.09x slower Significant (t=-296.14) Stddev: 0.00243 -> 0.00272: 1.1195x larger ### meteor_contest ### Min: 0.284739 -> 0.254285: 1.12x faster Avg: 0.286174 -> 0.255323: 1.12x faster Significant (t=38.02) Stddev: 0.00124 -> 0.00133: 1.0725x larger ### nbody ### Min: 0.491416 -> 0.336127: 1.46x faster Avg: 0.493339 -> 0.337467: 1.46x faster Significant (t=185.50) Stddev: 0.00164 -> 0.00092: 1.7927x smaller ### normal_startup ### Min: 0.639285 -> 0.898157: 1.40x slower Avg: 0.645513 -> 0.901586: 1.40x slower Significant (t=-90.10) Stddev: 0.00575 -> 0.00270: 2.1309x smaller ### nqueens ### Min: 0.399351 -> 0.429575: 1.08x slower Avg: 0.403643 -> 0.430284: 1.07x slower Significant (t=-9.83) Stddev: 0.00603 -> 0.00053: 11.3092x smaller ### pathlib ### Min: 0.137462 -> 0.170506: 1.24x slower Avg: 0.145370 -> 0.172849: 1.19x slower Significant (t=-11.09) Stddev: 0.01232 -> 0.00128: 9.6403x smaller ### pidigits ### Min: 0.400265 -> 0.379307: 1.06x faster Avg: 0.401755 -> 0.381171: 1.05x faster Significant (t=14.65) Stddev: 0.00259 -> 0.00178: 1.4496x smaller ### raytrace ### Min: 1.770596 -> 1.958350: 1.11x slower Avg: 1.773719 -> 1.968401: 1.11x slower Significant (t=-44.19) Stddev: 0.00439 -> 0.00882: 2.0099x larger ### regex_effbot ### Min: 0.076566 -> 0.098124: 1.28x slower Avg: 0.077491 -> 0.098696: 1.27x slower Significant (t=-54.47) Stddev: 0.00052 -> 0.00069: 1.3227x larger ### regex_v8 ### Min: 0.091530 -> 0.109116: 1.19x slower Avg: 0.092308 -> 0.113627: 1.23x slower Significant (t=-5.72) Stddev: 0.00088 -> 0.00829: 9.4271x larger ### richards ### Min: 0.257974 -> 0.232134: 1.11x faster Avg: 0.259248 -> 0.234325: 1.11x faster Significant (t=23.80) Stddev: 0.00144 -> 0.00185: 1.2823x larger ### simple_logging ### Min: 0.326569 -> 0.416797: 1.28x slower Avg: 0.331694 -> 0.418844: 1.26x slower Significant (t=-36.32) Stddev: 0.00523 -> 0.00122: 4.3004x smaller ### spectral_norm ### Min: 0.483011 -> 0.741558: 1.54x slower Avg: 0.487128 -> 0.749741: 1.54x slower Significant (t=-57.40) Stddev: 0.00512 -> 0.00886: 1.7299x larger ### startup_nosite ### Min: 0.220444 -> 0.374521: 1.70x slower Avg: 0.222773 -> 0.376785: 1.69x slower Significant (t=-176.17) Stddev: 0.00166 -> 0.00221: 1.3331x larger ### threaded_count ### Min: 0.171352 -> 0.151892: 1.13x faster Avg: 0.183180 -> 0.153634: 1.19x faster Significant (t=8.12) Stddev: 0.00801 -> 0.00140: 5.7241x smaller ### unpack_sequence ### Min: 0.000075 -> 0.000061: 1.23x faster Avg: 0.000101 -> 0.000065: 1.54x faster Significant (t=206.90) Stddev: 0.00001 -> 0.00000: 3.2374x smaller The following not significant results are hidden, use -v to show them: chameleon, fannkuch, fastunpickle, regex_compile, silent_logging ### django ### Min: 0.868956 -> 0.894571: 1.03x slower Avg: 0.873620 -> 0.905274: 1.04x slower Significant (t=-6.97) Stddev: 0.00313 -> 0.00966: 3.0912x larger ### genshi ### Min: 0.269615 -> 0.286348: 1.06x slower Avg: 0.272206 -> 0.290708: 1.07x slower Significant (t=-12.29) Stddev: 0.00253 -> 0.00526: 2.0793x larger ### html5lib ### 12.279808 -> 11.862586: 1.04x faster