On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
-1. the world doesn't need another markup language. there is only one markup language that everyone knows, and it's called HTML. the javadoc folks got it right. this one's all wrong.
I'm not against a new markup language, but i do feel that the specification of the language is just too big. What's with the 32 different section title adornment characters, the optional overline, and unspecified title styles (order "as encountered")? And that's just section titles. Do we really need five kinds of lists? How about the 15 different ways to number lists? The five ways to do hyperlink targets? And that's not all... I can appreciate the desire to come up with something flexible, but this goes too far for my taste. The current specification is about 10000 words; get it down to about 1000 and i might go for it. -- ?!ng