Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:
How will bool influence '__nonzero__'? Currently, Python insists that '__nonzero__ should return an int'. Will this be changed to 'should return a bool'?
I hope so.
As that would break existing code, I hope not.
No, "should" != "must". Guido won't call code that returns an int here broken, although he might call it deprecated, and leave you wondering when the hammer will drop <wink>.
Interestingly enough, the exception message says "__nonzero__ should return an int" but really means "__nonzero__ must return an int". I guess under this PEP, the message needs to be changed to "should return a bool", but not the test (or, if you want it more explicit: "__nonzero__ must return an int and should return a bool" :-) Regards, Martin