On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin@python.org> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
I've received some enthusiastic emails from someone who wants to revive restricted mode. He started out with a bunch of patches to the CPython runtime using ctypes, which he attached to an App Engine bug:
Based on his code (the file secure.py is all you need, included in secure.tar.gz) it seems he believes the only security leaks are __subclasses__, gi_frame and gi_code. (I have since convinced him that if we add "restricted" guards to these attributes, he doesn't need the functions added to sys.)
We have to remember that it's quite trivial to segfault the interpreter with pure Python. (See Lib/test/crashers)
I know it well, but for this particular use case that doesn't matter. Tav is interested in using this on app engine, which doesn't care about segfaults -- the process is simply restarted, nobody gains access to information they shouldn't have. App engine does care about overwriting memory, but none of the crashers get that far in the configuration on app engine.
Even if this patch manages to plug all the holes in the current Python, do we really want to commit our selves to maintaining it through language evolution which will surely introduce new subtle ways to circumvent the guard?
You'd have to talk to Tav about this (I've CC'ed him on this message). He seems quite convinced that his current approach is secure, all he wants is a way to do the equivalent in app engine (where ctypes is not supported and never will be).
IMO, the only fairly close to fool proof method of running restricted python is through something like the PyPy sandbox where all os level calls have to be checked by the master process.
Trust me, app engine has something similar -- Tav's desire is just to provide an added barrier between his app and code that his app will let users run within a context it provides. He's relying (forced to rely :-) on app engine's sandbox for protection against illegal syscalls.
I don't recall the exploits that Samuele once posted that caused the death of rexec.py -- does anyone recall, or have a pointer to the threads?
It was broken by the introduction of new-style classes:
I think there were other threads where Samule showed some quite devious ways to access the os module. I don't see any posts by Samuele in that thread (and he just replied that he's too busy). The attack demonstrated at the top of that thread isn't particularly interesting -- it just shows that class-based security doesn't work so well, but that doesn't mean some other approach based more on functions couldn't work. For Tav's benefit, I think it would be good to at least add "IsRestricted" checks to __subclasses__(), go_code and gi_frame -- that's a trivial patch and if he believes it's enough he can create a sandbox on app engine and invite people to try to break out of it... If someone succeeds, the damage is limited by app engine's own perimeter defenses (which haven't been broken through since it was released 9 months ago). -- --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)