On Sun., 23 Feb. 2020, 5:32 am Brandt Bucher, <brandtbucher@gmail.com> wrote:
Just to follow up on this, here are the subclasses I've found.

Should be updated:
- collections.OrderedDict
- collections.defaultdict
- http.cookies.BaseCookie
- http.cookies.Morsel
- http.cookies.SimpleCookie

They're not dict subclasses, but we'll also want to look at collections.UserDict, collections.ChainMap, and types.MappingProxyType.

Finally, while the PEP quite reasonably doesn't propose making __or__ a *required* part of the mutable mapping API, collections.Mapping and collections.MutableMapping *could* provide concrete method implementations that make subclasses behave in a way that's similar to built-in dicts by default.
