On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, Tim Peters wrote:
As Guido pointed out, the API provided by Generator.py is less restrictive than any that can be built with the "one frame" flavor of generator ("resumable function"). Were you able to make enough sense of the long discussion that ensued to guess whether the particular use you had in mind required Generator.py's full power? If you couldn't tell, post the baroque details & I'll tell you <wink>.
I'm pretty sure the use I mentioned would fit in even the simplest version of a generator. As to how much sense I made of the discussion, let's just say I'm glad there's no quiz at the end. I did shudder at the mention of unmentionables (male public displays of affection -- yeaach!), yodel at the mention of Lord Greystoke swinging among stack branches and chuckled at the vision of him being thrown back in a traceback (ouch! ouch! ouch!, "most painful last"...). --david