Hi Martin, I have started to correct quite a lot of issues I have with Python on AIX, and since I had to test quite a lot of patchs, I though it would be more convenient to setup a buildbot for that platform. So I now have a buildbot environment with 2 slaves (AIX 5.3 and 6.1) that builds and tests Python (branch py3k) with both gcc and xlc (the native AIX compiler) (I have 4 builders ("py3k-aix6-xlc", "py3k-aix5-xlc", "py3k-aix6-gcc", "py3k-aix5-gcc"). I expect to add 4 more builders for branch 2.7 in coming days. I would like to share the results of this buildbot to the Python community so that issues with AIX could be addressed more easily. R. David Murray pointed me to the page on the python wiki concerning buildbot. It is stated there that is is possible to connect some slaves to some official Python buildbot master. Unfortunately, I don't think this solution is possible for me: I don't think the security team in my company would appreciate that a server inside our network runs some arbitrary shell commands provided by some external source. Neither can I expose the buildbot master web interface. Also I had to customize the buildbot rules in order to work with some specificities of AIX (see attached master.cfg), and I can't guarantee that this buildbot will run 24 hours a day; I may have to schedule it only once at night for example if it consumes too much resources. (And the results are very unstable at the moment, mostly because of issue 9862). On the other hand, I could upload the build results with rsync or scp somewhere or setup some MailNotifier if that can help. How do you think I could share those results? regards -- Sébastien Sablé Le 15/09/2010 23:28, R. David Murray a écrit :
R. David Murray added the comment:
Sébastien, you could email Martin (tracker id loewis) about adding your buildbot to our unstable fleet (or even to stable if it is stable; that is, the tests normally pass and don't randomly fail). As long as you are around to help fix bugs it would be great to have an aix buildbot in our buildbot fleet.
(NB: see also http://wiki.python.org/moin/BuildBot, which unfortunately is a bit out of date...)
---------- nosy: +r.david.murray
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