July 9, 2000
8:55 p.m.
OTOH, we're also interested in *helping* SF get better! SF is as much an Open Source project as Python, and it could become an incredible resource for the entire OS community.
[Greg Stein [mailto:gstein@lyra.org] Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 4:04 AM]
This last statement is (unfortunately) not quite true. SourceForge is developed in a closed, cathedral environment. There is no CVS access to it, and all the developers work at VA Linux. Strictly speaking, the *output* of this closed development is GPL'd. But it isn't what you would expect.
Ah! You were reading my stmt as a claim about SF, rather than as a warning about the new status of Python <wink>. Just kidding. I was talking out of my ass there, and appreciate the correction.