
I think this is indeed a problem. For me the biggest surprise was that `yield` inside a comprehension does not turn a surrounding function into comprehension, see also

In fact there is a b.p.o. issue for this, it is assigned to me since July, but I was focused on other things recently.
My plan was to restore the Python 2 semantics while still avoiding the leak of comprehension variable to the enclosing scope (the initial reason of introducing auxiliary "_make_list" function IIUC).
So that:

1) g = [(yield i) for i in range(3)] outside a function will be a SyntaxError (yield outside a function)
2) g = [(yield i) for i in range(3)] inside a function will turn that enclosing function into generator.
3) accessing i after g = [(yield i) for i in range(3)] will give a NameError: name 'i' is not defined

If you have time to work on this, then I will be glad if you take care of this issue, you can re-assign it.
