I have been doing some work to extend Google's Native Client [1] to support dynamic linking [2]. For those who haven't heard of it, Native Client is a sandboxing system for running a subset of x86 code. It is proposed as a way of running native code inside web apps. One of my aims has been to get CPython working in the web browser under Native Client without having to modify CPython. I recently got to the point where modules from the Python standard library are importable under Native Client, including (as a demonstration) the Sqlite extension module. Sqlite also requires no modification - it builds straight from the Debian package. I've written a simple REPL to demonstrate Python running in the browser. There are some screenshots on my blog [3]. I haven't implemented accessing the DOM from Python yet - that's another project for later. :-) Mark [1] http://code.google.com/p/nativeclient/ [2] http://plash.beasts.org/wiki/NativeClient [3] http://lackingrhoticity.blogspot.com/2009/06/python-standard-library-in-nati...