On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 01:58 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
At one time, I got a lot of feedback on this from comp.lang.python. Just about everyone found the brackets to be helpful and not misleading, the immediate presence of "yield" was more than enough to signal that an iterator was being returned instead of a list:
g = [yield (len(line),line) for line in file if len(line)>5]
FWIW, that g is an iterator is *far* less surprising than the fact that yield turns a function into a generator. If it's okay that a yield in the body of a function change the function, why can't a yield in the body of a list comprehension change the list comprehension? It's a lot more noticeable, and people should know that "yield" signals something a little more tricky is going on. Also has good symmetry with the current meaning of yield. -- Ian Bicking | ianb@colorstudy.com | http://blog.ianbicking.org