Tarek Ziadé wrote:
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger@gmail.com> wrote: [..]
I've brought the issue of Makefile and pyconfig.h being needed for distutils to the attention of every new Fedora python maintainer since the package split was made. The current maintainer, David Malcolm, agrees that distutils.sysconfig needs to be able to use this data and he has moved the Makefile and header files into the main python package. This doesn't change the problems with using a Makefile and C header files as a data format for python.
Great News !
Now for the format problem, I agree that it seems more robust to pre-process the variables and inject them in the stdlib when ./configure is run.
I am not sure what is the best strategy here, but I would rather not add yet another configuration file (wether its an xml format or an ini-like format).
So what I am proposing is to inject those values in a private dict in the new sysconfig.py module, that can be read through the get_config_vars / get_config_var APIs.
This means that sysconfig.py will be added as "sysconfig.py.in"
Wouldn't it be cleaner to place the extracted information into a new module _sysconfig_settings.py which gets created by the configure script or the Makefile later during the build ? This new module could then be imported into sysconfig.py at run-time. BTW: There's already a Tools/scripts/h2py.py we could use for converting pyconfig.h into a Python file. For the Makefile we could use the distutils Makefile parser to add the extra values. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Nov 19 2009)
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