Phillip J. Eby wrote:
I wanted to get this in before the Py3K PEP deadline, since this is a Python 2.6 PEP that would presumably impact 3.x as well. Feedback welcome.
PEP: 365 Title: Adding the pkg_resources module Version: $Revision: 55032 $ Last-Modified: $Date: 2007-04-30 20:24:48 -0400 (Mon, 30 Apr 2007) $ Author: Phillip J. Eby <pje@telecommunity.com> Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 30-Apr-2007 Post-History: 30-Apr-2007
Abstract ========
This PEP proposes adding an enhanced version of the ``pkg_resources`` module to the standard library.
``pkg_resources`` is a module used to find and manage Python package/version dependencies and access bundled files and resources, including those inside of zipped ``.egg`` files. Currently, ``pkg_resources`` is only available through installing the entire ``setuptools`` distribution, but it does not depend on any other part of setuptools; in effect, it comprises the entire runtime support library for Python Eggs, and is independently useful.
In addition, with one feature addition, this module could support easy bootstrap installation of several Python package management tools, including ``setuptools``, ``workingenv``, and ``zc.buildout``.
Proposal ========
Rather than proposing to include ``setuptools`` in the standard library, this PEP proposes only that ``pkg_resources`` be added to the standard library for Python 2.6 and 3.0. ``pkg_resources`` is considerably more stable than the rest of setuptools, with virtually no new features being added in the last 12 months.
However, this PEP also proposes that a new feature be added to ``pkg_resources``, before being added to the stdlib. Specifically, it should be possible to do something like::
python -m pkg_resources SomePackage==1.2
to request downloading and installation of ``SomePackage`` from PyPI. This feature would *not* be a replacement for ``easy_install``; instead, it would rely on ``SomePackage`` having pure-Python ``.egg`` files listed for download via the PyPI XML-RPC API, and the eggs would be placed in the ``$PYTHONEGGS`` cache, where they would **not** be importable by default. (And no scripts would be installed) However, if the download egg contains installation bootstrap code, it will be given a chance to run.
These restrictions would allow the code to be extremely simple, yet still powerful enough to support users downloading package management tools such as ``setuptools``, ``workingenv`` and ``zc.buildout``, simply by supplying the tool's name on the command line.
Rationale =========
Many users have requested that ``setuptools`` be included in the standard library, to save users needing to go through the awkward process of bootstrapping it. However, most of the bootstrapping complexity comes from the fact that setuptools-installed code cannot use the ``pkg_resources`` runtime module unless setuptools is already installed. Thus, installing setuptools requires (in a sense) that setuptools already be installed.
Other Python package management tools, such as ``workingenv`` and ``zc.buildout``, have similar bootstrapping issues, since they both make use of setuptools, but also want to provide users with something approaching a "one-step install". The complexity of creating bootstrap utilities for these and any other such tools that arise in future, is greatly reduced if ``pkg_resources`` is already present, and is also able to download pre-packaged eggs from PyPI.
(It would also mean that setuptools would not need to be installed in order to simply *use* eggs, as opposed to building them.)
Finally, in addition to providing access to eggs built via setuptools or other packaging tools, it should be noted that since Python 2.5, the distutils install package metadata (aka ``PKG-INFO``) files that can be read by ``pkg_resources`` to identify what distributions are already on ``sys.path``. In environments where Python packages are installed using system package tools (like RPM), the ``pkg_resources`` module provides an API for detecting what versions of what packages are installed, even if those packages were installed via the distutils instead of setuptools.
Implementation and Documentation ================================
The ``pkg_resources`` implementation is maintained in the Python SVN repository under ``/sandbox/trunk/setuptools/``; see ``pkg_resources.py`` and ``pkg_resources.txt``. Documentation for the egg format(s) supported by ``pkg_resources`` can be found in ``doc/formats.txt``. HTML versions of these documents are available at:
* http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PkgResources and
* http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EggFormats
(These HTML versions are for setuptools 0.6; they may not reflect all of the changes found in the Subversion trunk's ``.txt`` versions.)
Copyright =========
This document has been placed in the public domain.
I'm really surprised that there hasn't been more comment on this. -- Talin