... Because of its importance, the deprecation time of the string module will be longer than that of most deprecated modules. I expect it won't be removed until Python 3000.
I see nothing in the 2.0 docs, code, or "what's new" web pages saying that it's deprecated. So I don't think you can even start the clock on this one before 2.1 (a fuzzy stmt on the web page for the unused 1.6 release doesn't count ...).
... This has been discussed -- jut note that continuing to use the string module *is* frowned upon, and such stubborn code will get its just desserts when Py3K arrives.
I suggest adding the following to the string module's documentation (rather than marking it as explicitly deprecated):
This module exists for backwards compatibility only. It will eventually be deprecated and its use should be avoided in new code.
I also suggest that someone go through the standard library and get rid of all uses of the string module. (What to do with string.letters c.s.?)
They have to be in a module. They've always been in the string module. Common sense thus dictates "leave them in the string module" <0.3 wink>. change-for-the-sake-of-irritation-is-arguably-irritating-ly y'rs - tim