2013/5/3 Barry Warsaw <barry@python.org>:
On May 03, 2013, at 07:40 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
The problem is that this is not an expression, it is a statement. The advantage of the convenience function is not just that it is shorter, but that it is an expression.
Exactly right, but let's stop calling it the "convenience API" and instead call it the "functional API". I probably started the perpetuation of this problem; let's update the PEP.
BTW, I made a suggestion elsewhere that the first argument could accept, but not require dotted names in the first argument. If provided, rsplit the string and use the prefix as __module__. If not given, fallback to the _getframe() hack for those implementations where it's available.
What about adding simple syntax that allows get rid of those ugly hacks, something like: def name = expression which would be rough equivalent for: name = expression name.__name__ = 'name' name.__module__ = __name__ -- 闇に隠れた黒い力 弱い心を操る