Hi Leandro, it seems that your email is probably more about how to use the existing PyEval_SetTrace API, not about developing or changing Python itself. May I direct you to the "Got a Python problem or question?" section from https://www.python.org/about/help/ web page, where you are likely to get a good answer.


On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 at 15:09, Leandro Müller <leandrogmuller@hotmail.com> wrote:

I need to set a PyEval_SetTrace with a new class instance.
All examples use simple function.
PyEval_SetTrace(trace_trampoline, obj);

Following my problem:
I start three threads, but I need to check trace C just one thread.
If I run a while on C trace on thread, it stops all threads.

So, I've been thinking to run Trace with a new instance class C.

Any suggestions?


Leandro Müller

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