Greg Stein wrote:
It was a design point to not provide this functionality. It is pretty difficult to unhook the importers from the chain. I specifically said, "well... when you alter the import behavior, then it will stay that way."
I figured this was entirely safe since an Importer could have an enable/disable flag like you implemented, or my (theoretical) Import Manager could pull an Importer out of its list that it was managing.
I think my design of leaving a global "Importer" instance variable in imputil is a bit lame. Each importer is a class instance, but I don't see a list of importers in imputil. Suppose impuil kept a list of installed importers imputil.ImporterList[]. Then to access an importer I have installed, I can write: for im in imputil.ImporterList: if isinstance(im, MyImporter): im.enable(0) It would not be necessary to dis-install an importer, imputil would just undertake to keep a list of installed importers, and if someone wanted to control their installed importers, they would use the list. I do not feel too strongly about this. Maybe it is a good idea. What do you think? I can just use my global variable I guess. Jim Ahlstrom