Guido> It has a much more detailed set of categories, organized as a Guido> tree. Our project alone probably has 20-30 different bug Guido> categories. New bugs in those categories are automatically CC'ed Guido> to our group's mailing list (which isn't the same as Guido> auto-assignment). Adding categories should be easy. Organized in trees? Not so sure. Guido> There are also more "bug states" you can use to track progress of Guido> a bug through the system: unassigned, assigned, accepted (meaning Guido> the assignee is actually working on it). (There are also a whole Guido> bunch that I don't find so useful, and severam that roundup Guido> already supports.) Again, I think this should be easy. Guido> But perhaps the best feature is "hot lists" -- arbitrary, Guido> ordered, groupings of selected bugs. Each bug can be assigned to Guido> as many hot lists as you want. Seeing the list of all bugs in a Guido> particular hot list is one click away. We use this for overlaying Guido> project management categories and priorities, such as "code", Guido> "documentation", "configuration" as well as "next internal Guido> release", "must have", "post launch" etc. A hot list sounds like a saved search, which Roundup already supports. It also supports making these saved searches public. I suspect you could define one or more saved public searches which correspond to desired hot lists. Aside: Today's my last day here. I'd like to say hi sometime today. Free for lunch? Maybe this would be a good lunchtime discussion. Skip