Steve Dower wrote:
On 13Dec2019 0233, Victor Stinner wrote:
Azure Pipelines were very unstable one year ago. It's getting better, but there are still some random bugs sometimes. They are not really blocking, so I didn't report them. The only ones I'm aware of are macOS builds failing (which don't run on Travis CI, so the only thing stopping these bugs landing is Azure Pipelines) and network related issues. But I'm guessing since you said "random" bugs that they don't repro well enough to assign blame properly. On Travis CI, it's possible to only restart a single job manually when it's a CI issue (like random networking issue). On Azure Pipelines, there is no way to restart even all jobs at once. The only workaround is to close the PR and reopen it. But when you do that on a backport PR, a bot closes the PR and removes the branch. The backport PR must be recreated, it's annoying. The UI is getting better here, but given GitHub Actions now has similar CI functionality I wouldn't expect Pipelines to focus as much on their integration with GitHub (in particular, being able to authorize an GitHub team to log in to our Pipelines instance - as we can with Travis
has been preventing people from rerunning individual jobs).
If people are generally happy to move PR builds/checks to GitHub Actions, I'm happy to merge into our active branches (with probably Brett's help) and disable Azure Pipelines?
I'm personally up for trying this out on master, making sure everything runs fine, and then push down into the other active branches. -Brett
(I'd like to keep it running for post-merge builds and the manually triggered ones I use for Windows releases and dependencies.)
In short, having multiple CIs is a good thing :-) Agreed, though it would also be nice to have a way to dismiss a failure after investigating and merge anyway. Only repo administrators can do that. Cheers, Steve