RE: [Python-Dev] UTF-16 code point comparison

From: Tim Peters []
Somehow that doesn't strike me as a good reason for Python to mimic them <wink>.
So don't. If you think UTF-16 is yet another bad engineering decision, then take the hit now of making Python's unicode support natively UCS-4 so we don't have a backward compatability problem when the next Unicode or ISO 10646 revision comes out. Just realize and accept the cost of doing so. (constant conversions for a nice big chunk of your users.)
Surrogates aren't as far out as you might think. (The next rev of the Unicode spec)
I don't think the experts are saying the extra 4 bits will suffice for all time, but it should certainly suffice until we meet aliens form a different planet. :)
That's certainly sooner than Win32 going away. :)
I hope it stays around forever -- it's a great object lesson in what optimizing for yesterday's hardware can buy you <wink>.
Heh. A dev manager from Excel made the exact same comment to me just yesterday. :) Bill
participants (1)
Bill Tutt