Patch / Bug Summary ___________________ Patches : 342 open (-38) / 3712 closed (+54) / 4054 total (+16) Bugs : 951 open (-14) / 6588 closed (+33) / 7539 total (+19) RFE : 257 open (-15) / 266 closed (+13) / 523 total ( -2) New / Reopened Patches ______________________ ftp.python.org does not exist anymore (2007-03-12) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1678662 opened by Björn Lindqvist fix a bug mixing up 0.0 and-0.0 (2007-03-11) http://python.org/sf/1678668 opened by Alex Martelli Allow "datetime in date" (2007-03-12) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1679204 opened by Collin Winter Documentation for fnmatch.translate() (2007-03-12) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1679379 opened by Björn Lindqvist __slots__ tuple modified inplace if it contains unicode name (2007-03-13) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1680015 opened by ?iga Seilnacht CGIHTTPServer doesn't handle path names with embeded space (2006-08-06) http://python.org/sf/1535504 reopened by htgoebel Add tests for pipes module (test_pipes) (2007-03-14) http://python.org/sf/1680959 opened by Alan McIntyre remove sys.exitfunc, rewrite atexit in C (2007-03-14) http://python.org/sf/1680961 opened by Georg Brandl Use "alive" instead of "active" in the docs for threading (2007-03-14) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1680978 opened by Björn Lindqvist binary and new-style octal literals (2007-03-14) http://python.org/sf/1681002 opened by Thomas Wouters PEP 3115 patch (2007-03-14) http://python.org/sf/1681101 opened by Guido van Rossum Patch for [ 1603150 ] wave module forgets to close... (2007-03-15) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1681153 opened by Patricio Olivares email.header unicode fix (2007-03-15) http://python.org/sf/1681333 opened by Tokio Kikuchi Add triangular distribution to random (2007-03-15) http://python.org/sf/1681432 opened by Wladmir splitext of dotfiles, incl backwards compat and migration (2007-03-16) http://python.org/sf/1681842 opened by Stephen Hansen Patches Closed ______________ Patch to 742342 Crash on recursive reload (2004-03-23) http://python.org/sf/922167 closed by collinwinter add optional CWD argument to os.path.abspath() (2003-01-30) http://python.org/sf/677890 closed by collinwinter ftp.python.org does not exist anymore (2007-03-11) http://python.org/sf/1678662 closed by collinwinter fix for external test regression in test.regrtest (2003-09-17) http://python.org/sf/808210 closed by collinwinter urllib2.URLError don't calll IOError.__init__ (2003-10-02) http://python.org/sf/816787 closed by collinwinter Refactor test_threadedtempfile.py to use unittest. (2007-02-28) http://python.org/sf/1670993 closed by collinwinter urllib2.urlopen() raises OSError instead of URLError (2007-02-24) http://python.org/sf/1668100 closed by gbrandl site.py small ?bug fix | change? (2007-03-10) http://python.org/sf/1677862 closed by loewis adding __dir__ (2006-11-06) http://python.org/sf/1591665 closed by gbrandl Refactor test_operations.py to use unittest. (2007-03-10) http://python.org/sf/1678088 closed by collinwinter Add current dir when running try_run test program (2005-03-21) http://python.org/sf/1168055 closed by collinwinter Allow "datetime in date" (2007-03-12) http://python.org/sf/1679204 closed by collinwinter Documentation for fnmatch.translate() (2007-03-12) http://python.org/sf/1679379 closed by gbrandl comments to clarify complexobject.c (2007-01-23) http://python.org/sf/1642844 closed by gbrandl Fix for bugs relating to ntpath.expanduser() (2004-05-20) http://python.org/sf/957650 closed by gbrandl Add %var% support to ntpath.expandvars (2006-10-10) http://python.org/sf/1574252 closed by gbrandl CSV DictWriter Errors (2007-01-15) http://python.org/sf/1635454 closed by gbrandl test_cmd_line fails on Windows (2006-09-15) http://python.org/sf/1559413 closed by loewis Performance enhancements. (2006-09-09) http://python.org/sf/1555098 closed by gbrandl Tweak pydoc to speak about with and CONTEXTMANAGERS (2006-08-18) http://python.org/sf/1542681 closed by gbrandl Fix building the source within exec_prefix (2006-10-03) http://python.org/sf/1569798 closed by gbrandl email.message.py charset can be unicode instance (2006-03-14) http://python.org/sf/1449244 closed by loewis Allow __class __ assignment for classes with __slots__ (2006-12-28) http://python.org/sf/1623563 closed by zseil __slots__ tuple modified inplace if it contains unicode name (2007-03-13) http://python.org/sf/1680015 closed by zseil ConfigParser does not quote % (2007-01-15) http://python.org/sf/1635639 closed by gbrandl Allow textwrap to preserve leading and trailing whitespace (2006-10-20) http://python.org/sf/1581073 closed by gbrandl posix.readlink doesn't use filesystemencoding (2006-10-19) http://python.org/sf/1580674 closed by gbrandl Make Imap Error more helpful (2006-11-29) http://python.org/sf/1605192 closed by gbrandl option to leave tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile around on close (2006-08-10) http://python.org/sf/1537850 closed by gbrandl Let timeit accept functions (2006-08-03) http://python.org/sf/1533909 closed by gbrandl pydoc render_doc (2006-07-28) http://python.org/sf/1530482 closed by gbrandl Switch syntax (partial PEP 275) (2006-06-11) http://python.org/sf/1504199 closed by gbrandl Patch for bug #931877 Segfault in object_reduce_ex (2006-04-01) http://python.org/sf/1462488 closed by zseil Remove sys.exitfunc (2006-07-03) http://python.org/sf/1516375 closed by gbrandl Patch to commands.py to enable callback support (2006-07-05) http://python.org/sf/1517586 closed by gbrandl Remove deprecated functions from operator (2006-07-03) http://python.org/sf/1516309 closed by collinwinter Adding support for _Bool to ctypes as c_bool (2007-01-31) http://python.org/sf/1649190 closed by theller kwdargs for compile/__import__ (2006-03-07) http://python.org/sf/1444529 closed by gbrandl Add restart debugger command to pdb.py (2005-12-30) http://python.org/sf/1393667 closed by gbrandl httplib error handling and HTTP/0.9 fix (2005-10-04) http://python.org/sf/1312980 closed by gbrandl assert for NULL in Py_INCREF Py_DECREF (2006-07-06) http://python.org/sf/1517947 closed by gbrandl pdb: fix for 1326406 (import __main__ pdb failure) (2006-02-11) http://python.org/sf/1429539 closed by gbrandl pydoc requires o.__nonzero__() == True (2005-05-03) http://python.org/sf/1194449 closed by gbrandl binascii.b2a_qp does not handle binary data correctly (2005-04-18) http://python.org/sf/1185447 closed by gbrandl Fix for 767111, 'AttributeError thrown by urllib.open_http' (2007-02-25) http://python.org/sf/1668132 closed by gbrandl Use "alive" instead of "active" in the docs for threading (2007-03-14) http://python.org/sf/1680978 closed by gbrandl Patch for [ 1603150 ] wave module forgets to close... (2007-03-15) http://python.org/sf/1681153 closed by gbrandl Add Thread.isActive() (2005-01-23) http://python.org/sf/1107656 closed by gbrandl Refactor test_popen2.py to use unittest. (2007-03-09) http://python.org/sf/1676994 closed by collinwinter debugger ``condition`` and ``ignore`` exception handling (2005-04-29) http://python.org/sf/1192590 closed by collinwinter new function: os.path.relpath (2005-10-27) http://python.org/sf/1339796 closed by collinwinter Fix error/crash in AST: syntaxerror in complex ifs (2007-01-23) http://python.org/sf/1642547 closed by collinwinter release lock on exception in threading.Thread.join() (2005-07-18) http://python.org/sf/1240614 closed by nnorwitz extending os.walk to support following symlinks (2005-08-26) http://python.org/sf/1273829 closed by gbrandl New / Reopened Bugs ___________________ Lots of errors reported by valgrind in 2.4.4 and 2.5 (2007-01-05) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1629158 opened by Anton Tropashko dead link in tkinter documentation (2007-03-11) http://python.org/sf/1678710 opened by Ben Collver Lib/io.py open uses unset "bs" (2007-03-12) http://python.org/sf/1679498 opened by Jim Jewett error in the sys module documentation (2007-03-13) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1679652 opened by David Fillinger "my" should be "may" (2007-03-13) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1679784 opened by edward Importing SystemRandom wastes entropy. (2007-03-13) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1680034 reopened by stephent98 Importing SystemRandom wastes entropy. (2007-03-13) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1680034 opened by Steve Tyler Misleading exception from unicode.__contains__ (2007-03-13) http://python.org/sf/1680159 opened by Jan Hudec urllib.urlopen() raises AttributeError (2007-03-14) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1680230 opened by Björn Lindqvist httplib fails to parse response on HEAD request (2007-03-13) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1680312 opened by Patrick Altman execfile locks file forever if there are any syntax errors (2007-03-14) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1681020 opened by virwen webbrowser priorities (2007-03-15) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1681228 opened by Lukas Lalinsky WindowsError in webbrowser.open (2007-03-15) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1681248 opened by Lukas Lalinsky Python and Indeterminate Forms (Math) (2007-03-15) http://python.org/sf/1681671 opened by jehahn subprocess.Popen fails with socket._fileobject on Windows (2007-03-15) http://python.org/sf/1681674 opened by Hartmut Goebel too long string causes segmentation fault (2007-03-16) http://python.org/sf/1681762 opened by L mkdtemp fails on Windows if username has non-ASCII character (2007-03-16) http://python.org/sf/1681974 opened by Markus Niemistö unittest documentation is incomplete (2007-03-16) http://python.org/sf/1681984 opened by STINNER Victor [PATCH] TypeError swallowing in UNPACK_SEQUENCE opcode (2007-03-16) http://python.org/sf/1682205 opened by Piet Delport Problems with urllib2 read() (2007-03-16) http://python.org/sf/1682241 opened by Lucas Malor docutils clarification request for "rest" (2007-03-16) http://python.org/sf/1682403 opened by j vickroy Bugs Closed ___________ Lots of errors reported by valgrind in 2.4.4 and 2.5 (2007-01-06) http://python.org/sf/1629158 closed by loewis absolute import patch breaks external users of test.regrtest (2003-08-31) http://python.org/sf/798274 closed by collinwinter email._parseaddr AddrlistClass bug (2007-01-06) http://python.org/sf/1629369 closed by bwarsaw Weird behavior Exception with unicode string (2007-03-12) http://python.org/sf/1678647 closed by gbrandl Python still uses broken -xcode option on Solaris/x86 (2007-03-07) http://python.org/sf/1675511 closed by loewis Python crashes if recursively reloading modules (2003-05-23) http://python.org/sf/742342 closed by collinwinter inspect trouble when source file changes (2007-01-05) http://python.org/sf/1628987 closed by collinwinter fnmatch.translate undocumented (2007-01-08) http://python.org/sf/1630844 closed by gbrandl Install fails with no error (2007-02-24) http://python.org/sf/1667877 closed by sf-robot Urllib2.urlopen() raises OSError w/bad HTTP Location header (2006-11-07) http://python.org/sf/1591774 closed by gbrandl error in the sys module documentation (2007-03-13) http://python.org/sf/1679652 closed by gbrandl Exception when compressing certain data with bz2 (2006-12-27) http://python.org/sf/1622896 closed by gbrandl "my" should be "may" (2007-03-13) http://python.org/sf/1679784 closed by gbrandl Importing SystemRandom wastes entropy. (2007-03-13) http://python.org/sf/1680034 closed by rhettinger Importing SystemRandom wastes entropy. (2007-03-13) http://python.org/sf/1680034 closed by gbrandl typo in encoding name in email package (2006-09-12) http://python.org/sf/1556895 closed by bwarsaw pdb breaks programs which import from __main__ (2005-10-14) http://python.org/sf/1326406 closed by gbrandl ntpath.expanduser() is still wrong (2003-08-27) http://python.org/sf/796219 closed by gbrandl binascii.b2a_qp oddities (2004-12-14) http://python.org/sf/1085283 closed by gbrandl urllib.urlopen() raises AttributeError (2007-03-13) http://python.org/sf/1680230 closed by gbrandl httplib fails to parse response on HEAD request (2007-03-14) http://python.org/sf/1680312 closed by gbrandl email.header decode within word (2006-10-22) http://python.org/sf/1582282 closed by bwarsaw AttributeError thrown by urllib.open_http (2003-07-07) http://python.org/sf/767111 closed by gbrandl urllib.py: AttributeError on BadStatusLine (2006-02-11) http://python.org/sf/1429783 closed by gbrandl poor urllib error handling (2006-11-09) http://python.org/sf/1593751 closed by gbrandl urllib does not handle Connection reset (2003-12-07) http://python.org/sf/855819 closed by gbrandl commands module doesn't support background commands (2004-02-06) http://python.org/sf/891832 closed by gbrandl commands.getstatusoutput(): cmd.exe support (2002-01-20) http://python.org/sf/506100 closed by gbrandl Installation path sent to configure (2005-05-08) http://python.org/sf/1197883 closed by gbrandl execfile locks file forever if there are any syntax errors (2007-03-14) http://python.org/sf/1681020 closed by gbrandl wave module forgets to close file on exception (2006-11-26) http://python.org/sf/1603150 closed by gbrandl webbrowser priorities (2007-03-15) http://python.org/sf/1681228 closed by gbrandl WindowsError in webbrowser.open (2007-03-15) http://python.org/sf/1681248 closed by gbrandl Segfault in object_reduce_ex (2004-04-08) http://python.org/sf/931877 closed by zseil Documentation missing for OptionGroup class in optparse (2007-02-21) http://python.org/sf/1665333 closed by nnorwitz New / Reopened RFE __________________ optparse should support arbitrary number of arguments (2006-07-24) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1527705 reopened by riteshsarraf RFE Closed __________ csv.DictWriter: Include offending name in error message (2007-01-13) http://python.org/sf/1634717 closed by gbrandl Update to the BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS macros (2001-07-23) http://python.org/sf/443775 closed by nnorwitz moving the Mac/ src dir to a diff packag (2001-09-24) http://python.org/sf/464605 closed by nnorwitz assert return values (2002-07-24) http://python.org/sf/585915 closed by nnorwitz Including python-codecs codecs in standard distribution? (2003-03-20) http://python.org/sf/706970 closed by nnorwitz optparse help text is not easily extensible (2004-01-16) http://python.org/sf/878458 closed by nnorwitz dir(mod) OK or use vars(mod).keys()? (2004-03-29) http://python.org/sf/925537 closed by gbrandl Allow any lvalue for function definitions (2004-05-08) http://python.org/sf/950644 closed by gvanrossum Extension to optparse: options with optional arguments (2004-11-25) http://python.org/sf/1073198 closed by nnorwitz Bad optparse help wrapping with multiple paragraphs (2005-06-16) http://python.org/sf/1222235 closed by nnorwitz python executable optionally should search script on PATH (2005-12-13) http://python.org/sf/1379573 closed by loewis optparse should support arbitrary number of arguments (2006-07-24) http://python.org/sf/1527705 closed by nnorwitz optparse "store" action should not gobble up next option (2007-01-03) http://python.org/sf/1627266 closed by nnorwitz isinstance.__doc__ is somewhat irritating (2007-02-27) http://python.org/sf/1670167 closed by gbrandl
participants (1)
Kurt B. Kaiser