Re: [Python-Dev] Things to Know About Super

At 06:07 AM 8/29/2008 +0200, Michele Simionato wrote:
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Phillip J. Eby <> wrote:
I created a "universal metaclass" in DecoratorTools whose sole function is to delegate metaclass __new__, __init__, and __call__ to class-level methods (e.g. __class_new__, __class_call__, etc.), thereby eliminating the need to have custom metaclasses for most use cases in the first place. Now, wherever possible, I use that single metaclass in my frameworks, so that there's no need to mix them.
easy_installed DecoratorTools and found it: classy_class.
From the point of view of the code, this is a beautiful and elegant snippet. However, suppose that from tomorrow everybody starts using it. Since metaclasses would become so easy to use, possibly a lot of people would take advantage of them.
That was sort of the idea. ;-)
Then we would have potentially complex (multiple) inheritance hierarchies with chains of methods (_class__new__/_class__init__) calling themselves cooperatively in the MRO. Would the resulting code be readable?
Readability's orthogonal. Some of them might be readable, some not. Depends on who's writing them. :)
How easy would be for an average framework user to understand what is happening to his class?
You're right, let's abolish inheritance, too, because then you might have to read more than one class to see what's happening.
I think class decorators would be a much better solution than classy_class for most use cases
Obviously, I disagree. :) You'll notice that DecoratorTools supports class decorators for Python 2.3 and up (actually, I think that particular bit worked in 2.2 as well). So, it's not the absence of class decorators that motivated the 'classy' mixin.
Generally speaking I like more solutions bases on functional composition (as in WSGI that you know very well) than on method cooperation. Rather than improve the support for inheritance, I would like (in an ideal world) to reduce it, to make easier the choice for people between inheritance and alternatives (object composition, delegation, functional composition). In the real world, I am content in documenting the pitfalls of super, warn people about the dangers of complex design involving multiple inheritance and cooperation, and suggest alternatives.
Naturally, if you can design a system to use delegates instead of class hierarchy to represent a chain of responsibility, it might well be an improvement. But there are tradeoffs, and no matter what you are going to end up coding chains of responsibility. Co-operative inheritance is a nice solution for chains of responsibility that can be expressed in a class hierarchy, and are no more "dangerous" than any other sort of chain of responsibility. In fact, they are in some ways less so since the patterns are likely to be better documented than anything you come up with on your own.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:22 AM, Phillip J. Eby <> wrote:
You're right, let's abolish inheritance, too, because then you might have to read more than one class to see what's happening.
You are joking, but I actually took this idea quite seriously. Once (four years ago or so) I did implement an object system from scratch in Scheme, completely without inheritance, to see how far it would go. It didn't go far, of course (nor I did expect it to go very far) but at least I learned exactly what (single) inheritance was good for. OTOH, for what concerns multiple inheritance, I am still not convinced it is really worth it. I mean, the MRO is beautiful, elegant and all that on paper, but on real-life code things as different, especially from the side of the users of frameworks heavily based on inheritance.
Naturally, if you can design a system to use delegates instead of class hierarchy to represent a chain of responsibility, it might well be an improvement. But there are tradeoffs, and no matter what you are going to end up coding chains of responsibility.
Agreed, it is all about tradeoffs. We have a different opinion on what a good tradeoff is in this case, but that's fine. I guess it depends on personal experience and the kind of code one has to work with. For instance I never had to integrated different frameworks using different metaclasses in my daily work, so I don't see a very strong case for classy_class over class decorators, but I could change my mind in the future, who knows? Anyway, It would be nice to have a good simple *real life* use case of cooperative inheritance not involving metaclasses, suitable for a beginners' tutorial about super, but I haven't found one yet :-( M.S.

Michele Simionato wrote:
OTOH, for what concerns multiple inheritance, I am still not convinced it is really worth it. I mean, the MRO is beautiful, elegant and all that on paper, but on real-life code things as different, especially from the side of the users of frameworks heavily based on inheritance.
The mixin methods in the ABC machinery would be a lot less useful without multiple inheritance (and the collections ABCs would be a whole lot harder to define and to write). So if you're looking for use cases for multiple inheritance, I'd suggest starting with the Python 2.6 collections module and seeing how you would go about rewriting it using only single inheritance. I believe the new io module is also fairly dependent on multiple inheritance. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia ---------------------------------------------------------------

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
The mixin methods in the ABC machinery would be a lot less useful without multiple inheritance (and the collections ABCs would be a whole lot harder to define and to write).
So if you're looking for use cases for multiple inheritance, I'd suggest starting with the Python 2.6 collections module and seeing how you would go about rewriting it using only single inheritance. I believe the new io module is also fairly dependent on multiple inheritance.
I am very well aware of the collection module and the ABC mechanism. However, you are missing that mixins can be implemented in a single-inheritance world without the complications of the MRO. See my answer to Alex Martelli in this same thread.

On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Michele Simionato wrote:
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
The mixin methods in the ABC machinery would be a lot less useful without multiple inheritance (and the collections ABCs would be a whole lot harder to define and to write).
So if you're looking for use cases for multiple inheritance, I'd suggest starting with the Python 2.6 collections module and seeing how you would go about rewriting it using only single inheritance. I believe the new io module is also fairly dependent on multiple inheritance.
I am very well aware of the collection module and the ABC mechanism. However, you are missing that mixins can be implemented in a single- inheritance world without the complications of the MRO. See my answer to Alex Martelli in this same thread.
As interesting as this conversation is at a meta-level, I'm not sure how much more can be accomplished here by debating the merits of multiple vs. single inheritance. Unfortunately I think this is a case where there is not just one good way to do it in all cases, especially given the subjective nature of "good" in this context. This is what I take away from this: - super() is tricky to use at best, and its documentation is inaccurate and incomplete. I think it should also be made more clear that super() is really mostly useful for framework developers, including users extending frameworks. Unfortunately many frameworks require you to extend them in order to write useful applications in my experience, so it trickles down to the app developer at times. In short, more correct documentation == good. - The difficulties of super() are really symptomatic of the difficulties of multiple inheritance. I think it's clear that multiple inheritance is here to stay in Python, and it solves certain classes of problems quite well. But, it requires careful consideration, and it's easy to get carried away and create a huge mess (ala Zope2, which I am all too familiar), and it can hinder code clarity as much as it facilitates reuse. - There are good alternatives to multiple inheritance for many cases, but there are cases where multiple inheritance is arguably best. Traits are a possible alternative that deserve further study. I think that study would be greatly aided by a 3rd-party library implementing traits for Python. If traits are to gain any traction or ever be considered for inclusion into the language such a library would need to exist first and demonstrate its utility. I know I'm probably just stating the obvious here, but I found it therapeutic ;^) -Casey

On 06:33 pm, wrote:
On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Michele Simionato wrote:
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
I am very well aware of the collection module and the ABC mechanism. However, you are missing that mixins can be implemented in a single- inheritance world without the complications of the MRO. See my answer to Alex Martelli in this same thread.
- super() is tricky to use at best, and its documentation is inaccurate and incomplete. I think it should also be made more clear that super() is really mostly useful for framework developers, including users extending frameworks. Unfortunately many frameworks require you to extend them in order to write useful applications in my experience, so it trickles down to the app developer at times. In short, more correct documentation == good.
I know I'm probably just stating the obvious here, but I found it therapeutic ;^)
I think this is a problem with this topic. Everyone writing about super() seems to be not just clearing up the documentation issues that surround it, but venting from personal frustrations with using it as well. I confess that I have done the same - if not in widely-publicized articles, at least on IRC and mailing list posts. I think it would benefit everyone if this discussion would end up with some patches to the library documentation that documented the semantics of super() more completely in the reference documentation and the "multiple inheritance" area of the tutorial, so that when people *do* run in to difficulties there is a very clear, central explanation of what it's supposed to do. Personally I think the thing that really should be pointed out is that it may behave in a confusing manner if the signature of the method being invoked is not the same on all classes in the same inheritance hierarchy. Theoretical problems aside, 99% of the trouble I've had with super() has to do with __init__ methods. I'll try my hand at such a patch over the weekend, but I'd be grateful for some pointers on a "quick start" for that. I am a complete newb at modifying the official documentation, and I seem to recall from a prior (failed) attempt that the tools are a bit difficult to work with.

From: <>
I think it would benefit everyone if this discussion would end up with some patches to the library documentation that documented the semantics of super() more completely in the reference documentation and the "multiple inheritance" area of the tutorial, so that when people *do* run in to difficulties there is a very clear, central explanation of what it's supposed to do.
Am working on a doc patch, will post this weekend. Raymond

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Casey Duncan <> wrote:
- There are good alternatives to multiple inheritance for many cases, but there are cases where multiple inheritance is arguably best.
Maybe, but I am still biased in the opposite direction ;)
Traits are a possible alternative that deserve further study. I think that study would be greatly aided by a 3rd-party library implementing traits for Python. If traits are to gain any traction or ever be considered for inclusion into the language such a library would need to exist first and demonstrate its utility.
I wrote a trait library which I plan to release soon or later. However it is intended as a proof of concept, not as a candidate for inclusion in the standard library. As of now, I don't think we should have a different way of doing mixins in the standard library. There should be only one obvious way and the obvious way in current Python is multiple inheritance as it is now. The proof of concept is important for educational purposes, to open the mind to alternatives, to give inspiration to the creators of new languages: it is not intended to add complication (whenever small) to current Python. Having said that, maybe once I release the library people will start using it in production and will ask for inclusion for the standard library, but this is not my goal now. This happened for my decorator module years ago: when I wrote it I did not expect people to use it, I saw it as a temporary hack until we got a better support for fiddling with function signatures in the standard library. Nevertheless now a lot of people are using it and I am not even sure it is a good thing (I have seen many decorator abuses out there). This the strange thing that happens when you release a library: you will never now what people will end up using it for ;) Michele Simionato

On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Michele Simionato
I wrote a trait library which I plan to release soon or later.
Ok, just for the people here that cannot wait I have prepared a pre-alpha snapshot and uploaded it to my site: At some moment I want to release it officially, but as of now I do not feel I have nailed out all the details and there may be difficulties I have not foreseen. If it is so, I am sure Phillip will find out all the loopholes ;) Nevertheless, I feel that I have covered out a lot of use cases that I cared to cover, and that there is something good in there, so have fun with this foolish attempt of putting multiple inheritance straight! ;-) Michele Simionato
participants (6)
Casey Duncan
Michele Simionato
Nick Coghlan
Phillip J. Eby
Raymond Hettinger