I'm interested in how builtins could be more efficient. I've read over some of the PEPs having to do with making global variables more efficient (search for "global"): http://www.python.org/doc/essays/pepparade.html But I think the problem can be simplified by focusing strictly on builtins. One of my assumptions is that only a small fractions of modules override the default builtins with something like: import mybuiltins __builtins__ = mybuiltins As you probably know each access of a builtin requires two hash table lookups. First, the builtin is not found in the list of globals. It is then found in the list of builtins. Why not have a means of referencing the default builtins with some sort of index the way the LOAD_FAST op code currently works? In other words, by default each module gets the default set of builtins indexed (where the index indexes into an array) in a certain order. The version stored in the pyc file would be bumped each time the set of default builtins is changed. I don't have very strong feelings whether things like True = (1 == 1) would be a syntax error, but assigning to a builtin could just do the equivalent of STORE_FAST. I also don't have very strong feelings about whether the array of default builtins would be shared between modules. To simulate the current behavior where attempting to assign to builtin actually alters that module's global hashtable a separate array of builtins could be used for each module. As to assigning to __builtins__ (like I mentioned at the beginning of this post) perhaps it could assign to the builtin array for those items that have a name that matches a default builtin (such as "True" or "len"). Those items that don't match a default builtin would just create global variables. Perhaps what I'm suggesting isn't feasible for reasons that have already been discussed. But it seems like it should be possible to make "while True" as efficient as "while 1". -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Steven Elliott wrote:
I'm interested in how builtins could be more efficient. I've read over some of the PEPs having to do with making global variables more efficient (search for "global"): http://www.python.org/doc/essays/pepparade.html But I think the problem can be simplified by focusing strictly on builtins.
Unfortunately, builtins can currently be shadowed in the module global namespace from outside the module (via constructs like "import mod; mod.str = my_str"). Unless/until that becomes illegal, focusing solely on builtins doesn't help - the difficulties lie in optimising builtin access while preserving the existing name shadowing semantics. PEP 280 seems to be about as simple as an approach can get while still possessing the correct semantics. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.boredomandlaziness.org

On 3/9/06, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
Steven Elliott wrote:
I'm interested in how builtins could be more efficient. I've read over some of the PEPs having to do with making global variables more efficient (search for "global"): http://www.python.org/doc/essays/pepparade.html But I think the problem can be simplified by focusing strictly on builtins.
Unfortunately, builtins can currently be shadowed in the module global namespace from outside the module (via constructs like "import mod; mod.str = my_str"). Unless/until that becomes illegal, focusing solely on builtins doesn't help - the difficulties lie in optimising builtin access while preserving the existing name shadowing semantics.
Is there any practical way of detecting and flagging constructs like the above (remotely shadowing a builtin in another module)? I can't see a way of doing it (but I know very little about this area...). If it *is* possible, I'd say it's worth implementing at least a warning sooner rather than later - the practice seems questionable at best, and any progress towards outlawing it would help in work on optimising builtins. Paul.

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 12:00 +0000, Paul Moore wrote:
On 3/9/06, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
Steven Elliott wrote:
I'm interested in how builtins could be more efficient. I've read over some of the PEPs having to do with making global variables more efficient (search for "global"): http://www.python.org/doc/essays/pepparade.html But I think the problem can be simplified by focusing strictly on builtins.
Unfortunately, builtins can currently be shadowed in the module global namespace from outside the module (via constructs like "import mod; mod.str = my_str"). Unless/until that becomes illegal, focusing solely on builtins doesn't help - the difficulties lie in optimising builtin access while preserving the existing name shadowing semantics.
Is there any practical way of detecting and flagging constructs like the above (remotely shadowing a builtin in another module)? I can't see a way of doing it (but I know very little about this area...).
It may be possible to flag it, or it may be possible it make it work. In my post I mentioned one special case that needs to be addressed (assigning to __builtins__). What Nick mentioned in his post ("import mod; mod.str = my_str") is another special case that needs to be addressed. If we can assume that all pyc files are compiled with the same set of default bulitins (which should be assured by the by the version in the pyc file) then there are two ways that things like "mod.str = my_str" could be handled. I believe that currently "mod.str = my_str" alters the module's global hash table (f->f_globals in the code). One way of handling it is to alter STORE_ATTR (op code for assigning to mod.str) to always check to see if the key being assigned is one of the default builtins. If it is, then the module's indexed array of builtins is assigned to. Alternatively if we also wanted to optimize "mod.str = my_str" then there could be a new opcode like STORE_ATTR that would take an index into the array of builtins instead of an index into the names. PEP 280, which Nick mentioned, talks about a "cells", a hybrid data structure that can do both hash table lookups and lookups by index efficiently. That's great, but I'm curious if additional gains can be made be focusing just on builtins. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------

At 08:50 AM 3/9/2006 -0600, Steven Elliott wrote:
I believe that currently "mod.str = my_str" alters the module's global hash table (f->f_globals in the code). One way of handling it is to alter STORE_ATTR (op code for assigning to mod.str) to always check to see if the key being assigned is one of the default builtins. If it is, then the module's indexed array of builtins is assigned to.
It's not the opcode that would change, it's the C function referenced by the module type's tp_setattro function slot. This has already been attempted before, in order to implement a warning for this behavior. You might want to research that, because the patch ended up being backed out for some reason. I think it ended up being too strict of a check to be accepted for Python 2.4. If some version of it could come back, however, it's possible we could use this in Python 2.5 to allow -O compilation to assume that unshadowed builtins are static, making it potentially possible to convert some of them to specialized bytecodes, or perhaps a "BUILTIN_OP n" bytecode, where 'n' is a combination of an operation selector and the number of arguments to be taken from the stack. The determination of "unshadowed" would have to be conservative, in that 'from foo import *' might shadow a builtin, so using 'import *' would disable optimization of all builtins. However, if that were not present, and there's no statically detectable assignment shadowing a particular builtin, that builtin could be optimized. (Assuming -O, of course.)

Steven Elliott wrote:
One way of handling it is to alter STORE_ATTR (op code for assigning to mod.str) to always check to see if the key being assigned is one of the default builtins. If it is, then the module's indexed array of builtins is assigned to.
As long as you're going to all that trouble, it doesn't seem like it would be much harder to treat all global names that way, instead of just a predefined set. The compiler already knows all of the names that are used as globals in the module's code.
That's great, but I'm curious if additional gains can be made be focusing just on builtins.
As long as builtins can be shadowed, I can't see how to make any extra use of the fact that it's a builtin. A semantic change would be needed, such as forbidding shadowing of builtins, or at least forbidding this from outside the module. Greg

At 12:46 PM 3/10/2006 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
Steven Elliott wrote:
One way of handling it is to alter STORE_ATTR (op code for assigning to mod.str) to always check to see if the key being assigned is one of the default builtins. If it is, then the module's indexed array of builtins is assigned to.
As long as you're going to all that trouble, it doesn't seem like it would be much harder to treat all global names that way, instead of just a predefined set. The compiler already knows all of the names that are used as globals in the module's code.
But knowing that an operation is a builtin allows for the possibility of invoking the equivalent C operation directly in the interpreter (e.g. via a jump table), thus letting us translate something like "len(foo)" from: LOAD_GLOBAL len LOAD_FAST foo CALL_FUNCTION 1 into something like: LOAD_FAST foo BUILTIN_OP len, 1 And, the BUILTIN_OP could invoke a C function passing in a pointer to the arguments on the stack, so as to bypass tuple allocation, and the C function would use PySequence_Length() rather than going through the Python calling convention to PyObject_Call() the 'len' object. Now, whether that'll actually speed real programs up much, I don't know. But there are certainly a lot of things being cut out of the process using this approach, including an opcode fetch/decode, two dictionary lookups (one failing, one successful), and perhaps some tuplefying (only for C funcs w argcount>1, since those builtins don't need an argtuple IIRC). And, even if it does speed things up a good deal, there's still a question of whether it should be done, when some real systems hack modules' builtins for testing. However, if BUILTIN_OP were to verify at runtime that __builtins__ is the interpreter standard builtins (i.e., the restricted-mode check), then it could dynamically choose to do the slower operation lookup. That would allow you to hack a module's builtins by giving it a fresh __builtins__ dictionary to implement that kind of monkeypatching.

On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 12:46 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
Steven Elliott wrote:
One way of handling it is to alter STORE_ATTR (op code for assigning to mod.str) to always check to see if the key being assigned is one of the default builtins. If it is, then the module's indexed array of builtins is assigned to.
As long as you're going to all that trouble, it doesn't seem like it would be much harder to treat all global names that way, instead of just a predefined set. The compiler already knows all of the names that are used as globals in the module's code.
The important difference between builtins and globals is that with builtins both the compiler and the runtime can enumerate all references to builtins in a single consistent way. That is "True" can always be builtin #3 and "len" can always be builtin #17, or whatever. This isn't true of globals in that a pyc file referencing a global in a module may have been compiled with a different version of that module (that is "some_module.some_global" can't compiled to single fixed index since stuff may shift around in "some_module"). With globals you have the same kind of problem that you have with operating systems that use ordinals to refer to symbols in shared libraries. So in the case of a static reference to a builtin ("while True", or whatever) the compiler would generate something that refers to it with that builtin's index (such as a new "BUILTIN_OP" opcode, as Philip suggested). Ordinary globals (non-builtins) would continue to be generated as the same code (the "LOAD_GLOBAL" opcode (I'll only refer to the loading opcodes in this email)). In the case of a dynamic reference to a builtin ("eval('True = 7')" or "from foo import *" or whatever) would generate the opcode that indicates that the runtime needs to figure out what do to (the same "LOAD_NAME" opcode). The second part of the the "LOAD_NAME" opcode is similar to the current "LOAD_GLOBAL" opcode - it first checks the hash tables of globals and then checks the hash table of builtins. However, the second part of the "LOAD_NAME" opcode could be implemented such that it first checks against a list of default builtins (which could be a hash table that returns the index of that builtin) and then indexes into the array of builtins if it is found, or retrieves it from the single hash table of globals otherwise. So the "LOAD_NAME" opcode (or similar attempts to dynamically get a name) would almost be as efficient as it currently it.
That's great, but I'm curious if additional gains can be made be focusing just on builtins.
As long as builtins can be shadowed, I can't see how to make any extra use of the fact that it's a builtin. A semantic change would be needed, such as forbidding shadowing of builtins, or at least forbidding this from outside the module.
One way of looking at is rather than having a clear distinction between builtins and globals (as there currently is) there would be a single global name space that internally in Python is implemented in two data structures. An array for frequently used names and a hash table for infrequently used names. And the division between the two wouldn't even have two be between globals and builtins like we've been talking about so far. What distinguishes the builtins is you get them for free (initialized on startup). So, it would be possible to insert infrequently used builtins into the hash table of infrequently used names only when the module refers to it. Conversely, names that aren't builtins, but that are used frequently in many different modules, such as "sys" or "os", could have indexes set aside for for them in the array of frequently used names. Later, when when it gets a value (because "sys" is imported, or whatever) it just gets stuck into the predetermined slot in the array of frequently used names. Since builtins can be shadowed, as you point out, there would have to be one array of frequently used names per module. But often it would be the same as other modules. So internally, as a matter of efficiency, the interpreter could use a copy on write strategy where a global array of frequently used names is used by the module until it assigns to "True", or something like that, at which point it gets its own copy. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Steven Elliott wrote:
a pyc file referencing a global in a module may have been compiled with a different version of that module (that is "some_module.some_global" can't compiled to single fixed index since stuff may shift around in "some_module").
Not sure I quite follow that. Since the code in the .pyc file is what sets the module up in the first place, it can set up the array to suit its own use of global symbols. The only way this could go wrong was if you extracted the code out of a function compiled for one module and surgically implanted it in another, but if you're hacking at that level you deserve what you get. I think it's actually possible to combine all the ideas suggested so far. Builtins are assigned predefined indexes for a particular bytecode version, and each module assigns indexes its own way for other globals it uses. Builtins can have dedicated opcodes which perform a fast check for shadowing in the module and builtin arrays. Everything goes as fast as possible while still allowing anything to be overridden. Greg

I'm finally getting back into this. I'd like to take one more shot at it with a revised version of what I proposed before. For those of you that did not see the original thread it was about ways that accessing builtins could be more efficient. It's a bit much to summarize again now, but you should be able to find it in the archive with this subject and a date of 2006-03-08. On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 12:46 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
Steven Elliott wrote:
One way of handling it is to alter STORE_ATTR (op code for assigning to mod.str) to always check to see if the key being assigned is one of the default builtins. If it is, then the module's indexed array of builtins is assigned to.
As long as you're going to all that trouble, it doesn't seem like it would be much harder to treat all global names that way, instead of just a predefined set. The compiler already knows all of the names that are used as globals in the module's code.
What I have in mind may be close to what you are suggesting above. My thought now is that builtins are a set of tokens that typically, but don't necessarily, point to the same objects in all modules. Such tokens, which I'll refer to as "global tokens", can be roughly broken into two sets: 1) Global tokens that typically point to the same object in all modules. 2) Global tokens that that are likely to point to the different objects (or be undefined) in different modules. Set 1) is pretty much the the builtins. "True" and "len" are likely to point to the same objects in all modules, but not necessarily. Set 2) might be things like "os" and "sys" which are often defined (imported) in modules, but not necessarily. Access to the globals of a module, including the current module, is done with one of three opcodes (LOAD_GLOBAL, LOAD_ATTR and LOAD_NAME). For each of these opcodes the following snippet of code from ceval.c (for LOAD_GLOBAL) is relevant to this discussion: /* This is the un-inlined version of the code above */ x = PyDict_GetItem(f->f_globals, w); if (x == NULL) { x = PyDict_GetItem(f->f_builtins, w); if (x == NULL) { load_global_error: format_exc_check_arg( PyExc_NameError, GLOBAL_NAME_ERROR_MSG, w); break; } } So, to avoid the hash table lookups above maybe the global tokens could be assigned an index value that is fixed for any given version of the interpreter and that is the same for all modules (that "True" is always index 7, "len" is always index 3, etc.) Once a set of indexes have been determined a new opcode, that I'll call "LOAD_GTOKEN", could be created that avoids the hash table lookup by functioning in a way that is similar to LOAD_FAST (pull a local variable value out of an array). For example, static references to "True" could always be compiled to LOAD_GTOKEN 7 (True) As to set 1) and set 2) that I mentioned above - there is only a need to distinguish between the two sets if a copy-on-write mechanism is used. That way global tokens that are likely to have their value changed (group 2) ) can all be together in one group so that only that group needs to be copied when one of the global tokens is written to. For example code such as: True = 1 print True would be compiled into something like: 1 LOAD_CONST 1 (1) STORE_GTOKEN1 7 (True) 2 LOAD_GTOKEN1 7 (True) PRINT_ITEM PRINT_NEWLINE Note that "1" has been appended to "STORE_GTOKEN" to indicate that group 1) is being worked with. The store command will copy the array of pointers once, the first time it is called. Just as a new opcode is needed for LOAD_GLOBAL one would be needed for LOAD_ATTR. Perhaps "LOAD_ATOKEN" would work. For example: amodule.len = my_len print amodule.len would be compiled into something like: 1 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (my_len) LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (amodule) STORE_ATOKEN1 3 (len) 2 LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (amodule) LOAD_ATOKEN1 3 (len) PRINT_ITEM PRINT_NEWLINE LOAD_CONST 0 (None) RETURN_VALUE Note that it looks almost identical to the code that is currently generated, but the oparg "3" shown for the "LOAD_ATOKEN1" above indexes into an array (like LOAD_FAST) to get at the attribute directly whereas the oparg that would be shown for LOAD_ATTR is an index into an array of constants/strings which is then used to retrieve the attribute from the module's global hash table.
That's great, but I'm curious if additional gains can be made be focusing just on builtins.
As long as builtins can be shadowed, I can't see how to make any extra use of the fact that it's a builtin. A semantic change would be needed, such as forbidding shadowing of builtins, or at least forbidding this from outside the module.
I now think that it best not to think of builtins as being a special case. What really matters is that if all modules agree on a way of indexing global tokens (possible since they are all compiled with the same compiler) then it should be possible to avoid any hash table lookups when those global tokens are read or written to. So while True: can be just as efficient as while 1: Is it reasonable to require the compiler to be aware of the set of builtins and their indexes at the time the bytecode is produced? That is one cost to consider - a less clean separation between the compiler and the meaning behind the code it compiles. One cost to consider is the memory consumed by unsused slots in the array of global tokens for a module if that module uses a small number of builtins, but also writes to one of them so that the array needs to be copied. But hopefully that won't be too bad. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------

If this is not a replay of an old message, please move the discussion to python-ideas. On 2/20/07, Steven Elliott <selliott4@austin.rr.com> wrote:
I'm finally getting back into this. I'd like to take one more shot at it with a revised version of what I proposed before.
For those of you that did not see the original thread it was about ways that accessing builtins could be more efficient. It's a bit much to summarize again now, but you should be able to find it in the archive with this subject and a date of 2006-03-08.
On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 12:46 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
Steven Elliott wrote:
One way of handling it is to alter STORE_ATTR (op code for assigning to mod.str) to always check to see if the key being assigned is one of the default builtins. If it is, then the module's indexed array of builtins is assigned to.
As long as you're going to all that trouble, it doesn't seem like it would be much harder to treat all global names that way, instead of just a predefined set. The compiler already knows all of the names that are used as globals in the module's code.
What I have in mind may be close to what you are suggesting above. My thought now is that builtins are a set of tokens that typically, but don't necessarily, point to the same objects in all modules. Such tokens, which I'll refer to as "global tokens", can be roughly broken into two sets: 1) Global tokens that typically point to the same object in all modules. 2) Global tokens that that are likely to point to the different objects (or be undefined) in different modules. Set 1) is pretty much the the builtins. "True" and "len" are likely to point to the same objects in all modules, but not necessarily. Set 2) might be things like "os" and "sys" which are often defined (imported) in modules, but not necessarily.
Access to the globals of a module, including the current module, is done with one of three opcodes (LOAD_GLOBAL, LOAD_ATTR and LOAD_NAME). For each of these opcodes the following snippet of code from ceval.c (for LOAD_GLOBAL) is relevant to this discussion: /* This is the un-inlined version of the code above */ x = PyDict_GetItem(f->f_globals, w); if (x == NULL) { x = PyDict_GetItem(f->f_builtins, w); if (x == NULL) { load_global_error: format_exc_check_arg( PyExc_NameError, GLOBAL_NAME_ERROR_MSG, w); break; } }
So, to avoid the hash table lookups above maybe the global tokens could be assigned an index value that is fixed for any given version of the interpreter and that is the same for all modules (that "True" is always index 7, "len" is always index 3, etc.)
Once a set of indexes have been determined a new opcode, that I'll call "LOAD_GTOKEN", could be created that avoids the hash table lookup by functioning in a way that is similar to LOAD_FAST (pull a local variable value out of an array). For example, static references to "True" could always be compiled to LOAD_GTOKEN 7 (True)
As to set 1) and set 2) that I mentioned above - there is only a need to distinguish between the two sets if a copy-on-write mechanism is used. That way global tokens that are likely to have their value changed (group 2) ) can all be together in one group so that only that group needs to be copied when one of the global tokens is written to. For example code such as: True = 1 print True would be compiled into something like: 1 LOAD_CONST 1 (1) STORE_GTOKEN1 7 (True) 2 LOAD_GTOKEN1 7 (True) PRINT_ITEM PRINT_NEWLINE Note that "1" has been appended to "STORE_GTOKEN" to indicate that group 1) is being worked with. The store command will copy the array of pointers once, the first time it is called.
Just as a new opcode is needed for LOAD_GLOBAL one would be needed for LOAD_ATTR. Perhaps "LOAD_ATOKEN" would work. For example: amodule.len = my_len print amodule.len would be compiled into something like: 1 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (my_len) LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (amodule) STORE_ATOKEN1 3 (len)
Note that it looks almost identical to the code that is currently generated, but the oparg "3" shown for the "LOAD_ATOKEN1" above indexes into an array (like LOAD_FAST) to get at the attribute directly whereas the oparg that would be shown for LOAD_ATTR is an index into an array of constants/strings which is then used to retrieve the attribute from the module's global hash table.
That's great, but I'm curious if additional gains can be made be focusing just on builtins.
As long as builtins can be shadowed, I can't see how to make any extra use of the fact that it's a builtin. A semantic change would be needed, such as forbidding shadowing of builtins, or at least forbidding this from outside the module.
I now think that it best not to think of builtins as being a special case. What really matters is that if all modules agree on a way of indexing global tokens (possible since they are all compiled with the same compiler) then it should be possible to avoid any hash table lookups when those global tokens are read or written to. So while True: can be just as efficient as while 1:
Is it reasonable to require the compiler to be aware of the set of builtins and their indexes at the time the bytecode is produced? That is one cost to consider - a less clean separation between the compiler and the meaning behind the code it compiles.
One cost to consider is the memory consumed by unsused slots in the array of global tokens for a module if that module uses a small number of builtins, but also writes to one of them so that the array needs to be copied. But hopefully that won't be too bad.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------
_______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Python-Dev@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-dev/guido%40python.org
-- --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 07:48 -0800, Guido van Rossum wrote:
If this is not a replay of an old message, please move the discussion to python-ideas.
It's a modified version of an old idea, so I wasn't sure where to post it since previously it was discussed here. I'll look into python-ideas. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------

On 20/02/2007 16.07, Steven Elliott wrote:
I'm finally getting back into this. I'd like to take one more shot at it with a revised version of what I proposed before.
For those of you that did not see the original thread it was about ways that accessing builtins could be more efficient. It's a bit much to summarize again now, but you should be able to find it in the archive with this subject and a date of 2006-03-08.
Are you aware of this patch, which is still awaiting review? https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=305470&aid=1616125&group_id=5470 -- Giovanni Bajo

;`On Thu, 2007-02-22 at 01:26 +0100, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
On 20/02/2007 16.07, Steven Elliott wrote:
I'm finally getting back into this. I'd like to take one more shot at it with a revised version of what I proposed before.
For those of you that did not see the original thread it was about ways that accessing builtins could be more efficient. It's a bit much to summarize again now, but you should be able to find it in the archive with this subject and a date of 2006-03-08.
Are you aware of this patch, which is still awaiting review? https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=305470&aid=1616125&group_id=5470
I was not aware of your patch. I've since downloaded it, applied it, and played with it a bit. I find the cached module lookups (cached lookups when loading attributes in modules via LOAD_ATTR) to be particularly interesting since it addresses a case where PEP 280 leaves off. Your idea is to have an indexable array of objects that is only used when the hash table has not been changed, which can be determined by the timestamps you added. That may be the best way of handling attributes in modules (LOAD_ATTR). For global variables (LOAD_GLOBAL) I'm curious how it compares to PEP 280 and or Greg Ewing's idea. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------

* Paul Moore wrote:
If it *is* possible, I'd say it's worth implementing at least a warning sooner rather than later - the practice seems questionable at best, and any progress towards outlawing it would help in work on optimising builtins.
</lurk> FWIW, this practice is very handy for unit tests. For example, I often shadow builtins like ``file`` for my tests with a mock placed from the outside into the global namespace. nd <lurk> -- "Das Verhalten von Gates hatte mir bewiesen, dass ich auf ihn und seine beiden Gefährten nicht zu zählen brauchte" -- Karl May, "Winnetou III" Im Westen was neues: <http://pub.perlig.de/books.html#apache2>

[Steven Elliott]
As you probably know each access of a builtin requires two hash table lookups. First, the builtin is not found in the list of globals. It is then found in the list of builtins.
If someone really cared about the double lookup, they could flatten a level by starting their modules with: from __builtin__ import * However, we don't see people writing this kind of code. That could mean that the double lookup hasn't been a big concern.
Why not have a means of referencing the default builtins with some sort of index the way the LOAD_FAST op code currently works?
FWIW, there was a PEP proposing a roughly similar idea, but the PEP encountered a great deal of resistance: http://www.python.org/doc/peps/pep-0329/ When it comes time to write your PEP, it would helpful to highlight how it differs from PEP 329 (i.e. implemented through the compiler rather than as a bytecode hack, etc.).
Perhaps what I'm suggesting isn't feasible for reasons that have already been discussed. But it seems like it should be possible to make "while True" as efficient as "while 1".
That is going to be difficult as long as it is legal to write: True = 0 Raymond

At 08:51 AM 3/9/2006 -0800, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
Perhaps what I'm suggesting isn't feasible for reasons that have already been discussed. But it seems like it should be possible to make "while True" as efficient as "while 1".
That is going to be difficult as long as it is legal to write:
True = 0
In that case, it can obviously be determined statically that the builtin is shadowed, and optimization is impossible for that builtin in that module. What *is* difficult is the somemodule.True = 0 case, and the somemodule.__dict__['True']=0 case, and the globals()['True'] = 0 case, and other such fiddling. Personally, I think that such shenanigans (in the case where somemodule doesn't already have a module-level binding for the builtin) should not be allowed to change the semantics of optimized functions using that dictionary as a global namespace. I think this is a reasonable implementation limit on dynamicity, although to be conservative I think we should only do this with -O in Python 2.5, if we do it at all.

On 3/9/06, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
BTW, are there any plans to make True and False hard constants in 3.0 (like None is now)? Maybe also others like Ellipsis, NotImplemented, etc.
I don't think we should make any of these keywords. -- --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

On 3/10/06, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
Guido van Rossum wrote:
I don't think we should make any of these keywords.
Not even True and False? The only good reasons I can see for anyone wanting to shadow these are backwards compatibility ones.
Not even True and False. I don't see why everything that doesn't make sense to be shadowed ought to become a keyword. That way lies madness. -- --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
Not even True and False.
I don't see why everything that doesn't make sense to be shadowed ought to become a keyword. That way lies madness.
Have you considered whether P3K will disallow names from being shadowed in such as way as to prevent the compiler from determining the namespace to look for a given name? I seen nothing in PEP 3000 related to this issue. Neil

On 3/10/06, Neil Schemenauer <nas@arctrix.com> wrote:
Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
Not even True and False.
I don't see why everything that doesn't make sense to be shadowed ought to become a keyword. That way lies madness.
Have you considered whether P3K will disallow names from being shadowed in such as way as to prevent the compiler from determining the namespace to look for a given name? I seen nothing in PEP 3000 related to this issue.
Yes, that's one of my goals. PEP 280 (clumsily) expresses some of the ideas. Currently, my main idea is to allow the compiler to assume that if a known built-in is used in a module, and inspection of the source code for that module reveals no assignment to a global with the same name, the built-in can be assumed to have the standard semantics, and may be hardcoded in any way the compiler seems fit (for example, an opcode that computes len() would be fair game). Exceptions would be made for 'open' and '__import__' (since these are commonly hacked). -- --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Guido van Rossum wrote:
I don't see why everything that doesn't make sense to be shadowed ought to become a keyword.
That wasn't the reason. I was thinking it would be nice if one could use True and False instead of 1 and 0 in the knowledge that it wasn't costing a couple of dictionary lookups. However, if a more general way is found of optimising global lookups, this may become a non-issue. Greg

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 08:51 -0800, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
[Steven Elliott]
As you probably know each access of a builtin requires two hash table lookups. First, the builtin is not found in the list of globals. It is then found in the list of builtins.
If someone really cared about the double lookup, they could flatten a level by starting their modules with:
from __builtin__ import *
However, we don't see people writing this kind of code. That could mean that the double lookup hasn't been a big concern.
It could mean that. I think what you are suggesting is sufficiently cleaver that the average Python coder may not have thought of it. In any case, many people are willing to do "while 1" instead of "while True" to avoid the double lookup. And the "from __builtin__ import *" additionally imposes a startup cost and memory cost (at least a word per builtin, I would guess).
Why not have a means of referencing the default builtins with some sort of index the way the LOAD_FAST op code currently works?
FWIW, there was a PEP proposing a roughly similar idea, but the PEP encountered a great deal of resistance:
When it comes time to write your PEP, it would helpful to highlight how it differs from PEP 329 (i.e. implemented through the compiler rather than as a bytecode hack, etc.).
I'm flattered that you think it might be worthy of a PEP. I'll look into doing that.
Perhaps what I'm suggesting isn't feasible for reasons that have already been discussed. But it seems like it should be possible to make "while True" as efficient as "while 1".
That is going to be difficult as long as it is legal to write:
True = 0
"LOAD_BUILTIN" (or whatever we want to call it) should be as fast as "LOAD_FAST" (locals) or "LOAD_CONST" in that they each index into an array where the index is the argument to the opcode. I'll look into writing a PEP. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------

| [ Raymond Hettinger ]: | > If someone really cared about the double lookup, they could | > flatten a level by starting their modules with: | > | > from __builtin__ import * | > | > However, we don't see people writing this kind of code. That | > could mean that the double lookup hasn't been a big concern. [ Steven Elliott <selliott4@austin.rr.com> ]: ---------------------------------------- | It could mean that. I think what you are suggesting is sufficiently | cleaver that the average Python coder may not have thought of it. | | # small cut | | And the "from __builtin__ import *" additionally imposes a startup | cost and memory cost (at least a word per builtin, I would guess). I suppose that if someone decided to use "from __builtin__ import *" to avoid double lookup, this person *knows* what builtins should be optmized, and therefore could use import specific builtins "from __builtin__ import len, max" avoiding a startup/memory penalty. Otherwise, the startup/memory penalty might be non-issues. cheers, Rod Senra

Steven Elliott <selliott4@austin.rr.com> wrote:
I'm interested in how builtins could be more efficient. I've read over some of the PEPs having to do with making global variables more efficient (search for "global"): http://www.python.org/doc/essays/pepparade.html But I think the problem can be simplified by focusing strictly on builtins.
Whether or not it is a good idea, it is not wholly uncommon for users to manipulate variables in the builtin or other module namespaces. From very simple import hooks replacing __import__, to module.QUIT = 1, these things happen, and I don't think that making them produce a warning as suggested by Paul, necessarily helps us. I personally think the problem can be simplified (and solved) by applying decorators where such builtin lookups could/should be more efficient. Raymond has a recipe for doing such optimization over at the Python cookbook: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/277940 Toss that little guy into a decorators module; if people want their runtime calling to be fast (at the expense of a slightly increased compilation time), they'll start using it. - Josiah
participants (13)
André Malo
Giovanni Bajo
Greg Ewing
Guido van Rossum
Josiah Carlson
Just van Rossum
Neil Schemenauer
Nick Coghlan
Paul Moore
Phillip J. Eby
Raymond Hettinger
Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra
Steven Elliott