It's not all that clear that *this* is the cycle. In fact, it is not.
I'm curious however as to why the spiffy new cyclic-garbage collector doesn't pick this up?
It's an interesting problem, so I spent this afternoon investigating it. I soon found that I need a tool, so I introduced a new function gc.getreferents which, when given an object, returns a list of objects referring to that object. The patch for that feature is in http://sourceforge.net/patch/?func=detailpatch&patch_id=102925&group_id=5470 Applying that function recursively, I can get an output that looks like that: <rexec.RExec instance at 0x81f5dcc> <method RExec.r_import of RExec instance at 0x81f5dcc> dictionary 0x81f4f24 <method RExec.r_reload of RExec instance at 0x81f5dcc> dictionary 0x81f4f24 (seen) <method RExec.r_open of RExec instance at 0x81f5dcc> dictionary 0x81f4f24 (seen) <method RExec.r_exc_info of RExec instance at 0x81f5dcc> dictionary 0x8213bc4 dictionary 0x820869c <rexec.RHooks instance at 0x8216cbc> dictionary 0x820866c <rexec.RExec instance at 0x81f5dcc> (seen) dictionary 0x8213bf4 <ihooks.FancyModuleLoader instance at 0x81f7464> dictionary 0x820866c (seen) dictionary 0x8214144 <ihooks.ModuleImporter instance at 0x8214124> dictionary 0x820866c (seen) Each indentation level shows the objects which refer to the outer-next object, e.g. the dictionary 0x820869c refers to the RExec instance, and the RHooks instance refers to that dictionary. Clearly, the dictionary 0x820869c is the RHooks' __dict__, and the reference belongs to the 'rexec' key in that dictionary. The recursion stops only when an object has been seen before (so its a cycle, or other non-tree graph), or if there are no referents (the lists created to do the iteration are ignored). So it appears that the r_import method is referenced from some dictionary, but that dictionary is not referenced anywhere??? Checking the actual structures shows that rexec creates a __builtin__ module, which has a dictionary that has an __import__ key. So the reference to the method comes from the __builtin__ module, which in turn is referenced as the RExec's .modules attribute, giving another cycle. However, module objects don't participate in garbage collection. Therefore, gc.getreferents cannot traverse a module, and the garbage collector won't find a cycle involving a garbage module. I just submitted a bug report, http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=126345&group_id=5470 which suggests that modules should also participate in garbage collection. Regards, Martin
participants (1)
Martin v. Loewis