imp.findmodule and zip files

Should imp.find_module() work for modules that are packaged in a zip file in 2.3.x? I'm seeing that this doesn't, and before I dive in to figure out why, I want to see if this is the intent. -- Tom Emerson Basis Technology Corp. Software Architect "Beware the lollipop of mediocrity: lick it once and you suck forever"

Tom Emerson wrote:
Should imp.find_module() work for modules that are packaged in a zip file in 2.3.x? I'm seeing that this doesn't, and before I dive in to figure out why, I want to see if this is the intent.
The imp module is not yet updated to have full access to the new import hooks :-(. See near the end of for a discussion of the issues. Just

Just van Rossum <> writes:
The imp module is not yet updated to have full access to the new import hooks :-(. See near the end of for a discussion of the issues.
There's another minor issue with the new import hooks which would be nice to be fixed: to my knowledge, the Py_VerboseFlag is not exposed to the Python layer. Sometimes it would come handy when debugging a custom importer. Thomas
participants (3)
Just van Rossum
Thomas Heller
Tom Emerson