Re: PEP 647 Accepted

I vaguely remember reading some discussion about Annotated and, for what little it's worth, I disagree with the consensus. For now all that comes to mind is either stuffing the information in docstrings (which would be kind of an involution, seeing as that was the way for annotating type before type annotations), or changing the name of the type to something more obvious at a glance. Something like Typeguards["param", T], if arbitrary strings could be included, which would have to correspond to parameter names. This would give a few extra advantages: - Multiple parameters could be annotated per function if needed (e.g. def my_function(param1, param2) -> Typeguards["param1", T, "param2", U]). An alternative syntax could be Typeguards[["param1", T], ["param2", U]] - Functions with additional parameters that the function uses but which are not typeguarded could be used, and there would be no ambiguity as to which parameter is affected by the typeguard: def my_function(param1: Any, param2: bool) -> Typeguards["param1", T] Personally, I like the idea of functions that /happen/ to restrict the type of a variable without it necessarily being their only or primary goal; this would enable those. Possible alternative names: Ensures["param1", T], Ensure["param1", T], IsType["param1", T]. It's important to remember that jargon creates a potential hurdle to comprehension, so simpler language should, in my opinion, always be preferred. Side-note: | is being introduced for union types in type annotations. Could it be an idea to add a & as well, to signal side-effects of the function that do not interfere with the return value? A function could then have a signature like: - def my_function(param1, param2) -> bool & Typeguards["param1", T] - def my_function(param1) -> int & Typeguards[T] # Only one param, so "param1" is optional I realise it would make signatures (optionally!) longer and arguably uglier, but the latter is mostly a matter of personal taster and of getting used to, which is always there when new features are introduced. I remember := being controversial, but it grew on me over time. I hope there's at least something worth considering in the above ideas. On 07/04/2021 21:59, wrote:
participants (1)
Federico Salerno