I think the next steps to take are as follows, in order: 1) Generate a patch to the trunk to remove all use of socket.ssl in library modules (and elsewhere except for test/test_socket_ssl.py), and switch them to use the ssl module. This would affect httplib, imaplib, poplib, smtplib, urllib, and xmlrpclib. This patch should also deprecate the use of socket.ssl, and particularly the "server" and "issuer" methods on it, which can return bad data. I don't know how to deprecate something... Pointers? 2) Expand the test suite to exhaustively test edge cases, particularly things like invalid protocol ids, bad cert files, bad key files, etc. 3) Take the threaded server example in test/test_ssl.py, clean it up, and add it to the Demos directory (maybe it should be a HOWTO?). 4) Generate a patch for the Py3K branch. This patch would remove the "ssl" function from the socket module, and would also remove the "server" and "issuer" methods on the SSL context. The ssl.sslsocket class would be renamed to SSLSocket (PEP 8), and would inherit from socket.socket and io.RawIOBase. The current improvements to the Modules/_ssl.c file would be folded in. The patch would also fix all uses of socket.ssl in the other library modules. 5) Generate a package for older Pythons (2.3-2.5). This would install the ssl module, plus the improved version of _ssl.c. Needs more design. Bill
participants (1)
Bill Janssen