Re: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2) (and a first post)

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, John J Lee wrote:
wanted this
function just a few weeks ago.
Hello All, This is my first post here, so first a few words about me. My name is Richard Barran. I live in Paris (but I'm English) and earn my living by coding Oracle stored procedures in PL/SQL. I discovered Python 2 years ago and now use it in my day job for a variety of purposes: quick scripts, unit testing of my "proper" PL/SQL stuff, code deployment scripts and so on. Now down to business: I'm the author of one of the "relpath" functions posted on the ActiveState website* so I've read this thread with interest. For some time I've been thinking of contributing something back to Python, but I thought the relpath function was too specialised for inclusion in the standard library. Also I wasn't clear on how to go about getting the support of a python-dev member, as required in the development process guidelines paper :-) So I have a question: do the previous mails mean that a relpath function might possibly be a usefull addition to os.path? And if the answer to the previous question is "yes", then should I submit a patch, or is someone else already working on it? Regards, Richard Barran * my version is the one at Python/Recipe/302594

[richard barran wrote]
So I have a question: do the previous mails mean that a relpath function might possibly be a usefull addition to os.path?
Yes, it seems to have support.
And if the answer to the previous question is "yes", then should I submit a patch, or is someone else already working on it?
Yes, please do. Trent -- Trent Mick
participants (3)
Bob Ippolito
richard barran
Trent Mick