I just voted to accept a patch that's broken. If you want to argue it, be my guest, but I'm out of it now <wink>. Here's the patch: https://sourceforge.net/patch/?func=detailpatch&patch_id=100651&group_id=547 0 Here's my comment (also available on that page): Accepted (but reluctantly; see below), and assigned back to Guido for checkin. cmathmodule is not production quality, and this patch isn't either, but its asinh and acosh are better than what's there now. The author avoided some of the numerical foolishness in the original, but didn't avoid all of it. For example, it's harder to get asinh to do something ridiculous now than it was before, but still possible:
cmath.acosh(1e200) (461.210165779+0j) cmath.asinh(1e200) (1.#INF+0j)
asinh should have returned something approximately equal to what acosh returned. That may not be the patch's problem, though! I suspect that's due to one of the module's other functions that's too naive about the limits of floating point. In any case, it is much easier to provoke the *current* cmath functions into cases like this one. Another possible problem has to do with principal values. My reference books are in storage, so about the best I can do right now is compare what this code does to Macsyma (which I have on my laptop). The acosh in this patch often returns the negative of what Macysma computes. For example,
cmath.acosh(-1-1j) (1.06127506191-2.23703575929j)
Macsyma returns the negation of that. On the other hand, the *original* acosh doesn't agree with Macsyma on some signs where this acosh does. So call this one a wash. I may have mentioned this before <wink>: robust math libraries are extremely difficult to get right. It would take several months to write a production-quality cmath module from scratch, which is several months more than were devoted to Python's current cmath <wink>. I vote we check this in anyway (since it *is*, overall, an improvement), and look into borrowing some other language's complex math library later (note in particular that C9X adds complex numbers and these functions on them, so if we sit on our asses long enough, we can inherit libc's!).

[Tim discusses god awful math details] Would you want to foward this to python-list to see if any lurking mathematicians might be spurred to action? Trent -- Trent Mick trentm@activestate.com

[Trent Mick]
[Tim discusses god awful math details] Would you want to foward this to python-list to see if any lurking mathematicians might be spurred to action?
God, please no! This requires a numerical analyst, not a mathematician. Voting by talented amateurs is only going to make things worse <0.5 wink>. I was an NA in a previous life, and know what needs to be done to resolve all this. But that takes way more time than we have before 2.0b1. The patch in question makes life better for the world's only known user of cmath <ahem>. may-as-well-ask-c.l.py-to-discuss-python's-version-number<wink>-ly y'rs - tim
participants (2)
Tim Peters
Trent Mick