[RELEASED] Python 2.7.5

It is my greatest pleasure to announce the release of Python 2.7.5. 2.7.5 is the latest maintenance release in the Python 2.7 series. You may be surprised to hear from me so soon, as Python 2.7.4 was released slightly more than a month ago. As it turns out, 2.7.4 had several regressions and incompatibilities with 2.7.3. Among them were regressions in the zipfile, gzip, and logging modules. 2.7.5 fixes these. In addition, a data file for testing in the 2.7.4 tarballs and binaries aroused the suspicion of some virus checkers. The 2.7.5 release removes this file to resolve that issue. For details, see the Misc/NEWS file in the distribution or view it at http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/ab05e7dd2788/Misc/NEWS Downloads are at http://python.org/download/releases/2.7.5/ As always, please report bugs to http://bugs.python.org/ (Thank you to those who reported these bugs in 2.7.4.) This is a production release. Happy May, Benjamin Peterson 2.7 Release Manager (on behalf of all of Python 2.7's contributors)

test_asynchat still hangs! What it does? Should I care? ----------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 23:19:06 -0500 Subject: [RELEASED] Python 2.7.5 From: benjamin@python.org To: python-dev@python.org; python-list@python.org; python-announce-list@python.org
It is my greatest pleasure to announce the release of Python 2.7.5.
2.7.5 is the latest maintenance release in the Python 2.7 series. You may be surprised to hear from me so soon, as Python 2.7.4 was released slightly more than a month ago. As it turns out, 2.7.4 had several regressions and incompatibilities with 2.7.3. Among them were regressions in the zipfile, gzip, and logging modules. 2.7.5 fixes these. In addition, a data file for testing in the 2.7.4 tarballs and binaries aroused the suspicion of some virus checkers. The 2.7.5 release removes this file to resolve that issue.
For details, see the Misc/NEWS file in the distribution or view it at
Downloads are at
As always, please report bugs to
(Thank you to those who reported these bugs in 2.7.4.)
This is a production release.
Happy May, Benjamin Peterson 2.7 Release Manager (on behalf of all of Python 2.7's contributors) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Just filed 17992! http://bugs.python.org/issue17992 ----------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 23:51:00 -0500 Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] Python 2.7.5 From: benjamin@python.org To: carlosnepomuceno@outlook.com CC: python-dev@python.org
2013/5/15 Carlos Nepomuceno <carlosnepomuceno@outlook.com>:
test_asynchat still hangs! What it does? Should I care?
Is there an issue filed for that?
-- Regards, Benjamin

Thanks, Benjamin -- that's great! This may not be a python-dev question exactly. But on Windows, is it safe to update to 2.7.5 on top of 2.7.4 (at C:\Python27) using the .msi installer? In other words, will it update/add/remove all the files correctly? What if python.exe is running? -Ben On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin@python.org>wrote:
It is my greatest pleasure to announce the release of Python 2.7.5.
2.7.5 is the latest maintenance release in the Python 2.7 series. You may be surprised to hear from me so soon, as Python 2.7.4 was released slightly more than a month ago. As it turns out, 2.7.4 had several regressions and incompatibilities with 2.7.3. Among them were regressions in the zipfile, gzip, and logging modules. 2.7.5 fixes these. In addition, a data file for testing in the 2.7.4 tarballs and binaries aroused the suspicion of some virus checkers. The 2.7.5 release removes this file to resolve that issue.
For details, see the Misc/NEWS file in the distribution or view it at
Downloads are at
As always, please report bugs to
(Thank you to those who reported these bugs in 2.7.4.)
This is a production release.
Happy May, Benjamin Peterson 2.7 Release Manager (on behalf of all of Python 2.7's contributors) _______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Python-Dev@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-dev/benhoyt%40gmail.com

On 5/16/2013 1:18 AM, Ben Hoyt wrote:
Thanks, Benjamin -- that's great!
This may not be a python-dev question exactly. But on Windows, is it safe to update to 2.7.5 on top of 2.7.4 (at C:\Python27) using the .msi installer? In other words, will it update/add/remove all the files correctly? What if python.exe is running?
Yes, I update all the time, but without python running.

This may not be a python-dev question exactly. But on Windows, is it
safe to update to 2.7.5 on top of 2.7.4 (at C:\Python27) using the .msi
installer? In other words, will it update/add/remove all the files correctly? What if python.exe is running?
Yes, I update all the time, but without python running.
Great to know -- thanks. -Ben

Yes, I update all the time, but without python running.
FYI, I tried this just now with Python 2.7.4 running, and the installer nicely tells you that "some files that need to be updated are currently in use ... the following applications are using files, please close them and click Retry ... python.exe (Process Id: 5388)". So you can't do it while python.exe is running, but at least it notifies you and gives you the option to retry. Good work, whoever did this installer. -Ben

Am 16.05.13 10:42, schrieb Ben Hoyt:
FYI, I tried this just now with Python 2.7.4 running, and the installer nicely tells you that "some files that need to be updated are currently in use ... the following applications are using files, please close them and click Retry ... python.exe (Process Id: 5388)".
So you can't do it while python.exe is running, but at least it notifies you and gives you the option to retry. Good work, whoever did this installer.
This specific feature is part of the MSI technology itself, so the honor goes to Microsoft in this case. They also have an advanced feature where the installer can tell the running application to terminate, and then restart after installation (since Vista, IIRC). Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to Python, as a "safe restart" is typically not feasible. FWIW, I'm the one who put together the Python installer. Regards, Martin

Hi all, I just installed Python 2.7.5 64-bit () on a Windows 7 64-bit OS computer. When I evaluate sys.maxint I don't get what I was expected. I get this: Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:44:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
import sys sys.maxint 2147483647 import platform platform.machine() 'AMD64' import os os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'] 'AMD64'
Should I not get a 64-bit integer maxint (9223372036854775807) for sys.maxint ? Or is there something I am missing here? Thanks! / Pierre Rouleau On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 6:23 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin@v.loewis.de>wrote:
Am 16.05.13 10:42, schrieb Ben Hoyt:
FYI, I tried this just now with Python 2.7.4 running, and the installer nicely tells you that "some files that need to be updated are currently in use ... the following applications are using files, please close them and click Retry ... python.exe (Process Id: 5388)".
So you can't do it while python.exe is running, but at least it notifies you and gives you the option to retry. Good work, whoever did this installer.
This specific feature is part of the MSI technology itself, so the honor goes to Microsoft in this case. They also have an advanced feature where the installer can tell the running application to terminate, and then restart after installation (since Vista, IIRC). Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to Python, as a "safe restart" is typically not feasible.
FWIW, I'm the one who put together the Python installer.
Regards, Martin
_______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Python-Dev@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-dev/prouleau001%40gmail.com
-- /Pierre

2013/5/19 Pierre Rouleau <prouleau001@gmail.com>:
Hi all,
I just installed Python 2.7.5 64-bit () on a Windows 7 64-bit OS computer. When I evaluate sys.maxint I don't get what I was expected. I get this:
Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:44:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
import sys sys.maxint 2147483647 import platform platform.machine() 'AMD64' import os os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'] 'AMD64'
Should I not get a 64-bit integer maxint (9223372036854775807) for sys.maxint ?
This is correct. sizeof(long) != sizeof(void *) on Win64, and size Python int's are platform longs, you get the maxsize of a 32-bit int. Check sys.maxsize for comparison. -- Regards, Benjamin

OK thanks, Benjamin, you are correct sys.maxsize is 2*63-1 on it. I was under the impression that Python was using int_64_t for the implementation of Win64 based integers. Most probably because I've sen discussion on Python 64 bits and those post were most probably were in the scope of some Unix-type platform. Regards, On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin@python.org>wrote:
2013/5/19 Pierre Rouleau <prouleau001@gmail.com>:
Hi all,
I just installed Python 2.7.5 64-bit () on a Windows 7 64-bit OS computer. When I evaluate sys.maxint I don't get what I was expected. I get this:
Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:44:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
import sys sys.maxint 2147483647 import platform platform.machine() 'AMD64' import os os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'] 'AMD64'
Should I not get a 64-bit integer maxint (9223372036854775807) for sys.maxint ?
This is correct. sizeof(long) != sizeof(void *) on Win64, and size Python int's are platform longs, you get the maxsize of a 32-bit int. Check sys.maxsize for comparison.
-- Regards, Benjamin
-- /Pierre

On that topic of bitness for 64-bit platforms, would it not be better for CPython to be written such that it uses the same 64-bit strategy on all 64-bit platforms, regardless of the OS? As it is now, Python running on 64-bit Windows behaves differently (in terms of bits for the Python's integer) than it is behaving in other platforms. I assume that the Python C code is using the type 'long' instead of something like the C99 int64_t. Since Microsoft is using the LLP64 model and everyone else is using the LP64, code using the C 'long' type would mean something different on Windows than Unix-like platforms. Isn't that unfortunate? Would it not be better to hide the difference at Python level? Or is it done this way to allow existing C extension modules to work the way they were and request Python code that depends on integer sizes to check sys.maxint? Also, I would imagine that the performance delta between a Windows 32-bit Python versus 64-bit Python is not as big as it would be on a Unix computer. As far as I can se Python-64 bits on Windows 64-bit OS has a larger address space and probably does not benefit from anything else. Has anyone have data on this? Thanks -- /Pierre

On Sun, 19 May 2013 19:37:46 -0400 Pierre Rouleau <prouleau001@gmail.com> wrote:
On that topic of bitness for 64-bit platforms, would it not be better for CPython to be written such that it uses the same 64-bit strategy on all 64-bit platforms, regardless of the OS?
As it is now, Python running on 64-bit Windows behaves differently (in terms of bits for the Python's integer) than it is behaving in other platforms. I assume that the Python C code is using the type 'long' instead of something like the C99 int64_t. Since Microsoft is using the LLP64 model and everyone else is using the LP64, code using the C 'long' type would mean something different on Windows than Unix-like platforms. Isn't that unfortunate?
Well, it's Microsoft's choice. But from a Python point of view, which C type a Python int maps to is of little relevance. Moreover, the development version is 3.4, and in Python 3 the int type is a variable-length integer type (sys.maxint doesn't exist anymore). So this discussion is largely moot now. Regards Antoine.

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 7:41 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
On Sun, 19 May 2013 19:37:46 -0400 Pierre Rouleau <prouleau001@gmail.com> wrote:
On that topic of bitness for 64-bit platforms, would it not be better for CPython to be written such that it uses the same 64-bit strategy on all 64-bit platforms, regardless of the OS?
As it is now, Python running on 64-bit Windows behaves differently (in terms of bits for the Python's integer) than it is behaving in other platforms. I assume that the Python C code is using the type 'long' instead of something like the C99 int64_t. Since Microsoft is using the LLP64 model and everyone else is using the LP64, code using the C 'long' type would mean something different on Windows than Unix-like platforms. Isn't that unfortunate?
Well, it's Microsoft's choice. But from a Python point of view, which C type a Python int maps to is of little relevance.
Moreover, the development version is 3.4, and in Python 3 the int type is a variable-length integer type (sys.maxint doesn't exist anymore). So this discussion is largely moot now.
Good to know. Too bad there still are libraries not supporting Python 3. Thanks.
_______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Python-Dev@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-dev/prouleau001%40gmail.com
-- /Pierre

On 20/05/2013 12:47am, Pierre Rouleau wrote:
Moreover, the development version is 3.4, and in Python 3 the int type is a variable-length integer type (sys.maxint doesn't exist anymore). So this discussion is largely moot now.
Good to know. Too bad there still are libraries not supporting Python 3. Thanks.
Even in Python 2, if the result of arithmetic on ints which would overflow, the result automatically gets promoted to a long integer which is variable-length. >>> 2**128 340282366920938463463374607431768211456L >>> type(2), type(2**128) (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>) So the size of an int is pretty much irrelevant. -- Richard
participants (8)
"Martin v. Löwis"
Antoine Pitrou
Ben Hoyt
Benjamin Peterson
Carlos Nepomuceno
Pierre Rouleau
Richard Oudkerk
Terry Jan Reedy