Have we decided not to do anything to take the load off of our poor Guido? Where have the discussion gone? Perhaps someone should just do something? (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, people whose name starts with B <wink>) -- Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>. INTERNET: Learn what you know. Share what you don't.

Well, i sent barry a first run at a patchhunter yesterday (where first run is defined as "worked on every patch encapsulated in a mail message on guido's page, but wasn't commented") that, when given a message, will tell you if it has a patch, and if it does, if that patch is missing a disclaimer. Handles MIME (IE multipart messages, mime encodings, etc), uuencode, gzipped, and all variants thereof. So, hopefully, we will see something soon. --Dan On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Moshe Zadka wrote:

"DB" == Daniel Berlin <dan@cgsoftware.com> writes:
DB> Well, i sent barry a first run at a patchhunter yesterday DB> (where first run is defined as "worked on every patch DB> encapsulated in a mail message on guido's page, but wasn't DB> commented") that, when given a message, will tell you if it DB> has a patch, and if it does, if that patch is missing a DB> disclaimer. Handles MIME (IE multipart messages, mime DB> encodings, etc), uuencode, gzipped, and all variants thereof. DB> So, hopefully, we will see something soon. Yup, I just haven't had time to look at it yet. Some last minute deadlines came up. -Barry

"MZ" == Moshe Zadka <moshez@math.huji.ac.il> writes:
MZ> Have we decided not to do anything to take the load off of our MZ> poor Guido? Where have the discussion gone? Perhaps someone MZ> should just do something? (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, people MZ> whose name starts with B <wink>) http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/patches but since GvR's the list admin, I was going to let him announce it. -Barry

[Moshe Zadka gets impatient with the patches list] [Barry A. Warsaw]
but since GvR's the list admin, I was going to let him announce it.
1. My sincere apologies for ruining GvR's announcement <wink> 2. Lots of thanks to Barry. in-any-case-the-best-/late/-christmas-present-I-got-this-year-ly y'rs, Z. -- Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>. INTERNET: Learn what you know. Share what you don't.

Well, i sent barry a first run at a patchhunter yesterday (where first run is defined as "worked on every patch encapsulated in a mail message on guido's page, but wasn't commented") that, when given a message, will tell you if it has a patch, and if it does, if that patch is missing a disclaimer. Handles MIME (IE multipart messages, mime encodings, etc), uuencode, gzipped, and all variants thereof. So, hopefully, we will see something soon. --Dan On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Moshe Zadka wrote:

"DB" == Daniel Berlin <dan@cgsoftware.com> writes:
DB> Well, i sent barry a first run at a patchhunter yesterday DB> (where first run is defined as "worked on every patch DB> encapsulated in a mail message on guido's page, but wasn't DB> commented") that, when given a message, will tell you if it DB> has a patch, and if it does, if that patch is missing a DB> disclaimer. Handles MIME (IE multipart messages, mime DB> encodings, etc), uuencode, gzipped, and all variants thereof. DB> So, hopefully, we will see something soon. Yup, I just haven't had time to look at it yet. Some last minute deadlines came up. -Barry

"MZ" == Moshe Zadka <moshez@math.huji.ac.il> writes:
MZ> Have we decided not to do anything to take the load off of our MZ> poor Guido? Where have the discussion gone? Perhaps someone MZ> should just do something? (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, people MZ> whose name starts with B <wink>) http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/patches but since GvR's the list admin, I was going to let him announce it. -Barry

[Moshe Zadka gets impatient with the patches list] [Barry A. Warsaw]
but since GvR's the list admin, I was going to let him announce it.
1. My sincere apologies for ruining GvR's announcement <wink> 2. Lots of thanks to Barry. in-any-case-the-best-/late/-christmas-present-I-got-this-year-ly y'rs, Z. -- Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>. INTERNET: Learn what you know. Share what you don't.
participants (3)
Barry A. Warsaw
Daniel Berlin
Moshe Zadka