3to2 0.1 alpha 1 released

Hello all, I have released the first alpha version of 3to2 after finishing it for my Google Summer of Code 2009(tm) project. You can get the tarball for this release at http://bitbucket.org/amentajo/lib3to2/downloads/3to2_0.1-alpha1.tar.gz. This requires python 2.7, because it requires a newer version of 2to3 than what comes with 2.6. Release notes are in the RELEASE file. Development happens at http://bitbucket.org/amentajo/lib3to2/, and the source code for this release lives at http://bitbucket.org/amentajo/3to2-01-alpha-1. Report bugs at http://bitbucket.org/amentajo/lib3to2/issues/, please. Additional notes and comments can (for now) be found at http://www.startcodon.com/wordpress/?cat=4. --Joe

I have released the first alpha version of 3to2 after finishing it for my Google Summer of Code 2009(tm) project.
Congratulations! I understand SoC is basically over, but I would still like to request two things: - can you please register it with PyPI? - can you please announce/report some plans for the future of this project? In particular, will you continue to work on it? Thanks, Martin

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:26 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin@v.loewis.de>wrote:
-- 3to2 is now registered with PyPI<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/3to2/0.1%20alpha%201>. Did I do it right? -- I plan to continue to work on 3to2 in my free time, though I have one of those social lives, so I could certainly use some help; in particular, I could use some quality bug reports<http://bitbucket.org/amentajo/lib3to2/issues/>. My long-term plans for the future are: - Bugfixes - Keep up with new features added in newer versions of py3k - Ensure syntactical correctness with a more robust test suite My short-term plans for the future are: - Fixes imports and imports2 need to work properly - Continue to build a suitable test suite that tests common cases of all fixers - print fixer refactors the syntax into print statements rather than imports print_function from __future__ Thanks for the acknowledgement, --Joe

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 15:55:54 -0700, Joe Amenta <amentajo@msu.edu> wrote:
-- 3to2 is now registered with PyPI. Did I do it right?
Please fix the version number to not contain any whitespace characters. Also set the `version` argument in setup(..) in your setup.py. And then you may want to use the `upload` command to upload the new tarball to PyPI. See http://wiki.python.org/moin/Distutils/Tutorial for more details. -srid

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 12:18, Sridhar Ratnakumar<SridharR@activestate.com> wrote:
See PEP 386 (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0386/) for what the current thinking on version numbers is. -Brett

Thanks Brett and Sridhar for the info. 3to2's version info has been PEP386-ified, and the latest version can always be found at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/3to2/ (the previous link will now generate an error). --Joe On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:

Congratulations and thank you - this is *great* news. Michael Joe Amenta wrote:

2009/8/27 Brett Cannon <brett@python.org>:
What are the plans to merge this into Python's repository so we can all help out on this?
None at the moment. I think the community needs to show its interest in it and Joe his willingness to maintain it in the future in order for it to qualify for addition to the stdlib. I don't see why having it merged into Python's repo is a requirement for contribution, since he's using Mecurial. :) -- Regards, Benjamin

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Benjamin Peterson<benjamin@python.org> wrote:
Is that how 2to3 got in? If I remember correctly, this was a huge request from the language summit - and by huge, I mean really, really big. In fact, I think you were the guy who was heading the SoC project, right? ;)

2009/8/27 Jesse Noller <jnoller@gmail.com>:
2to3 got in because it's part of our current recommended plan for porting to Python 3. Regardless of that, there's no hurry. There will be no major Python releases for at least 6 months, and in that time, 3to2 can enjoy the benefits of being separate from the core, frequent releases and testing. People who are interested should look now; being "in the core" isn't a requirement for that. And anyway, I don't see the point of importing new stuff into SVN if we're just going to move hg.
In fact, I think you were the guy who was heading the SoC project, right? ;)
No, just mentoring. :) -- Regards, Benjamin

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 7:43 PM, "Martin v. Löwis"<martin@v.loewis.de> wrote:
I'm sure we can get just as much interest in a 3 to 2 tool as we have for python 3 itself. Sorry, that was over-catty of me, but it's true. Right now 95% of the known world is living in 2.x, and I would argue that some of this is due to an unclear path of maintaining compatibility with 2.x code if they should jump to python 3. That was part of the driving force behind getting something like this done, at least at the language summit and last year's PyCon. Having an "official" - where "official" could mean linking to it in the Python 3 docs, announcing something on a python blog, something - anything to encourage/get more people to use it. I'm not disagreeing that just plopping it into core may not be the Right Thing To Do, but making it "semi-official" and "recommended" carries a lot of weight. I know the mercurial migration is happening Really Soon Now, but even hosting it in our svn/piggy backing our tracker and putting out a little python.org post pointing out 2to3 and 3to2 exist as migration tools could help. Maybe just a post about the GSOC project, what it does and where to get it, and "please try it out so we can smash the bugs" on the front page? i'd-like-to-be-able-to-use-python3-in-the-near-future-but-none-of-my-dependencies-have-portedly-yours jesse

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 14:47, Benjamin Peterson<benjamin@python.org> wrote:
As Jesse said, at the language summit there was serious interest.
I don't see why having it merged into Python's repo is a requirement for contribution, since he's using Mecurial. :)
Just because it's in Mercurial does not mean that Joe can't hold up patches to apply to the main branch. If we all start forking it to fix things and Joe ends up falling behind because of school, life, etc. this could kill the project. But I am willing to wait for now in hopes that doesn't happen. -Brett

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
My intent is to be very responsive to the administrative end of maintaining the project, i.e., applying patches to the main branch, bug triage, etc., while contributing new code in my (limited) free time as well. It would kill me to see the project die due to any of my shortcomings, and I resolve that if I start falling behind on maintaining 3to2, I will call for someone else to come forward to replace me. I will always respond to e-mails sent to amentajo at msu.edu, so please contact me if there are any concerns, early if possible. --Joe

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin@python.org>wrote:
Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you!
Have you posted this to python-list and python-announce-list, too?
I am going to post it to python-announce-list and python-list if I find that I can keep up with the amount of traffic I am getting from python-dev.
Thanks, --Joe

I have released the first alpha version of 3to2 after finishing it for my Google Summer of Code 2009(tm) project.
Congratulations! I understand SoC is basically over, but I would still like to request two things: - can you please register it with PyPI? - can you please announce/report some plans for the future of this project? In particular, will you continue to work on it? Thanks, Martin

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:26 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin@v.loewis.de>wrote:
-- 3to2 is now registered with PyPI<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/3to2/0.1%20alpha%201>. Did I do it right? -- I plan to continue to work on 3to2 in my free time, though I have one of those social lives, so I could certainly use some help; in particular, I could use some quality bug reports<http://bitbucket.org/amentajo/lib3to2/issues/>. My long-term plans for the future are: - Bugfixes - Keep up with new features added in newer versions of py3k - Ensure syntactical correctness with a more robust test suite My short-term plans for the future are: - Fixes imports and imports2 need to work properly - Continue to build a suitable test suite that tests common cases of all fixers - print fixer refactors the syntax into print statements rather than imports print_function from __future__ Thanks for the acknowledgement, --Joe

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 15:55:54 -0700, Joe Amenta <amentajo@msu.edu> wrote:
-- 3to2 is now registered with PyPI. Did I do it right?
Please fix the version number to not contain any whitespace characters. Also set the `version` argument in setup(..) in your setup.py. And then you may want to use the `upload` command to upload the new tarball to PyPI. See http://wiki.python.org/moin/Distutils/Tutorial for more details. -srid

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 12:18, Sridhar Ratnakumar<SridharR@activestate.com> wrote:
See PEP 386 (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0386/) for what the current thinking on version numbers is. -Brett

Thanks Brett and Sridhar for the info. 3to2's version info has been PEP386-ified, and the latest version can always be found at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/3to2/ (the previous link will now generate an error). --Joe On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:

Congratulations and thank you - this is *great* news. Michael Joe Amenta wrote:

2009/8/27 Brett Cannon <brett@python.org>:
What are the plans to merge this into Python's repository so we can all help out on this?
None at the moment. I think the community needs to show its interest in it and Joe his willingness to maintain it in the future in order for it to qualify for addition to the stdlib. I don't see why having it merged into Python's repo is a requirement for contribution, since he's using Mecurial. :) -- Regards, Benjamin

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Benjamin Peterson<benjamin@python.org> wrote:
Is that how 2to3 got in? If I remember correctly, this was a huge request from the language summit - and by huge, I mean really, really big. In fact, I think you were the guy who was heading the SoC project, right? ;)

2009/8/27 Jesse Noller <jnoller@gmail.com>:
2to3 got in because it's part of our current recommended plan for porting to Python 3. Regardless of that, there's no hurry. There will be no major Python releases for at least 6 months, and in that time, 3to2 can enjoy the benefits of being separate from the core, frequent releases and testing. People who are interested should look now; being "in the core" isn't a requirement for that. And anyway, I don't see the point of importing new stuff into SVN if we're just going to move hg.
In fact, I think you were the guy who was heading the SoC project, right? ;)
No, just mentoring. :) -- Regards, Benjamin

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 7:43 PM, "Martin v. Löwis"<martin@v.loewis.de> wrote:
I'm sure we can get just as much interest in a 3 to 2 tool as we have for python 3 itself. Sorry, that was over-catty of me, but it's true. Right now 95% of the known world is living in 2.x, and I would argue that some of this is due to an unclear path of maintaining compatibility with 2.x code if they should jump to python 3. That was part of the driving force behind getting something like this done, at least at the language summit and last year's PyCon. Having an "official" - where "official" could mean linking to it in the Python 3 docs, announcing something on a python blog, something - anything to encourage/get more people to use it. I'm not disagreeing that just plopping it into core may not be the Right Thing To Do, but making it "semi-official" and "recommended" carries a lot of weight. I know the mercurial migration is happening Really Soon Now, but even hosting it in our svn/piggy backing our tracker and putting out a little python.org post pointing out 2to3 and 3to2 exist as migration tools could help. Maybe just a post about the GSOC project, what it does and where to get it, and "please try it out so we can smash the bugs" on the front page? i'd-like-to-be-able-to-use-python3-in-the-near-future-but-none-of-my-dependencies-have-portedly-yours jesse

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 14:47, Benjamin Peterson<benjamin@python.org> wrote:
As Jesse said, at the language summit there was serious interest.
I don't see why having it merged into Python's repo is a requirement for contribution, since he's using Mecurial. :)
Just because it's in Mercurial does not mean that Joe can't hold up patches to apply to the main branch. If we all start forking it to fix things and Joe ends up falling behind because of school, life, etc. this could kill the project. But I am willing to wait for now in hopes that doesn't happen. -Brett

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
My intent is to be very responsive to the administrative end of maintaining the project, i.e., applying patches to the main branch, bug triage, etc., while contributing new code in my (limited) free time as well. It would kill me to see the project die due to any of my shortcomings, and I resolve that if I start falling behind on maintaining 3to2, I will call for someone else to come forward to replace me. I will always respond to e-mails sent to amentajo at msu.edu, so please contact me if there are any concerns, early if possible. --Joe

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin@python.org>wrote:
Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you!
Have you posted this to python-list and python-announce-list, too?
I am going to post it to python-announce-list and python-list if I find that I can keep up with the amount of traffic I am getting from python-dev.
Thanks, --Joe
participants (9)
"Martin v. Löwis"
Arc Riley
Benjamin Peterson
Brett Cannon
Frank Wierzbicki
Jesse Noller
Joe Amenta
Michael Foord
Sridhar Ratnakumar