I'm -1 on PEP 343. It seems ...complex. And even with all the complexity, I *still* won't be able to type with self.lock: ... which I submit is perfectly reasonable, clean, and clear. Instead I have to type with locking(self.lock): ... where locking() is apparently either a new builtin, a standard library function, or some 6-line contextmanager I have to write myself. So I have two suggestions. 1. I didn't find any suggestion of a __with__() method in the archives. So I feel I should suggest it. It would work just like __iter__(). class RLock: @contextmanager def __with__(self): self.acquire() try: yield finally: self.release() __with__() always returns a new context manager object. Just as with iterators, a context manager object has "cm.__with__() is cm". The 'with' statement would call __with__(), of course. Optionally, the type constructor could magically apply @contextmanager to __with__() if it's a generator, which is the usual case. It looks like it already does similar magic with __new__(). Perhaps this is too cute though. 2. More radical: Let's get rid of __enter__() and __exit__(). The only example in PEP 343 that uses them is Example 4, which exists only to show that "there's more than one way to do it". It all seems fishy to me. Why not get rid of them and use only __with__()? In this scenario, Python would expect __with__() to return a coroutine (not to say "iterator") that yields exactly once. Then the "@contextmanager" decorator wouldn't be needed on __with__(), and neither would any type constructor magic. The only drawback I see is that context manager methods implemented in C will work differently from those implemented in Python. Since C doesn't have coroutines, I imagine there would have to be enter() and exit() slots. Maybe this is a major design concern; I don't know. My apologies if this is redundant or unwelcome at this date. -j
participants (1)
Jason Orendorff