Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-3000] Pre-pre PEP for 'super' keyword

Jim Jewett wrote:
Sorry about this - wasn't receiving python-dev at home, so didn't realise Calvin had released the PEP. I think the current PEP draft is way too complicated - I don't think there's any need for descriptors, etc. I think we can make things work in the following way: 1. When a method is defined, the class is bound to it via an attribute (which in my version is called func_class). 2. Every non-static method has an implicit cell variable called 'super'. This would preferably not be able to be rebound. I also think it would be beneficial if the first parameter to the method couldn't be rebound (point 7 in my original email in this thread). 3. When a method is entered, the 'super' cell variable is populated by a call equivalent to: super = __builtin__.super(func_class, first_parameter) This would result in 'super' being a constant object, within the scope of the currently-executing method. 'keyword' was perhaps too strong - I was thinking this would only need to be done if 'super' were actually used, which would be easier to determine if 'super' actually were a keyword. This could still be done by not emitting the above call unless the 'super' cell variable were ever actually used. I've done bytecode-hacky stuff to do the equivalent of the above (as much as I've been able to), but a real implementation would just emit the correct bytecode (or java bytecode, or whatever) in the compiled code object. The issue of super() vs. super.__call__() ambiguity - I'll need to look at that when I get home. I'm a strong -1 against super() automatically passing the parameters that were passed to the currently-executing method. Tim Delaney

On 4/29/07, Delaney, Timothy (Tim) <> wrote:
In Py3k all the func_XXX attrs are renamed __XXX__, so this would be __class__; but that's a name reserved for something else, so it would need to be something else. E.g. __containing_class__. Also, this would have to be done when the class is defined; when the method is being defined the class doesn't exist yet.
2. Every non-static method has an implicit cell variable called 'super'.
I think you're using 'cell' in a different sense than it is normally used in Python's implementation. What you are looking for is called a local variable (I deduce this from your initialization of the "cell" with something computed from the first argument). A 'cell' (as I introduced in my original back-of-the-envelop proposal; apparently you totally missed this reference) is a special kind of object containing a reference to another object and used to implement nonlocal variable references (the Python 2 read-only nonlocals as well as the Python 3 writable nonlocals). The cell is initialized in the surrounding scope and attached to the function object (as func_closure in 2.x, or __closure__ in 3.0). When the function is called, a reference to the cell is stored in the call frame. If anything in your proposal resembles a cell (in the sense that I and other Pythonistas mean it), it's the func_class attribute. In fact, in this sense our proposals are equivalent modulo slight implementation details; I proposed using a cell because there's an existing mechanism to get these mapped into a local variable, and because cells are cheaper than function attributes -- the first function attribute requires creating a dict, which is one of the larger built-in objects.
The latter part sounds irrelevant to me.
This sounds about right to me, with the strong preference that super *should* be made a keyword, and the built-in of the same name renamed to __super__, as it has a somewhat similar relationship to the super keyword as the built-in __import__ has to the import keyword.
Shouldn't be too hard for someone who's hacked Python/compile.c before.
The issue of super() vs. super.__call__() ambiguity - I'll need to look at that when I get home.
Sounds irrelevant -- if super is equivalent to __builtin__.__super__(<class>, <firstarg>) then super never gets called; the only thing ever done to it (in the normal course of things) is to request an attribute of it.
I'm a strong -1 against super() automatically passing the parameters that were passed to the currently-executing method.
Same here. There seems to be the remaining controversy that there are three forms of super calls currently in use: super(ThisClass, self).method(...) # in a regular method super(ThisClass, cls).method(...) # in a class method super(ThisClass).method(...) # ??? The first two are handled by your "use the first argument" approach. The third exists so that you can create an "unbound" super instance which is useful for the oft-misunderstood autosuper example in my "descrintro" essay: . But since the latter is the hack that we're trying to replace with a proper implementation here, I suspect we can get away with only supporting the first two forms (and the third form is still supported using __builtin__.__super__). IOW I think you're on to something. Keep up the good word. -- --Guido van Rossum (home page:
participants (2)
Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
Guido van Rossum