Python optmizations

Hello Skip! I've been reading some books and papers about stack virtual machines optimization, and playing around with Python's bytecode and inner loop organization. As always, I found some interesting results and some frustrating ones. Recently, I have found your paper about peephole optimization, and other tries you've made in the same job. Well, basically I discovered that I'm not original, and repeated most of your ideas and mistakes. :-) But that's ok. It gave me a good idea of paths to follow if I want to keep playing with this. One thing I thought and also found a reference in your paper is about some instructions that should be turned into a single opcode. To understand how this would affect the code, I have disassembled the whole Python standard library, and the whole Zope library. After that I've run a script to detect opcode repeatings (excluding SET_LINENO). Here are the top repeatings: 23632 LOAD_FAST, LOAD_ATTR 15382 LOAD_CONST, LOAD_CONST 12842 JUMP_IF_FALSE, POP_TOP 12397 CALL_FUNCTION, POP_TOP 12121 LOAD_FAST, LOAD_FAST Not by casuality, I found in your paper references to a LOAD_FAST_ATTR opcode. Since you probably have mentioned this to others, I wouldn't like to bother everyone again asking why it was not implemented. Could you please explain me the reasons that left this behind? If you have the time, I'd also like to understand what's the trouble involved in getting a peephole optimizer in the python compiler itself. Is it just about compiling performance? I don't remember to have read about this in your paper, but you probably thought about that as well. Thank you! -- Gustavo Niemeyer [ 2AAC 7928 0FBF 0299 5EB5 60E2 2253 B29A 6664 3A0C ]

Gustavo, Thanks for the note. Funny coincidence the timing of your note like a bolt out of the blue and my attendance at IPC10 where Jeremy Hylton and I led a session this afternoon on optimization issues. Gustavo> Recently, I have found your paper about peephole optimization, Gustavo> ... I should probably check my peephole optimizer into the nondist sandbox on SF. It shouldn't take very much effort. Unlike Rattlesnake, it still pretty much works. Gustavo> ... discovered that I'm not original, and repeated most of your Gustavo> ideas and mistakes. I was not original either. I'm sure I repeated the mistakes of many other people as well. Gustavo> One thing I thought and also found a reference in your paper is Gustavo> about some instructions that should be turned into a single Gustavo> opcode. To understand how this would affect the code, I have Gustavo> disassembled the whole Python standard library, and the whole Gustavo> Zope library. After that I've run a script to detect opcode Gustavo> repeatings (excluding SET_LINENO). It sounds like your measurements were made on the static bytecode. I suspect you might find the dynamic opcode pair frequencies interesting as well. That's what most people look at when deciding what really follows what. (For example, did you consider the basic block structure of the bytecode or just adjacency in the disassembler output?) You can get this information by defining the two macros DXPAIRS and DYNAMIC_EXECUTION_PROFILE when compiling Python. I think all you need to recompile is ceval.c and sysmodule.c Once you've done this, run your scripts as usual, then before exit (you might just want to run your subject script with the -i flag), call sys.getdxp(). That will return you a 257x256 list (well, a list containing 257 other lists, each of which contains 256 elements). The value at location [i][j] corresponds to the frequency of opcode j being executed immediately after opcode i (or the other way around - a quick peek at the code will tell you which is which). At one point I had an xmlrpc server running on to which people could submit such opcode frequency arrays, however nobody submitted anything to it, so I eventually turned it off. I would be happy to crank it up again. With the atexit module and xmlrpclib in the core library, it's dead easy to instrument a program so it automatically dumps the data to my server upon program exit. Gustavo> 23632 LOAD_FAST, LOAD_ATTR This is not all that surprising and supports Jeremy's belief (which I agree with) that self.attr is a very common construct in the language. Gustavo> 15382 LOAD_CONST, LOAD_CONST Now, this is interesting. If those constants are numbers and the next opcode is a BINARY_*, my peephole optimizer can elide that operation and create a new constant, so something like LOAD_CONST 60 LOAD_CONST 60 BINARY_MULTIPLY would get converted to simply LOAD_CONST 3600 Gustavo> 12842 JUMP_IF_FALSE, POP_TOP Gustavo> 12397 CALL_FUNCTION, POP_TOP I don't think these can be avoided. Gustavo> 12121 LOAD_FAST, LOAD_FAST While this pair occurs frequently, they are very cheap instructions. All you'd be saving is a trip around the opcode dispatch loop. Gustavo> Not by casuality, I found in your paper references to a Gustavo> LOAD_FAST_ATTR opcode. Since you probably have mentioned this Gustavo> to others, I wouldn't like to bother everyone again asking why Gustavo> it was not implemented. Could you please explain me the reasons Gustavo> that left this behind? LOAD_ATTR is a *very* expensive opcode (perhaps only second to CALL_FUNCTION on a per-instruction basis). Jeremy measured minimums of around 500 clock cycles and means of around 1200 clock cycles for this opcode. In contrast, it appears that a single trip around the opcode dispatch loop is on the order of 50 clock cycles, so merging a LOAD_FAST/LOAD_ATTR pair into one instruction only saves about 50 cycles. What you want to eliminate is the 500+ cycles from the LOAD_ATTR instruction. Jeremy and I both have ideas about how to accomplish some of that, but it's not a trivial task. I believe in most cases I got about a 5% speedup with peephole optimization. That's nothing to sneeze at I suppose, but there were some barriers to adoption. First and foremost, generating that instruction requires running my optimizer, which isn't blindingly fast. (Probably fast enough for a "compileall" step that you execute once at install time, but maybe too slow to use regularly on-the-fly.) It also predates the compiler Jeremy implemented in Python. It would probably be fairly easy to hang my optimizer off the back end of his compiler as an optional pass. It looks like Guido would like to see a little work put into regaining some of the performance that was lost between 1.5.2 and 2.2, so now would probably be a good time to dust off my optimizer. Gustavo> If you have the time, I'd also like to understand what's the Gustavo> trouble involved in getting a peephole optimizer in the python Gustavo> compiler itself. Is it just about compiling performance? I Gustavo> don't remember to have read about this in your paper, but you Gustavo> probably thought about that as well. Mostly just time. Tick tick tick... Skip

Hi Skip!
You have a powerful mind... ;-) [...]
Please, do that. I'd like to have a look at it. [...]
It sounds like your measurements were made on the static bytecode. I
Yes, I have customized the disassembler a little bit.
I was aware about this because of the code just after the dispatch_opcode label. Again, I'm not original. :-) On the other hand, when running an application you have data about that specific application, and the behavior of that run (next time it may follow other paths). While this is good, because you know what opcodes are being repeated most often, measuring static data may give you a wider view of repeating opcodes.
Now, *that* is something interesting. If you're really going to put the system up, you may count with my help if you need any.
Good point!!
3 SET_LINENO 2 6 LOAD_CONST 1 (2) 9 LOAD_CONST 2 (1) 12 LOAD_CONST 3 (5) 15 BINARY_MULTIPLY 16 BINARY_ADD 17 RETURN_VALUE 18 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) 21 RETURN_VALUE That's something we shouldn't left behind. [...]
I see..
Hummmm... pretty interesting! Thanks for the explanation.
I understand. That's something to be implemented in C, once we know the efforts are worthwhile. Maybe 5% is not that much, but optimization is something we do once, and benefit forever. A good peephole interface, with plugable passes, will also motivate new optimizations, in the peephole itself and around it.
No doubts. [...]
Mostly just time. Tick tick tick...
I don't have much of this thing lately.. :-) But I'll try to use some of it helping wherever possible. Thank you! -- Gustavo Niemeyer [ 2AAC 7928 0FBF 0299 5EB5 60E2 2253 B29A 6664 3A0C ]

Gustavo, Thanks for the note. Funny coincidence the timing of your note like a bolt out of the blue and my attendance at IPC10 where Jeremy Hylton and I led a session this afternoon on optimization issues. Gustavo> Recently, I have found your paper about peephole optimization, Gustavo> ... I should probably check my peephole optimizer into the nondist sandbox on SF. It shouldn't take very much effort. Unlike Rattlesnake, it still pretty much works. Gustavo> ... discovered that I'm not original, and repeated most of your Gustavo> ideas and mistakes. I was not original either. I'm sure I repeated the mistakes of many other people as well. Gustavo> One thing I thought and also found a reference in your paper is Gustavo> about some instructions that should be turned into a single Gustavo> opcode. To understand how this would affect the code, I have Gustavo> disassembled the whole Python standard library, and the whole Gustavo> Zope library. After that I've run a script to detect opcode Gustavo> repeatings (excluding SET_LINENO). It sounds like your measurements were made on the static bytecode. I suspect you might find the dynamic opcode pair frequencies interesting as well. That's what most people look at when deciding what really follows what. (For example, did you consider the basic block structure of the bytecode or just adjacency in the disassembler output?) You can get this information by defining the two macros DXPAIRS and DYNAMIC_EXECUTION_PROFILE when compiling Python. I think all you need to recompile is ceval.c and sysmodule.c Once you've done this, run your scripts as usual, then before exit (you might just want to run your subject script with the -i flag), call sys.getdxp(). That will return you a 257x256 list (well, a list containing 257 other lists, each of which contains 256 elements). The value at location [i][j] corresponds to the frequency of opcode j being executed immediately after opcode i (or the other way around - a quick peek at the code will tell you which is which). At one point I had an xmlrpc server running on to which people could submit such opcode frequency arrays, however nobody submitted anything to it, so I eventually turned it off. I would be happy to crank it up again. With the atexit module and xmlrpclib in the core library, it's dead easy to instrument a program so it automatically dumps the data to my server upon program exit. Gustavo> 23632 LOAD_FAST, LOAD_ATTR This is not all that surprising and supports Jeremy's belief (which I agree with) that self.attr is a very common construct in the language. Gustavo> 15382 LOAD_CONST, LOAD_CONST Now, this is interesting. If those constants are numbers and the next opcode is a BINARY_*, my peephole optimizer can elide that operation and create a new constant, so something like LOAD_CONST 60 LOAD_CONST 60 BINARY_MULTIPLY would get converted to simply LOAD_CONST 3600 Gustavo> 12842 JUMP_IF_FALSE, POP_TOP Gustavo> 12397 CALL_FUNCTION, POP_TOP I don't think these can be avoided. Gustavo> 12121 LOAD_FAST, LOAD_FAST While this pair occurs frequently, they are very cheap instructions. All you'd be saving is a trip around the opcode dispatch loop. Gustavo> Not by casuality, I found in your paper references to a Gustavo> LOAD_FAST_ATTR opcode. Since you probably have mentioned this Gustavo> to others, I wouldn't like to bother everyone again asking why Gustavo> it was not implemented. Could you please explain me the reasons Gustavo> that left this behind? LOAD_ATTR is a *very* expensive opcode (perhaps only second to CALL_FUNCTION on a per-instruction basis). Jeremy measured minimums of around 500 clock cycles and means of around 1200 clock cycles for this opcode. In contrast, it appears that a single trip around the opcode dispatch loop is on the order of 50 clock cycles, so merging a LOAD_FAST/LOAD_ATTR pair into one instruction only saves about 50 cycles. What you want to eliminate is the 500+ cycles from the LOAD_ATTR instruction. Jeremy and I both have ideas about how to accomplish some of that, but it's not a trivial task. I believe in most cases I got about a 5% speedup with peephole optimization. That's nothing to sneeze at I suppose, but there were some barriers to adoption. First and foremost, generating that instruction requires running my optimizer, which isn't blindingly fast. (Probably fast enough for a "compileall" step that you execute once at install time, but maybe too slow to use regularly on-the-fly.) It also predates the compiler Jeremy implemented in Python. It would probably be fairly easy to hang my optimizer off the back end of his compiler as an optional pass. It looks like Guido would like to see a little work put into regaining some of the performance that was lost between 1.5.2 and 2.2, so now would probably be a good time to dust off my optimizer. Gustavo> If you have the time, I'd also like to understand what's the Gustavo> trouble involved in getting a peephole optimizer in the python Gustavo> compiler itself. Is it just about compiling performance? I Gustavo> don't remember to have read about this in your paper, but you Gustavo> probably thought about that as well. Mostly just time. Tick tick tick... Skip

Hi Skip!
You have a powerful mind... ;-) [...]
Please, do that. I'd like to have a look at it. [...]
It sounds like your measurements were made on the static bytecode. I
Yes, I have customized the disassembler a little bit.
I was aware about this because of the code just after the dispatch_opcode label. Again, I'm not original. :-) On the other hand, when running an application you have data about that specific application, and the behavior of that run (next time it may follow other paths). While this is good, because you know what opcodes are being repeated most often, measuring static data may give you a wider view of repeating opcodes.
Now, *that* is something interesting. If you're really going to put the system up, you may count with my help if you need any.
Good point!!
3 SET_LINENO 2 6 LOAD_CONST 1 (2) 9 LOAD_CONST 2 (1) 12 LOAD_CONST 3 (5) 15 BINARY_MULTIPLY 16 BINARY_ADD 17 RETURN_VALUE 18 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) 21 RETURN_VALUE That's something we shouldn't left behind. [...]
I see..
Hummmm... pretty interesting! Thanks for the explanation.
I understand. That's something to be implemented in C, once we know the efforts are worthwhile. Maybe 5% is not that much, but optimization is something we do once, and benefit forever. A good peephole interface, with plugable passes, will also motivate new optimizations, in the peephole itself and around it.
No doubts. [...]
Mostly just time. Tick tick tick...
I don't have much of this thing lately.. :-) But I'll try to use some of it helping wherever possible. Thank you! -- Gustavo Niemeyer [ 2AAC 7928 0FBF 0299 5EB5 60E2 2253 B29A 6664 3A0C ]
participants (2)
Gustavo Niemeyer
Skip Montanaro