thoughts on the bytes/string discussion

Here are a couple of ideas I'm taking away from the bytes/string discussion. First, it would probably be a good idea to have a String ABC. Secondly, maybe the string situation in 2.x wasn't as broken as we thought it was. In particular, those who deal with lots of encoded strings seemed to find it handy, and miss it in 3.x. Perhaps strings are more like numbers than we think. We have separate types for int, float, Decimal, etc. But they're all numbers, and they all cross-operate. In 2.x, it seems there were two missing features: no encoding attribute on str, which should have been there and should have been required, and the default encoding being "ASCII" (I can't tell you how many times I've had to fix that issue when a non-ASCII encoded str was passed to some output function). So maybe having a second string type in 3.x that consists of an encoded sequence of bytes plus the encoding, call it "estr", wouldn't have been a bad idea. It would probably have made sense to have estr cooperate with the str type, in the same way that two different kinds of numbers cooperate, "promoting" the result of an operation only when necessary. This would automatically achieve the kind of polymorphic functionality that Guido is suggesting, but without losing the ability to do x = e(ASCII)"bar" a = ''.join("foo", x) (or whatever the syntax for such an encoded string literal would be -- I'm not claiming this is a good one) which presume would bind "a" to a Unicode string "foobar" -- have to work out what gets promoted to what. The language moratorium kind of makes this all theoretical, but building a String ABC still would be a good start, and presumably isn't forbidden by the moratorium. Bill

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 10:38, Bill Janssen <> wrote: [SNIP]
The language moratorium kind of makes this all theoretical, but building a String ABC still would be a good start, and presumably isn't forbidden by the moratorium.
Because a new ABC would go into the stdlib (I assume in collections or string) the moratorium does not apply.

On 24/06/2010 19:11, Brett Cannon wrote:
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 10:38, Bill Janssen<> wrote: [SNIP]
The language moratorium kind of makes this all theoretical, but building a String ABC still would be a good start, and presumably isn't forbidden by the moratorium.
Because a new ABC would go into the stdlib (I assume in collections or string) the moratorium does not apply.
Although it would require changes for builtin types like file to work with a new string ABC, right? Michael
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On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:07, Michael Foord <> wrote:
On 24/06/2010 19:11, Brett Cannon wrote:
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 10:38, Bill Janssen<> wrote: [SNIP]
The language moratorium kind of makes this all theoretical, but building a String ABC still would be a good start, and presumably isn't forbidden by the moratorium.
Because a new ABC would go into the stdlib (I assume in collections or string) the moratorium does not apply.
Although it would require changes for builtin types like file to work with a new string ABC, right?
Only if they wanted to rely on some concrete implementation of a method contained within the ABC. Otherwise that's what abc.register exists for.

On Thu, 24 Jun 2010 20:07:41 +0100 Michael Foord <> wrote:
Although it would require changes for builtin types like file to work with a new string ABC, right?
There is no builtin file type in 3.x. Besides, it is not an ABC-level problem; the IO layer is written in C (although there's still the Python implementation to play with), which would mandate an abstract C API to access unicode-like objects (similarly as there's already the buffer API to access bytes-like objects). Regards Antoine.

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Bill Janssen <> wrote:
Here are a couple of ideas I'm taking away from the bytes/string discussion.
First, it would probably be a good idea to have a String ABC.
Secondly, maybe the string situation in 2.x wasn't as broken as we thought it was. In particular, those who deal with lots of encoded strings seemed to find it handy, and miss it in 3.x. Perhaps strings are more like numbers than we think. We have separate types for int, float, Decimal, etc. But they're all numbers, and they all cross-operate. In 2.x, it seems there were two missing features: no encoding attribute on str, which should have been there and should have been required, and the default encoding being "ASCII" (I can't tell you how many times I've had to fix that issue when a non-ASCII encoded str was passed to some output function).
I've started to form a conceptual notion that I think fits these cases. We've setup a system where we think of text as natively unicode, with encodings to put that unicode into a byte form. This is certainly appropriate in a lot of cases. But there's a significant class of problems where bytes are the native structure. Network protocols are what we've been discussing, and are a notable case of that. That is, b'/' is the most native sense of a path separator in a URL, or b':' is the most native sense of what separates a header name from a header value in HTTP. To disallow unicode URLs or unicode HTTP headers would be rather anti-social, especially because unicode is now the "native" string type in Python 3 (as an aside for the WSGI spec we've been talking about using "native" strings in some positions like dictionary keys, meaning Python 2 str and Python 3 str, while being more exacting in other areas such as a response body which would always be bytes). The HTTP spec and other network protocols seems a little fuzzy on this, because it was written before unicode even existed, and even later activity happened at a point when "unicode" and "text" weren't widely considered the same thing like they are now. But I think the original intention is revealed in a more modern specification like WebSockets, where they are very explicit that ':' is just shorthand for a particular byte, it is not "text" in our new modern notion of the term. So with this idea in mind it makes more sense to me that *specific pieces of text* can be reasonably treated as both bytes and text. All the string literals in urllib.parse.urlunspit() for example. The semantics I imagine are that special('/')+b'x'==b'/x' (i.e., it does not become special('/x')) and special('/')+x=='/x' (again it becomes str). This avoids some of the cases of unicode or str infecting a system as they did in Python 2 (where you might pass in unicode and everything works fine until some non-ASCII is introduced). The one place where this might be tricky is if you have an encoding that is not ASCII compatible. But we can't guard against every possibility. So it would be entirely wrong to take a string encoded with UTF-16 and start to use b'/' with it. But there are other nonsensical combinations already possible, especially with polymorphic functions, we can't guard against all of them. Also I'm unsure if something like UTF-16 is in any way compatible with the kind of legacy systems that use bytes. Can you encode your filesystem with UTF-16? I don't think you could encode a cookie with it. So maybe having a second string type in 3.x that consists of an encoded
sequence of bytes plus the encoding, call it "estr", wouldn't have been a bad idea. It would probably have made sense to have estr cooperate with the str type, in the same way that two different kinds of numbers cooperate, "promoting" the result of an operation only when necessary. This would automatically achieve the kind of polymorphic functionality that Guido is suggesting, but without losing the ability to do
x = e(ASCII)"bar" a = ''.join("foo", x)
(or whatever the syntax for such an encoded string literal would be -- I'm not claiming this is a good one) which presume would bind "a" to a Unicode string "foobar" -- have to work out what gets promoted to what.
I would be entirely happy without a literal syntax. But as Phillip has noted, this can't be implemented *entirely* in a library as there are some constraints with the current str/bytes implementations. Reading PEP 3003 I'm not clear if such changes are part of the moratorium? They seem like they would be (sadly), but it doesn't seem clearly noted. I think there's a *different* use case for things like bytes-in-a-utf8-encoding (e.g., to allow XML data to be decoded lazily), but that could be yet another class, and maybe shouldn't be polymorphicly usable as bytes (i.e., treat it as an optimized str representation that is otherwise semantically equivalent). A String ABC would formalize these things. -- Ian Bicking |

I see it a little differently (though there is probably a common concept lurking in here). The protocols you mention are intentionally designed to be encoding-neutral as long as the encoding is an ASCII superset. This covers ASCII itself, Latin-1, Latin-N for other values of N, MacRoman, Microsoft's code pages (most of them anyways), UTF-8, presumably at least some of the Japanese encodings, and probably a host of others. But it does not cover UTF-16, EBCDIC, and others. (Encodings that have "shift bytes" that change the meaning of some or all ordinary ASCII characters also aren't covered, unless such an encoding happens to exclude the special characters that the protocol spec cares about). The protocol specs typically go out of their way to specify what byte values they use for syntactically significant positions (e.g. ':' in headers, or '/' in URLs), while hand-waving about the meaning of "what goes in between" since it is all typically treated as "not of syntactic significance". So you can write a parser that looks at bytes exclusively, and looks for a bunch of ASCII punctuation characters (e.g. '<', '>', '/', '&'), and doesn't know or care whether the stuff in between is encoded in Latin-15, MacRoman or UTF-8 -- it never looks "inside" stretches of characters between the special characters and just copies them. (Sometimes there may be *some* sections that are required to be ASCII and there equivalence of a-z and A-Z is well defined.) But I wouldn't go so far as to claim that interpreting the protocols as text is wrong. After all we're talking exclusively about protocols that are designed intentionally to be directly "human readable" (albeit as a fall-back option) -- the only tool you need to debug the traffic on the wire or socket is something that knows which subset of ASCII is considered "printable" and which renders everything else safely as a hex escape or even a special "unknown" character (like Unicode's "?" inside a black diamond). Depending on the requirements of a specific app (or framework) it may be entirely reasonable to convert everything to Unicode and process the resulting text; in other contexts it makes more sense to keep everything as bytes. It also makes sense to have an interface library to deal with a specific protocol that treats the protocol side as bytes but interacts with the application using text, since that is often how the application programmer wants to treat it anyway. Of course, some protocols require the application programmer to be aware of bytes as well in *some* cases -- examples are email and HTTP which can be used to transfer text as well as binary data (e.g. images). There is also the bootstrap problem where the wire data must be partially parsed in order to find out the encoding to be used to convert it to text. But that doesn't mean it's invalid to think about it as text in many application contexts. Regarding the proposal of a String ABC, I hope this isn't going to become a backdoor to reintroduce the Python 2 madness of allowing equivalency between text and bytes for *some* strings of bytes and not others. Finally, I do think that we should not introduce changes to the fundamental behavior of text and bytes while the moratorium is in place. Changes to specific stdlib APIs are fine however. --Guido On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Ian Bicking <> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Bill Janssen <> wrote:
Here are a couple of ideas I'm taking away from the bytes/string discussion.
First, it would probably be a good idea to have a String ABC.
Secondly, maybe the string situation in 2.x wasn't as broken as we thought it was. In particular, those who deal with lots of encoded strings seemed to find it handy, and miss it in 3.x. Perhaps strings are more like numbers than we think. We have separate types for int, float, Decimal, etc. But they're all numbers, and they all cross-operate. In 2.x, it seems there were two missing features: no encoding attribute on str, which should have been there and should have been required, and the default encoding being "ASCII" (I can't tell you how many times I've had to fix that issue when a non-ASCII encoded str was passed to some output function).
I've started to form a conceptual notion that I think fits these cases.
We've setup a system where we think of text as natively unicode, with encodings to put that unicode into a byte form. This is certainly appropriate in a lot of cases. But there's a significant class of problems where bytes are the native structure. Network protocols are what we've been discussing, and are a notable case of that. That is, b'/' is the most native sense of a path separator in a URL, or b':' is the most native sense of what separates a header name from a header value in HTTP. To disallow unicode URLs or unicode HTTP headers would be rather anti-social, especially because unicode is now the "native" string type in Python 3 (as an aside for the WSGI spec we've been talking about using "native" strings in some positions like dictionary keys, meaning Python 2 str and Python 3 str, while being more exacting in other areas such as a response body which would always be bytes).
The HTTP spec and other network protocols seems a little fuzzy on this, because it was written before unicode even existed, and even later activity happened at a point when "unicode" and "text" weren't widely considered the same thing like they are now. But I think the original intention is revealed in a more modern specification like WebSockets, where they are very explicit that ':' is just shorthand for a particular byte, it is not "text" in our new modern notion of the term.
So with this idea in mind it makes more sense to me that *specific pieces of text* can be reasonably treated as both bytes and text. All the string literals in urllib.parse.urlunspit() for example.
The semantics I imagine are that special('/')+b'x'==b'/x' (i.e., it does not become special('/x')) and special('/')+x=='/x' (again it becomes str). This avoids some of the cases of unicode or str infecting a system as they did in Python 2 (where you might pass in unicode and everything works fine until some non-ASCII is introduced).
The one place where this might be tricky is if you have an encoding that is not ASCII compatible. But we can't guard against every possibility. So it would be entirely wrong to take a string encoded with UTF-16 and start to use b'/' with it. But there are other nonsensical combinations already possible, especially with polymorphic functions, we can't guard against all of them. Also I'm unsure if something like UTF-16 is in any way compatible with the kind of legacy systems that use bytes. Can you encode your filesystem with UTF-16? I don't think you could encode a cookie with it.
So maybe having a second string type in 3.x that consists of an encoded sequence of bytes plus the encoding, call it "estr", wouldn't have been a bad idea. It would probably have made sense to have estr cooperate with the str type, in the same way that two different kinds of numbers cooperate, "promoting" the result of an operation only when necessary. This would automatically achieve the kind of polymorphic functionality that Guido is suggesting, but without losing the ability to do
x = e(ASCII)"bar" a = ''.join("foo", x)
(or whatever the syntax for such an encoded string literal would be -- I'm not claiming this is a good one) which presume would bind "a" to a Unicode string "foobar" -- have to work out what gets promoted to what.
I would be entirely happy without a literal syntax. But as Phillip has noted, this can't be implemented *entirely* in a library as there are some constraints with the current str/bytes implementations. Reading PEP 3003 I'm not clear if such changes are part of the moratorium? They seem like they would be (sadly), but it doesn't seem clearly noted.
I think there's a *different* use case for things like bytes-in-a-utf8-encoding (e.g., to allow XML data to be decoded lazily), but that could be yet another class, and maybe shouldn't be polymorphicly usable as bytes (i.e., treat it as an optimized str representation that is otherwise semantically equivalent). A String ABC would formalize these things.
-- Ian Bicking |
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-- --Guido van Rossum (

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Guido van Rossum <> wrote:
The protocol specs typically go out of their way to specify what byte values they use for syntactically significant positions (e.g. ':' in headers, or '/' in URLs), while hand-waving about the meaning of "what goes in between" since it is all typically treated as "not of syntactic significance". So you can write a parser that looks at bytes exclusively, and looks for a bunch of ASCII punctuation characters (e.g. '<', '>', '/', '&'), and doesn't know or care whether the stuff in between is encoded in Latin-15, MacRoman or UTF-8 -- it never looks "inside" stretches of characters between the special characters and just copies them. (Sometimes there may be *some* sections that are required to be ASCII and there equivalence of a-z and A-Z is well defined.)
Yes, these are the specific characters that I think we can handle specially. For instance, the list of all string literals used by urlsplit and urlunsplit: '//' '/' ':' '?' '#' '' 'http' A list of all valid scheme characters (a-z etc) Some lists for scheme-specific parsing (which all contain valid scheme characters) All of these are constrained to ASCII, and must be constrained to ASCII, and everything else in a URL is treated as basically opaque. So if we turned these characters into byte-or-str objects I think we'd basically be true to the intent of the specs, and in a practical sense we'd be able to make these functions polymorphic. I suspect this same pattern will be present most places where people want polymorphic behavior. For now we could do something incomplete and just avoid using operators we can't overload (is it possible to at least make them produce a readable exception?) I think we'll avoid a lot of the confusion that was present with Python 2 by not making the coercions transitive. For instance, here's something that would work in Python 2: urlunsplit(('http', '', '/foo', u'bar=baz', '')) And you'd get out a unicode string, except that would break the first time that query string (u'bar=baz') was not ASCII (but not until then!) Here's the urlunsplit code: def urlunsplit(components): scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment = components if netloc or (scheme and scheme in uses_netloc and url[:2] != '//'): if url and url[:1] != '/': url = '/' + url url = '//' + (netloc or '') + url if scheme: url = scheme + ':' + url if query: url = url + '?' + query if fragment: url = url + '#' + fragment return url If all those literals were this new special kind of string, if you call: urlunsplit((b'http', b'', b'/foo', 'bar=baz', b'')) You'd end up constructing the URL b'' and then running: url = url + special('?') + query And that would fail because b'' + special('?') would be b'' and you cannot add that to the str 'bar=baz'. So we'd be avoiding the Python 2 craziness. -- Ian Bicking |

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Ian Bicking <> wrote:
I think we'll avoid a lot of the confusion that was present with Python 2 by not making the coercions transitive. For instance, here's something that would work in Python 2:
urlunsplit(('http', '', '/foo', u'bar=baz', ''))
And you'd get out a unicode string, except that would break the first time that query string (u'bar=baz') was not ASCII (but not until then!)
Actually, that wouldn't be a problem. The problem would be this: urlunsplit(('http', '', u'/foo', 'bar=baz', '')) (I moved the "u" prefix from bar=baz to /foo.) And this would break when instead of baz there was some non-ASCII UTF-8, e.g. urlunsplit(('http', '', u'/foo', 'bar=\xe1\x88\xb4', '')) -- --Guido van Rossum (

On 6/24/2010 4:59 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
But I wouldn't go so far as to claim that interpreting the protocols as text is wrong. After all we're talking exclusively about protocols that are designed intentionally to be directly "human readable"
I agree that the claim "':' is just a byte" is a bit shortsighted. If the designers of the protocols had intended to use uninterpreted bytes as protocol markers, they could and I suspect would have used unused control codes, of which there are several. Then there would have been no need for escape mechanisms to put things like :<> into content text. I am very sure that the reason for specifying *ascii* byte values was to be crysal clear as to what *character* was meant and to *exclude* use on the internet of the main imcompatible competitor encoding -- IBM's EBCDIC -- which IBM used in all of *its* networks. Until the IBM PC came out in the early 1980s (and IBM originally saw that as a minor sideline and something of a toy), there was a battle over byte encodings between IBM and everyone else. -- Terry Jan Reedy

On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
Regarding the proposal of a String ABC, I hope this isn't going to become a backdoor to reintroduce the Python 2 madness of allowing equivalency between text and bytes for *some* strings of bytes and not others.
For my part, what I want out of a string ABC is simply the ability to do application-specific optimizations. There are many applications where all input and output is text, but _must_ be UTF-8. Even GTK uses UTF-8 as its native text representation, so "output" could just be display. Right now, in Python 3, the only way to be "correct" about this is to copy every byte of input into 4 bytes of output, then copy each code point *back* into a single byte of output. If all your application does is rewrite the occasional XML attribute, for example, this cost can be significant, if not overwhelming. I'd like a version of 'decode' which would give me a type that was, in every respect, unicode, and responded to all protocols exactly as other unicode objects (or "str objects", if you prefer py3 nomenclature ;-)) do, but wouldn't actually copy any of that memory unless it really needed to (for example, to pass to a C API that expected native wide characters), and that would hold on to the original bytes so that it could produce them on demand if encoded to the same encoding again. So, as others in this thread have mentioned, the 'ABC' really implies some stuff about C APIs as well. I'm not sure about the exact performance impact of such a class, which is why I'd like the ability to implement it *outside* of the stdlib and see how it works on a project, and return with a proposal along with some data. There are also different ways to implement this, and other optimizations (like ropes) which might be better. You can almost do this today, but the lack of things like the hypothetical "__rcontains__" does make it impossible to be totally transparent about it.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz <> wrote:
On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
Regarding the proposal of a String ABC, I hope this isn't going to become a backdoor to reintroduce the Python 2 madness of allowing equivalency between text and bytes for *some* strings of bytes and not others.
For my part, what I want out of a string ABC is simply the ability to do application-specific optimizations. There are many applications where all input and output is text, but _must_ be UTF-8. Even GTK uses UTF-8 as its native text representation, so "output" could just be display. Right now, in Python 3, the only way to be "correct" about this is to copy every byte of input into 4 bytes of output, then copy each code point *back* into a single byte of output. If all your application does is rewrite the occasional XML attribute, for example, this cost can be significant, if not overwhelming. I'd like a version of 'decode' which would give me a type that was, in every respect, unicode, and responded to all protocols exactly as other unicode objects (or "str objects", if you prefer py3 nomenclature ;-)) do, but wouldn't actually copy any of that memory unless it really needed to (for example, to pass to a C API that expected native wide characters), and that would hold on to the original bytes so that it could produce them on demand if encoded to the same encoding again. So, as others in this thread have mentioned, the 'ABC' really implies some stuff about C APIs as well. I'm not sure about the exact performance impact of such a class, which is why I'd like the ability to implement it *outside* of the stdlib and see how it works on a project, and return with a proposal along with some data. There are also different ways to implement this, and other optimizations (like ropes) which might be better. You can almost do this today, but the lack of things like the hypothetical "__rcontains__" does make it impossible to be totally transparent about it.
But you'd still have to validate it, right? You wouldn't want to go on using what you thought was wrapped UTF-8 if it wasn't actually valid UTF-8 (or you'd be worse off than in Python 2). So you're really just worried about space consumption. I'd like to see a lot of hard memory profiling data before I got overly worried about that. -- --Guido van Rossum (

On Jun 25, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
But you'd still have to validate it, right? You wouldn't want to go on using what you thought was wrapped UTF-8 if it wasn't actually valid UTF-8 (or you'd be worse off than in Python 2). So you're really just worried about space consumption.
So, yes, I am mainly worried about memory consumption, but don't underestimate the pure CPU cost of doing all the copying. It's quite a bit faster to simply scan through a string than to scan and while you're scanning, keep faulting out the L2 cache while you're accessing some other area of memory to store the copy. Plus, If I am decoding with the surrogateescape error handler (or its effective equivalent), then no, I don't need to validate it in advance; interpretation can be done lazily as necessary. I realize that this is just GIGO, but I wouldn't be doing this on data that didn't have an explicitly declared or required encoding in the first place.
I'd like to see a lot of hard memory profiling data before I got overly worried about that.
I know of several Python applications that are already constrained by memory. I don't have a lot of hard memory profiling data, but in an environment where you're spawning as many processes as you can in order to consume _all_ the physically available RAM for string processing, it stands to reason that properly decoding everything and thereby exploding everything out into 4x as much data (or 2x, if you're lucky) would result in a commensurate decrease in throughput. I don't think I could even reasonably _propose_ that such a project stop treating textual data as bytes, because there's no optimization strategy once that sort of architecture has been put into place. If your function says "this takes unicode", then you just have to bite the bullet and decode it, or rewrite it again to have a different requirement. So, right now, I don't know where I'd get the data with to make the argument in the first place :). If there were some abstraction in the core's treatment of strings, though, and I could decode things and note their encoding without immediately paying this cost (or alternately, paying the cost to see if it's so bad, but with the option of managing it or optimizing it separately). This is why I'm asking for a way for me to implement my own string type, and not for a change of behavior or an optimization in the stdlib itself: I could be wrong, I don't have a particularly high level of certainty in my performance estimates, but I think that my concerns are realistic enough that I don't want to embark on a big re-architecture of text-handling only to have it become a performance nightmare that needs to be reverted. As Robert Collins pointed out, they already have performance issues related to encoding in Bazaar. I know they've done a lot of profiling in that area, so I hope eventually someone from that project will show up with some data to demonstrate it :). And I've definitely heard many, many anecdotes (some of them in this thread) about people distorting their data structures in various ways to avoid paying decoding cost in the ASCII/latin1 case, whether it's *actually* a significant performance issue or not. I would very much like to tell those people "Just call .decode(), and if it turns out to actually be a performance issue, you can always deal with it later, with a custom string type." I'm confident that in *most* cases, it would not be. Anyway, this may be a serious issue, but I increasingly feel like I'm veering into python-ideas territory, so perhaps I'll just have to burn this bridge when I come to it. Hopefully after the moratorium.

Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
On Jun 25, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
But you'd still have to validate it, right? You wouldn't want to go on using what you thought was wrapped UTF-8 if it wasn't actually valid UTF-8 (or you'd be worse off than in Python 2). So you're really just worried about space consumption.
So, yes, I am mainly worried about memory consumption, but don't underestimate the pure CPU cost of doing all the copying. It's quite a bit faster to simply scan through a string than to scan and while you're scanning, keep faulting out the L2 cache while you're accessing some other area of memory to store the copy.
Yes, but you are already talking about optimizations that might be significant for large-ish strings (where large-ish depends on exactly where Moore's Law is currently delivering computational performance) - the amount of cache consumed by a ten-byte string will slip by unnoticed, but at L2 levels megabytes would effectively flush the cache.
Plus, If I am decoding with the surrogateescape error handler (or its effective equivalent), then no, I don't need to validate it in advance; interpretation can be done lazily as necessary. I realize that this is just GIGO, but I wouldn't be doing this on data that didn't have an explicitly declared or required encoding in the first place.
I'd like to see a lot of hard memory profiling data before I got overly worried about that.
I know of several Python applications that are already constrained by memory. I don't have a lot of hard memory profiling data, but in an environment where you're spawning as many processes as you can in order to consume _all_ the physically available RAM for string processing, it stands to reason that properly decoding everything and thereby exploding everything out into 4x as much data (or 2x, if you're lucky) would result in a commensurate decrease in throughput.
Yes, UCS-4's impact does seem like to could be horrible for these use cases. But "knowing of several Python applications that are already constrained by memory" doesn't mean that it's a bad general decision. Most users will never notice the difference, so we should try to accommodate those who do notice a difference without inconveniencing the rest too much.
I don't think I could even reasonably _propose_ that such a project stop treating textual data as bytes, because there's no optimization strategy once that sort of architecture has been put into place. If your function says "this takes unicode", then you just have to bite the bullet and decode it, or rewrite it again to have a different requirement.
That has always been my understanding. I regard it as a sort of intellectual tax on the United States (and its Western collaborators) for being too dim to realise that eventually they would end up selling computers to people with more than 256 characters in their alphabet). Sorry guys, but your computers are only as fast as you think they are when you only talk to each other.
So, right now, I don't know where I'd get the data with to make the argument in the first place :). If there were some abstraction in the core's treatment of strings, though, and I could decode things and note their encoding without immediately paying this cost (or alternately, paying the cost to see if it's so bad, but with the option of managing it or optimizing it separately). This is why I'm asking for a way for me to implement my own string type, and not for a change of behavior or an optimization in the stdlib itself: I could be wrong, I don't have a particularly high level of certainty in my performance estimates, but I think that my concerns are realistic enough that I don't want to embark on a big re-architecture of text-handling only to have it become a performance nightmare that needs to be reverted.
Recent experience with the thoroughness of the Python 3 release preparations leads me to believe that *anything* new needs to prove its worth outside the stdlib for a while.
As Robert Collins pointed out, they already have performance issues related to encoding in Bazaar. I know they've done a lot of profiling in that area, so I hope eventually someone from that project will show up with some data to demonstrate it :). And I've definitely heard many, many anecdotes (some of them in this thread) about people distorting their data structures in various ways to avoid paying decoding cost in the ASCII/latin1 case, whether it's *actually* a significant performance issue or not. I would very much like to tell those people "Just call .decode(), and if it turns out to actually be a performance issue, you can always deal with it later, with a custom string type." I'm confident that in *most* cases, it would not be.
Well that would be a nice win.
Anyway, this may be a serious issue, but I increasingly feel like I'm veering into python-ideas territory, so perhaps I'll just have to burn this bridge when I come to it. Hopefully after the moratorium.
Sounds like it's worth pursuing, though. I mean after all, we don't want to leave *all* the bit-twiddling to the low-level language users ;-). regards Steve -- Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119 See Python Video! Holden Web LLC UPCOMING EVENTS: "All I want for my birthday is another birthday" - Ian Dury, 1942-2000

The several posts in this and other threads go me to think about text versus number computing (which I am more familiar with). For numbers, we have in Python three builtins, the general purpose ints and floats and the more specialized complex. Two other rational types can be imported for specialized uses. And then there are 3rd-party libraries like mpz and numpy with more number and array of number types. What makes these all potentially work together is the special method system, including, in particular, the rather complete set of __rxxx__ number methods. The latter allow non-commutative operations to be mixed either way and ease mixed commutative operations. For text, we have general purpose str and encoded bytes (and bytearry). I think these are sufficient for general use and I am not sure there should even be anything else in the stdlib. But I think it should be possible to experiment with and use specialized 3rd-party text classes just as one can with number classes. I can imagine that inter-operation, when appropriate, might work better with addition of a couple of missing __rxxx__ methods, such as the mentioned __rcontains__. Although adding such would affect the implementation of a core syntax feature, it would not affect syntax as such as seen by the user. -- Terry Jan Reedy

On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Terry Reedy <> wrote:
I can imagine that inter-operation, when appropriate, might work better with addition of a couple of missing __rxxx__ methods, such as the mentioned __rcontains__. Although adding such would affect the implementation of a core syntax feature, it would not affect syntax as such as seen by the user.
The problem with strings isn't really the binary operations like __contains__ - adding __rcontains__ would be a fairly simple extrapolation of the existing approaches. Where it gets really messy for strings is the fact that whereas invoking named methods directly on numbers is rare, invoking them on strings is very common, and some of those methods (e.g. split(), join(), __mod__()) allow or require an iterable rather than a single object. This extends the range of use cases to be covered beyond those with syntactic support to potentially include all string methods that take arguments. Creating minimally surprising semantics for the methods which accept iterables is also rather challenging. It's an interesting idea, but I think it's overkill for the specific problem of making it easier to perform more text-like manipulations in a bytes-only domain. Cheers, NIck. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Guido van Rossum wrote:
But you'd still have to validate it, right? You wouldn't want to go on using what you thought was wrapped UTF-8 if it wasn't actually valid UTF-8 (or you'd be worse off than in Python 2). So you're really just worried about space consumption. I'd like to see a lot of hard memory profiling data before I got overly worried about that.
I do know for a fact that using a UCS2-compiled Python instead of the system's UCS4-compiled Python leads to measurable, noticable drop in memory consumption of long-running webserver processes using Unicode (Zope, repoze.bfg, etc). We routinely build Python from source for deployments precisely because of this fact (in part -- the absurd choices made by packagers to exclude crucial bits on various pltaforms is the other part). Tres. - -- =================================================================== Tres Seaver +1 540-429-0999 Palladion Software "Excellence by Design" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iEYEARECAAYFAkwlKbQACgkQ+gerLs4ltQ4TfACdHgLXPHeGw42GidhQdzABkQaR +nEAoLE1sd+g1aJuxSn6swvvX0g52EU4 =MSwx -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Tres Seaver wrote:
I do know for a fact that using a UCS2-compiled Python instead of the system's UCS4-compiled Python leads to measurable, noticable drop in memory consumption of long-running webserver processes using Unicode
Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation? -- Greg

Greg Ewing, 26.06.2010 09:58:
Tres Seaver wrote:
I do know for a fact that using a UCS2-compiled Python instead of the system's UCS4-compiled Python leads to measurable, noticable drop in memory consumption of long-running webserver processes using Unicode
Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation?
It would break Py_UNICODE, because the internal size of a unicode character would no longer be fixed. Stefan

Stefan Behnel wrote:
Greg Ewing, 26.06.2010 09:58:
Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation?
It would break Py_UNICODE, because the internal size of a unicode character would no longer be fixed.
It's not fixed anyway with the 2-char build -- some characters are represented using a pair of surrogates. -- Greg

On 6/27/2010 5:48 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
Stefan Behnel wrote:
Greg Ewing, 26.06.2010 09:58:
Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation?
It would break Py_UNICODE, because the internal size of a unicode character would no longer be fixed.
It's not fixed anyway with the 2-char build -- some characters are represented using a pair of surrogates.
But isn't this currently ignored everywhere in python's code? Eric.

Eric Smith wrote:
But isn't this currently ignored everywhere in python's code?
It's true that code using a utf-8 build would have to be aware of the fact much more often. But I'm thinking of applications that would otherwise want to keep all their strings encoded to save memory. If they do that, they also need to deal with sequence items not corresponding to characters. If they can handle that, they may be able to handle utf-8 just as well. -- Greg

On 27 Jun, 2010, at 11:48, Greg Ewing wrote:
Stefan Behnel wrote:
Greg Ewing, 26.06.2010 09:58:
Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation? It would break Py_UNICODE, because the internal size of a unicode character would no longer be fixed.
It's not fixed anyway with the 2-char build -- some characters are represented using a pair of surrogates.
It is for practical purposes not even fixed in 4-char builds. In 4-char builds every Unicode code points corresponds to one item in a python unicode string, but a base characters with combining characters is still a sequence of characters and should IMHO almost always be treated as a single object. As an example, given s="be\N{COMBINING DIAERESIS}" s[:2] or s[2:] is almost certainly semanticly invalid. Ronald

Ronald Oussoren, 06.07.2010 16:51:
On 27 Jun, 2010, at 11:48, Greg Ewing wrote:
Stefan Behnel wrote:
Greg Ewing, 26.06.2010 09:58:
Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation? It would break Py_UNICODE, because the internal size of a unicode character would no longer be fixed.
It's not fixed anyway with the 2-char build -- some characters are represented using a pair of surrogates.
It is for practical purposes not even fixed in 4-char builds. In 4-char builds every Unicode code points corresponds to one item in a python unicode string, but a base characters with combining characters is still a sequence of characters and should IMHO almost always be treated as a single object. As an example, given s="be\N{COMBINING DIAERESIS}" s[:2] or s[2:] is almost certainly semanticly invalid.
Sure. However, this is not a problem for the purpose of the C-API, especially for Cython (which is the angle from which I brought this up). All Cython cares about is that it mimics CPython's sematics excactly when transforming code, and a CPython runtime will ignore surrogate pairs and combining characters during iteration and indexing, and when determining the string length. So a single character unicode string can currently be safely aliased by Py_UNICODE with correct Python semantics. That would no longer be the case if the internal representation switched to UTF-8 and/or if CPython started to take surrogates and combining characters into account when considering the string length. Note that it's impossible to determine if a unicode string contains surrogate pairs because it's running on a narrow unicode build or because the user entered them into the string. But the user would likely expect the second case to treat them as separate code points, whereas the first is an implementation detail that should normally be invisible. Combining characters are a lot clearer here, as they can only be entered by users, so keeping them separate as provided is IMHO the expected behaviour. I think the main theme here is that the interpretation of code points and their transformation for user interfaces and backends is left to the user code. Py_UNICODE represents a code point in the current system, including surrogate pair 'escapes'. And that would change if the underlying encoding switched to something other than UTF-16/UCS-4. Stefan

Ronald Oussoren wrote:
On 27 Jun, 2010, at 11:48, Greg Ewing wrote:
Stefan Behnel wrote:
Greg Ewing, 26.06.2010 09:58:
Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation? It would break Py_UNICODE, because the internal size of a unicode character would no longer be fixed.
It's not fixed anyway with the 2-char build -- some characters are represented using a pair of surrogates.
It is for practical purposes not even fixed in 4-char builds. In 4-char builds every Unicode code points corresponds to one item in a python unicode string, but a base characters with combining characters is still a sequence of characters and should IMHO almost always be treated as a single object. As an example, given s="be\N{COMBINING DIAERESIS}" s[:2] or s[2:] is almost certainly semanticly invalid.
Just to clarify: Python uses code units for Unicode storage. Whether those code units map to code points or glyphs depends on the used Python build and the code points in question. See for more background information (esp. page 8). Note that using UTF-8 as internal storage format would not work in Python, since Python is a Unicode producer, i.e. it needs to be able to generate and work with code points that are not allowed in UTF-8, e.g. lone surrogates. Another reason not to use UTF-8 encoded code units is that slicing based on code units could easily create invalid UTF-8 which would then render the data unusable. This is a lot less likely to happen with UCS2 or UCS4. And finally: RAM is cheap and today's CPUs work better with 16- or 32-bit values than 8-bit characters. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Jul 07 2010)
Python/Zope Consulting and Support ... mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
2010-07-19: EuroPython 2010, Birmingham, UK 11 days to go ::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! :::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48 D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
Note that using UTF-8 as internal storage format would not work in Python, since Python is a Unicode producer, i.e. it needs to be able to generate and work with code points that are not allowed in UTF-8, e.g. lone surrogates.
Well, it wouldn't strictly be UTF-8, any more than the 2-byte build is strictly UTF-16, in the sense that lone surrogates can be produced.
Another reason not to use UTF-8 encoded code units is that slicing based on code units could easily create invalid UTF-8 which would then render the data unusable. This is a lot less likely to happen with UCS2 or UCS4.
The use cases I had in mind for a 1-byte build are those for which the alternative would be keeping everything in bytes. Applications using a 1-byte build would need to be aware of the fact and take care to slice strings at valid places. If they were using bytes, they would have to face exactly the same issues.
And finally: RAM is cheap and today's CPUs work better with 16- or 32-bit values than 8-bit characters.
Yet some people have reported significant performance benefits for some applications from using a 2-byte build instead of a 4-byte build. I was just speculating whether a 1-byte build might be of further advantage in a few specialised cases. No matter how much RAM or processing speed you have, it's always possible to find an application that stresses the limits. -- Greg

Greg Ewing writes:
The use cases I had in mind for a 1-byte build are those for which the alternative would be keeping everything in bytes. Applications using a 1-byte build would need to be aware of the fact and take care to slice strings at valid places. If they were using bytes, they would have to face exactly the same issues.
In other words, the people who want to use bytes have no less pain, and the people who want to use characters suffer much greater pain. How can this be a win? If you live in an ASCII-only world, there are a few APIs where bytes aren't allowed, and indeed it would be a win to use those APIs on ASCII-encoded bytestrings. And I don't mean ISO-8859-1-only, either; UTF-8 is not compatible with ISO-8859-1 at the byte level. But the proposal Guido supports would address that by making those APIs polymorphic.
And finally: RAM is cheap and today's CPUs work better with 16- or 32-bit values than 8-bit characters.
Yet some people have reported significant performance benefits for some applications from using a 2-byte build instead of a 4-byte build. I was just speculating whether a 1-byte build might be of further advantage in a few specialised cases.
Of course it would be. But as soon as you want to do *any* I/O in text mode with non-ASCII characters, you're in real pain. What do you do if a user cut/pastes some text containing proper quotation marks or an en-dash at prompt in a terminal? So polymorphism is a far better way to optimize those special cases, as it allows a byte string in any encoding to be treated as text, not just UTF-8.

On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 11:13:09 +0200 "M.-A. Lemburg" <> wrote:
And finally: RAM is cheap and today's CPUs work better with 16- or 32-bit values than 8-bit characters.
The latter is wrong. There is no cost in accessing bytes rather than words on modern CPUs. (actually, bytes are cheaper overall since they cost less cache) Regards Antoine.

Greg Ewing writes:
Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation?
Losing Py_UNICODE as mentioned by Stefan Behnel (IIRC) is just the beginning of the pain. If Emacs's experience is any guide, the cost in speed and complexity of a variable-width internal representation is high. There are a number of tricks you can use, but basically everything becomes O(n) for the natural implementation of most operations (such as indexing by character). You can get around that with a position cache, of course, but that adds complexity, and really cuts into the space saving (and worse, adds another chunk that may or may not be paged in when you need it). What we're considering is a system where buffers come in 1-, 2-, and 4-octet widechars, with automatic translation depending on content. But the buffer is the primary random-access structure in Emacsen, so optimizing it is probably worth our effort. I doubt it would be worth it for Python, but my intuitions here are not reliable.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Guido van Rossum <> wrote:
I'd like a version of 'decode' which would give me a type that was, in every respect, unicode, and responded to all protocols exactly as other unicode objects (or "str objects", if you prefer py3 nomenclature ;-)) do, but wouldn't actually copy any of that memory unless it really needed to (for example, to pass to a C API that expected native wide characters), and that would hold on to the original bytes so that it could produce them on demand if encoded to the same encoding again. So, as others in this
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz thread
have mentioned, the 'ABC' really implies some stuff about C APIs as well. I'm not sure about the exact performance impact of such a class, which is why I'd like the ability to implement it *outside* of the stdlib and see how it works on a project, and return with a proposal along with some data. There are also different ways to implement this, and other optimizations (like ropes) which might be better. You can almost do this today, but the lack of things like the hypothetical "__rcontains__" does make it impossible to be totally transparent about it.
But you'd still have to validate it, right? You wouldn't want to go on using what you thought was wrapped UTF-8 if it wasn't actually valid UTF-8 (or you'd be worse off than in Python 2). So you're really just worried about space consumption. I'd like to see a lot of hard memory profiling data before I got overly worried about that.
It wasn't my profiling, but I seem to recall that Fredrik Lundh specifically benchmarked ElementTree with all-unicode and sometimes-ascii-bytes, and found that using Python 2 strs in some cases provided notable advantages. I know Stefan copied ElementTree in this regard in lxml, maybe he also did a benchmark or knows of one? -- Ian Bicking |

Ian Bicking, 26.06.2010 00:26:
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
I'd like a version of 'decode' which would give me a type that was, in every respect, unicode, and responded to all protocols exactly as other unicode objects (or "str objects", if you prefer py3 nomenclature ;-)) do, but wouldn't actually copy any of that memory unless it really needed to (for example, to pass to a C API that expected native wide characters), and that would hold on to the original bytes so that it could produce them on demand if encoded to the same encoding again. So, as others in this
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz thread
have mentioned, the 'ABC' really implies some stuff about C APIs as well.
Well, there's the buffer API, so you can already create something that refers to an existing C buffer. However, with respect to a string, you will have to make sure the underlying buffer doesn't get freed while the string is still in use. That will be hard and sometimes impossible to do at the C-API level, even if the string is allowed to keep a reference to something that holds the buffer. At least in lxml, such a feature would be completely worthless, as text is never held by any ref-counted Python wrapper object. It's only part of the XML tree, which is allowed to change at (more or less) any time, so the underlying char* buffer could just get freed without further notice. Adding a guard against that would likely have a larger impact on the performance than the decoding operations.
I'm not sure about the exact performance impact of such a class, which is why I'd like the ability to implement it *outside* of the stdlib and see how it works on a project, and return with a proposal along with some data. There are also different ways to implement this, and other optimizations (like ropes) which might be better. You can almost do this today, but the lack of things like the hypothetical "__rcontains__" does make it impossible to be totally transparent about it.
But you'd still have to validate it, right? You wouldn't want to go on using what you thought was wrapped UTF-8 if it wasn't actually valid UTF-8 (or you'd be worse off than in Python 2). So you're really just worried about space consumption. I'd like to see a lot of hard memory profiling data before I got overly worried about that.
It wasn't my profiling, but I seem to recall that Fredrik Lundh specifically benchmarked ElementTree with all-unicode and sometimes-ascii-bytes, and found that using Python 2 strs in some cases provided notable advantages. I know Stefan copied ElementTree in this regard in lxml, maybe he also did a benchmark or knows of one?
Actually, bytes vs. unicode doesn't make that a big difference in Py2 for lxml. ElementTree is a lot older, so I guess it made a larger difference when its code was written (and I even think I recall seeing numbers for lxml where it seemed to make a notable difference). In lxml, text content is stored in the C tree of libxml2 as UTF-8 encoded char* text. On request, lxml creates a string object from it and returns it. In Py2, it checks for plain ASCII content first and returns a byte string for that. Only non-ASCII strings are returned as decoded unicode strings. In Py3, it always returns unicode strings. When I run a little benchmark on lxml in Py2.6.5 that just reads some short text content from an Element object, I only see a tiny difference between unicode strings and byte strings. The gap obviously increases when the text gets longer, e.g. when I serialise the complete text content of an XML document to either a byte string or a unicode string. But even for documents in the megabyte range we are still talking about single milliseconds here, and the difference stays well below 10%. It's seriously hard to make that the performance bottleneck in an XML application. Also, since the string objects are only instantiated at request, memory isn't an issue either. That's different for (c)ElementTree again, where string content is stored as Python objects. Four times the size even for plain ASCII strings (e.g. numbers, IDs or even trailing whitespace!) can well become a problem there, and can easily dominate the overall size of the in-memory tree. Plain ASCII content is surprisingly common in XML documents. Stefan

Guido van Rossum <> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz <> wrote:
On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
Regarding the proposal of a String ABC, I hope this isn't going to become a backdoor to reintroduce the Python 2 madness of allowing equivalency between text and bytes for *some* strings of bytes and not others.
I never actually replied to this... Absolutely right, which is why you might really want another kind of string, rather than a way to treat some bytes values as strings in some places. Both Python 2 and Python 3 are missing one of the three types. Python 1 and 2 didn't have "bytes", and this caused problems because "str" was pressed into use to hold arbitrary byte sequences. (Python 2 "str" has other problems as well, like losing track of the encoding.) Python 3 doesn't have Python 2's "str" (encoded string), and bytes are being pressed into use for that. Each of these uses is an ad hoc hijack of an inappropriate type, and additional frameworks not directly supported by the Python language are being jury-rigged to try to support the uses. On the other hand, this is all in the eye of the beholder. Both byte sequences and strings are horrible formless things; they remind me of BLISS. You seldom really have a byte sequence; what you have is an XDR float or an encoded string or an IP header or an email message. Similarly for strings; they are really file names or city names or English sentences or URIs or other things with significant semantic constraints not captured by the typical type system. So, yes, there *is* an inescapable equivalency between text and bytes for *some* sequences of bytes (those that represent encoded strings) and not others (those that contain the XDR float, for instance). Creating a separate encoded string type would be one way to keep that straight.
For my part, what I want out of a string ABC is simply the ability to do application-specific optimizations. There are many applications where all input and output is text, but _must_ be UTF-8. Even GTK uses UTF-8 as its native text representation, so "output" could just be display. Right now, in Python 3, the only way to be "correct" about this is to copy every byte of input into 4 bytes of output, then copy each code point *back* into a single byte of output. If all your application does is rewrite the occasional XML attribute, for example, this cost can be significant, if not overwhelming. I'd like a version of 'decode' which would give me a type that was, in every respect, unicode, and responded to all protocols exactly as other unicode objects (or "str objects", if you prefer py3 nomenclature ;-)) do, but wouldn't actually copy any of that memory unless it really needed to (for example, to pass to a C API that expected native wide characters), and that would hold on to the original bytes so that it could produce them on demand if encoded to the same encoding again. So, as others in this thread have mentioned, the 'ABC' really implies some stuff about C APIs as well.
Seems like it.
I'm not sure about the exact performance impact of such a class, which is why I'd like the ability to implement it *outside* of the stdlib and see how it works on a project, and return with a proposal along with some data.
Yes, exactly.
There are also different ways to implement this, and other optimizations (like ropes) which might be better. You can almost do this today, but the lack of things like the hypothetical "__rcontains__" does make it impossible to be totally transparent about it.
But you'd still have to validate it, right? You wouldn't want to go on using what you thought was wrapped UTF-8 if it wasn't actually valid UTF-8 (or you'd be worse off than in Python 2).
Yes, but there are different ways to validate it that have different performance impacts. Simply trusting the source of the string, for example, would be appropriate in some cases.
So you're really just worried about space consumption. I'd like to see a lot of hard memory profiling data before I got overly worried about that.
While I've seen some big Web pages, I think the email folks, who often have to process messages with attachments measuring in the tens of megabytes, have the stronger problems here, and I think speed may be more important than memory. I've built both a Web server and an IMAP server in Python, and the IMAP server is where the issues of storage management really prevail. If you have to convert a 20 MB encoded string into a Unicode string just to look at the headers as strings, you have issues. (The Python email package doesn't do that, by the way.) Bill

On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 15:40:52 -0700, Bill Janssen <> wrote:
Guido van Rossum <> wrote:
So you're really just worried about space consumption. I'd like to see a lot of hard memory profiling data before I got overly worried about that.
While I've seen some big Web pages, I think the email folks, who often have to process messages with attachments measuring in the tens of megabytes, have the stronger problems here, and I think speed may be more important than memory. I've built both a Web server and an IMAP server in Python, and the IMAP server is where the issues of storage management really prevail. If you have to convert a 20 MB encoded string into a Unicode string just to look at the headers as strings, you have issues. (The Python email package doesn't do that, by the way.)
Unfortunately in the current Python3 email package (email5), this is no longer true. You have to decode everything *first* in order to pass it through email (which presents a few problems when dealing with 8bit data, as has been mentioned here before). eamil6 intends to fix this, and once again allow you to decode to text only the bits you actually need to access and manipulate. -- R. David Murray

Ian Bicking writes:
We've setup a system where we think of text as natively unicode, with encodings to put that unicode into a byte form. This is certainly appropriate in a lot of cases. But there's a significant class of problems where bytes are the native structure. Network protocols are what we've been discussing, and are a notable case of that. That is, b'/' is the most native sense of a path separator in a URL, or b':' is the most native sense of what separates a header name from a header value in HTTP.
IMHO, URIs don't have a native language in this sense. Network programmers do, however, and it is bytes. Text-handling programmers also do, and it is str.
So with this idea in mind it makes more sense to me that *specific pieces of text* can be reasonably treated as both bytes and text. All the string literals in urllib.parse.urlunspit() for example.
The semantics I imagine are that special('/')+b'x'==b'/x' (i.e., it does not become special('/x')) and special('/')+x=='/x' (again it becomes str). This avoids some of the cases of unicode or str infecting a system as they did in Python 2 (where you might pass in unicode and everything works fine until some non-ASCII is introduced).
I think you need to give explicit examples where this actually helps in terms of "type contagion". I expect that it doesn't help at all, especially not for the people whose native language for URIs is bytes. These specials are still going to flip to unicode as soon as it comes in, and that will be incompatible with the bytes they'll need later. So they're still going to need to filter out unicode on input. It looks like it would be useful for programmers of polymorphic functions, though.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <>wrote:
So with this idea in mind it makes more sense to me that *specific pieces of text* can be reasonably treated as both bytes and text. All the string literals in urllib.parse.urlunspit() for example.
The semantics I imagine are that special('/')+b'x'==b'/x' (i.e., it does not become special('/x')) and special('/')+x=='/x' (again it becomes str). This avoids some of the cases of unicode or str infecting a system as they did in Python 2 (where you might pass in unicode and everything works fine until some non-ASCII is introduced).
I think you need to give explicit examples where this actually helps in terms of "type contagion". I expect that it doesn't help at all, especially not for the people whose native language for URIs is bytes. These specials are still going to flip to unicode as soon as it comes in, and that will be incompatible with the bytes they'll need later. So they're still going to need to filter out unicode on input.
It looks like it would be useful for programmers of polymorphic functions, though.
I'm proposing these specials would be used in polymorphic functions, like the functions in urllib.parse. I would not personally use them in my own code (unless of course I was writing my own polymorphic functions). This also makes it less important that the objects be a full stand-in for text, as their use should be isolated to specific functions, they aren't objects that should be passed around much. So you can easily identify and quickly detect if you use unsupported operations on those text-like objects. (This is all a very different use case from bytes+encoding, I think) -- Ian Bicking |

Ian Bicking writes:
I'm proposing these specials would be used in polymorphic functions, like the functions in urllib.parse. I would not personally use them in my own code (unless of course I was writing my own polymorphic functions).
This also makes it less important that the objects be a full stand-in for text, as their use should be isolated to specific functions, they aren't objects that should be passed around much. So you can easily identify and quickly detect if you use unsupported operations on those text-like objects.
OK. That sounds reasonable to me, but I don't see any need for a builtin type for it. Inclusion in the stdlib is not quite a no-brainer, but given Guido's endorsement of polymorphism, I can't bring myself to go lower than +0.9 <wink>.
(This is all a very different use case from bytes+encoding, I think)
Very much so.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <>wrote:
Ian Bicking writes:
I'm proposing these specials would be used in polymorphic functions, like the functions in urllib.parse. I would not personally use them in my own code (unless of course I was writing my own polymorphic functions).
This also makes it less important that the objects be a full stand-in for text, as their use should be isolated to specific functions, they aren't objects that should be passed around much. So you can easily identify and quickly detect if you use unsupported operations on those text-like objects.
OK. That sounds reasonable to me, but I don't see any need for a builtin type for it. Inclusion in the stdlib is not quite a no-brainer, but given Guido's endorsement of polymorphism, I can't bring myself to go lower than +0.9 <wink>.
Agreed on a builtin; I think it would be fine to put something in the strings module, and then in these examples code that used '/' would instead use strings.ascii('/') (not sure so sure of what the name should be though). -- Ian Bicking |

On 6/24/2010 1:38 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
Secondly, maybe the string situation in 2.x wasn't as broken as we thought it was. In particular, those who deal with lots of encoded strings seemed to find it handy, and miss it in 3.x. Perhaps strings are more like numbers than we think. We have separate types for int, float, Decimal, etc. But they're all numbers, and they all cross-operate.
No they do not. Decimal only mixes properly with ints, but not with anything else, sometime with surprising and havoc-creating ways:
Decimal(0) == float(0) False
I believe that and other comparisons may be fixed in 3.2, but I know there was lots of discussion of whether float + decimal should return a float or decimal, with good arguments both ways. To put it another way, there are potential problems with either choice. Automatic mixed-mode arithmetic is not always a slam-dunk, no-problem choise. That aside, there are a couple of places where I think the comparison breaks down. If one adds a thousand ints and then a float, there is only the final number to convert. If one adds a thousand bytes and then a unicode, there is the concantenation of the thousand bytes to convert. Or short the result be the concatenation of a thousand unicode conversions. This brings up the distributivity (or not) of conversion over summation. In general, float(i) + float(j) = float(i+j), for i,j ints. I an not sure the same is true if i,j are bytes with some encoding and the conversion is unicode. Does it depend on the encoding? -- Terry Jan Reedy

Terry Reedy wrote:
On 6/24/2010 1:38 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
We have separate types for int, float, Decimal, etc. But they're all numbers, and they all cross-operate.
No they do not. Decimal only mixes properly with ints, but not with anything else
I think there are also some important differences between numbers and strings concerning how they interact with C code. In C there are really only two choices for representing a Python number in a way that C code can directly operate on -- long or double -- and there is a set of functions for coercing a Python object into one of these that C code almost universally uses. So a new number type only has to implement the appropriate conversion methods to be usable by all of that C code. On the other hand, the existing C code that operates on Python strings often assumes that it has a particular internal representation. A new abstract string-access API would have to be devised, and all existing C code updated to use it. Also, this new API would not be as easy to use as the number API, because it would involve asking for the data in some specified encoding, which would require memory allocation and management. -- Greg
participants (19)
Antoine Pitrou
Bill Janssen
Brett Cannon
Eric Smith
Glyph Lefkowitz
Greg Ewing
Guido van Rossum
Ian Bicking
M.-A. Lemburg
Michael Foord
Nick Coghlan
R. David Murray
Ronald Oussoren
Stefan Behnel
Stephen J. Turnbull
Stephen J. Turnbull
Steve Holden
Terry Reedy
Tres Seaver